RP Log: Tinfoil Hats For Everyone!

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Roleplay Log
  • Sickbay <USS Hadfield NCC-98006>
  • 128406.93
2023-11-20 23:41

A computer generated voice says, "Medical emergency in Sickbay"

>Intercom< Lieutenant ch'Vyran says, "Could use some... assistance... as able."

Lieutenant Commander Ki'Vek arrives from Deck 2 Corridor.

Nolan is lying on the floor, curled over to one side and holding his head. There's a stool sprawled next to him, perhaps fallen off of, perhaps one he tried to catch on the way down.

Ki'Vek enters the bay and looks around, at first finding it empty. As she's about to reach for her commbadge she notices the foot of the toppled stool sticking out from around the corner of one of the other pieces of furniture. Slithering in that direction and finding Nolan on the floor she lowers herself down to inspect him closely. "Doctor, are you awake" she asks, prodding him in the shoulder with one long finger.

"Regretfully so" The Doctor responds quietly, hoarsely as though his own voice is causing him a bit of pain in and of itself.

Ki'Vek backs up a bit and tips her head to one side. "That it is a response I've commonly heard, primarily from Terrans, who are recovering from what is known as a hangover," she notes.

"Sure feels like it" Nolan quietly responds. "Except without the fun of what comes before, at least insofar as I can remember. No, this feels like a very... very accute migrane of sorts"

"Can I help you, Doctor?" the Selay asks.

Nolan lies there for a bit and turns onto his back fully. When his antennae are revealed, they're crossed in on one another. His eyes are just about screwed shut. "Well... I suppose you could help this physician heal thyself... A scan would be a good start. There ought be a medical tricorder nearby. Operates quite like a regular one"

Ki'Vek looks around and locates a medica tricorder as requested. She nearly hands it to the Doctor, but another look as his scrunched up eye coverings forces her to decide to use it herself instead. She opens it, aims it at the patient as she was taught at the Academy, and begins her scans.

Nolan, for his part, lies quietly on his back, trying to ignore the outside world to the best of his abilities.

Ki'Vek fiddles with the device for a few seconds. The high-pitched whir that it makes changes in entensity a couple times. Without looking up from the thing she says, "I don't know what I'm seeing here, but it appears to be some kind of electrical pattern. Perhaps it is nominal for your specific bio readings?"

Nolan thinks on that a while, long enough for Ki'Vek to contemplate if he's asleep save for the occasional groan. He responds after thinking a bit. "Is it localized only around my cranium, or wider than that?"

Ki'Vek doublechecks the readings. The pattern it appears to be localized to the cranium," she replies.

"mmhmm...mm" Nolan mms and hmms. He mms and hmms for a little bit. "It... could be a... feedback loop? Andorian brain physiology posseses latent... electrical manipulation ability. Mostly passive reading, but sometimes.... it can be sent out as well...."

"I... see," says the snake in a tone that indicates quite the opposite. "Is there something I can do for you?"

Nolan speaks softly, trying not to move his jaw. "The antennae..." he says. He doesn't sound particularly good in the midst of his brain storm.

The Selays dark yellow eyes rise to the organs in question. "What about them?" she asks quietly and with some obvious apprehension.

Nolan doesn't answer at this point. The tricorder seems to indicate that they're red hot in terms of activity and they appear to be locked inwards to one another, as though drawn together like magnets across his head.

Ki'Vek looks back at Nolan's face, then the tricorder, then back at Nolan. "Doctor, is there something I need to do? This it is beyond my medical expertise."

The Doctor appears to be out. His antennae are wiggling like mad as though they want to kill one another. His head slumps over to the side.

The horizontal slits in Ki'Vek's eyes widen and her entire body stiffens. "Computer," she says in alarm. "Activate EMH."

The EMH fizzles to life. It appears to be one of the snarky ones. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency" it requests, cocking an eyebrow.

Ki'Vek looks a little relieved. She gestures toward Nolan and shows the tricorder readout to the hologram. "I don't know what's wrong with him or how to treat him," she explains.

The EMH casts a glance down. "Oh dear. Aren't you interesting. Not human, not Andorian. Very much in pain" It remarks before taking the tricorder from Ki'Vek. "I"m no engineer, but I might suggest isolating these antennae, as they seem to be overloading one another with electromagnetic pulses"

"I think instead of suggesting the treatment, you should apply it," the Selay replies. "You are a doctor, this it is your patient, I am neither."

"Right.. Let's see, let's see, what would mother's remedy be?" The hologram rhymes to itself before walking over to the replicator and interfacing with it directly. It procures itself a pair of squares, made of a shiny metal. In layman's terms, tinfoil. "Let's get these nice and wrapped up" it says before leaning down to reach for Nolan's antennae to disengage them. As soon as his hands get within range however, his fingertips start to blur and distort, cast away by the electromagnetic field. "Oh dear" it remarks. "That's unfortunate".

Ki'Vek asks, "What happened?"

"It would appear that the magnetic field is severely disrupting my ability to remain corporeal. My photons are being scattered quite uncerimoniously" it replies.

The usually stoic Selay is beginning to lose patience. She takes the foil from the EMH and hisses irritably, "Tell me what to do." A ripple of unease rolls through her body as she reaches toward the tangled appendages.

The EMH either doesn't care to respond directly to the venom or just isn't programed to notice. "In simple terms, disengage the antennae and then wrap them up to create a farraday cage of sorts to keep them from fighting eachother"

Ki'Vek hisses again, then begins to gently try to pull the ends apart from each other. "Farraday cage?" she asks. "I am not familiar with this reference."

The second her hands are on Nolan's antennae, he's wide awake. And screaming. This apparentely is not a very painless proceedure. The EMH begins to describe a farraday cage in encyclopedic detail. The antennae don't seem to want to come apart but they do give with some doing.

Ki'Vek is startled by Nolan's reaction. "Doctor," she says to the EMH. "Is there something you can give him for the pain? I have my doubts whether I will be able to successfully accomplish this if he's going to react so violently."

The EMH nods and sets about retrieving something from the cabinet in a hypo. To their credit, the EMH is at least expedious about preparing the hypo. Ki'Vek has Nolan's antennae apart by the time the EMH injects him. He doesn't look very well off, but he's not screaming much anymore.

Ki'Vek keeps shooting glances at the EMH. She's obviously very uncomfortable with the situation, but she's not complaining. "Like this?" she asks when she is nearly finished, much like a child might ask a teacher to inspect the results of her work in crafting class.

"I hope so" The EMH replies, truthfully. "This is hardly a textbook proceedure, there's no recorded occurence of something like this happening at all" The EMH glances at the tricorder. "However, it does appear that the patient is recovering, brain activity is slowing and electrical field density is dropping nicely"

Ki'Vek gets the last bit of foil in place and backs up, dark yellow eyes inspecting her creation. "I have my doubts that the Doctor he will appreciate the aesthetics of this particular solution," she notes. "No, but he'll live" The EMH announces before ungraciously disappearing as the emergency ceases to be emergent. The tricorder clatters to the floor. This is not a very good EMH. Nolan groans. "Thank... thank you"

Ki'Vek hisses at the empty spot where the EMH once was. She picks up the tricorder and slaps it down on a nearby counter. "How... um... do you feel?" she hesitantly asks, not making eye contact with Nolan.

"Like the mother of all hangovers..." Nolan replies, albiet a little bit faster and a little bit louder. He groans as he starts to sit up. "But I can hear myself thinking again" Nolan cracks his eyes open and it's not long before he's staring at a reflective surface, wiggling his stubby antennae. He only raises an eyebrow and smiles a bit. "Interesting... interesting interesting"

"Doctor, forgive me. I..." Ki'Vek stops speaking, mouth still open for a second or two before she closes it. Rising up to a slightly taller than her usual height she intertwines her long arms in front of her narrow chest and stands as straight as possible, the very picture of Selay forced dignity.

"Fascinating indeed!" Nolan remarks, standing up with the help of the biobed. He looks positively nausious at the movement but pushes himself to grab a PADD and start documenting. He doesn't seem particularly phased with his possible near-death experience, at least not for the moment. "Thank you Commander, I owe you a great deal of thanks. I would appreciate if you could send me a short report on what you did, but it doesn't have to be anything formal per se"

Ki'Vek gives a stiffer than usual nod. "Anything else, Doctor?" she asks faintly.

"Mmh, no" Nolan says. He logs for a bit before he seems to get hit by a sudden wave of fatigue. The adrenaline is wearing off. "Ooh... oohf" He says, sequestering himself to a biobed and activating it's arch over himself. "Computer" he yawns. "D5W, intravenously..." he commands. He winces a bit as the computer complies and sticks him with the IV, hydrating him. "Mm.. Well, if you could get the lights on your way out please"

Trying not to hurry out, Ki'Vek ends up going out more slowly than would seem appropriate. "Be well, Doctor," she says before the door closes behind her.

Nolan is asleep before the door even shuts.