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Name: Clarke class
Owner: United Federation of Planets
Operators: Starfleet
Type: Patrol Cruiser
Active: 2451
Dimensions: 280 x 195 x 33 meters
Mass: 485,000 metric tons
Decks: 9
Crew: 85 - 115
Cruise Warp: 9.955
Max Warp: 9.9975 (9.9999 Slipstream)
Armament: 2 x Heavy Phaser Cannon Type-2s, 5 x Phaser Cannon Type-4s, 8 x Phaser Bank Type-16s, 12 torpedo launchers (6 standard, 6 modular) (Type II Quantum)
Defenses: Deflector shields, Ablative Generators

The Clarke-class is a sleek, slim-lined patrol vessel, designed to take on any enemy or pirate vessels that may skirt into Federation space. The vessel class is also equipped with a Unit Operations Center, to function as a squadron leader in larger offensives.


Named after the Terran aviator William Robinson Clarke and the Terran author Arthur C. Clarke.

Technical Data

The Clarke-class is equipped with the most advanced long range sensor systems in Starfleet, at the time of commissioning. Giving it unparalleled detection capability on border patrol.

Ships Commissioned