RP Log: Just a Glimpse

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Roleplay Log
  • Holodeck One <USS Kestrel>
  • 131713.4
2024-09-17 18:16
Cloaking Research Lab - Holodeck One <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
A combination of science labs, utilizing aspects of Starbase One, the USS Phoenix, Deep Space Nine and Daystrom. Groups of consoles surround a singular display pit which has what information that is available on Romulan Cloaking devices, Nullifiers and Romulan craft. Each able to be selected for more in-depth review and also on the various consoles.
Other displays hold equations, subspace data and hypothesis next to proven theories as well as experimental considerations that have not been fully realized and otherwise were only 'thrown against the wall to see what stuck.'

Standing in the midst of his work, hologenerated terminals scrolling displays and running through equations that the Caitian, with no small amount of help from Engineering at the very least, has running through his subspace calculations.

Several models of Romulan craft, from antiquated to modern, are rotating with what little information the Federation has been able to acquire up for much of these tests. Ky'iel himself is at a transparent board, writing more of his subspace hypothesis on it with a stylus while what looks like an avian leg is hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

Eating while he works it seems.

Anewan finally gets himself down to the holodeck and upon entering he looks around. Impressed. Standing at the door he says just a little louder than normal to cut through the buzz in the room, "So, this where you have been working."

"Outside of my duty hours, yes Captain." Ky'iel's left ear swivels towards the captain while he speaks, head tilting to use acoustics to project his voice. Moving to one side and hunkering to work on his equation.

"I'm working on the imaging that I discussed with you before, fuzzy math for now, before running more exacting tests. I think for ease I'm calling this hypothesis a Subspace Imager."

Anewan nods and approaches the Lieutenant to look at his board, "What are you working on currently. Perhaps I can help, now that I am down here."

"How to utilize a combination of the secondary emitters and communications systems with power levels sub-Kestrel maximum to create the Subspace Image we discussed before." A crunching sound coming as the caitian chews before the leg partially disappears into his maw. A series of numbers and theoretical variables are removed and replaced with others - the prior swept into a 'just in case' sort of storage on the board.

Ky'iel gruffs, whiskers splaying, before he takes a moment to ponder.

"Computer... Simulate a Subspace Signal burst with all recorded Romulan cloak ships in proximity. Create an image of the pulse on the central display."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

The image of the pulse expands from the central point, though it expands beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, there are no indications of any impacts or deviations.

Anewan looks at the image and then goes to look at the scribbles on the board then back at the created image. "What can I do to help. I am an operations officer after all."

A sniff and crinkling of his muzzle, "Your thoughts, of any sort, would be greatly appreciated, Captain... I am weighing where to put the most focus for the subspace pulse. Through the emitters or perhaps greater focus through the comms systems... Or how we might get the pulse to focus without losing range."

Stepping back and legs bending to 'sit' while he tugs at the fur of his chin. "I know I am missing something and I know I am too close to it. Anything you might suggest is welcome, even if it is calling me a 'foolish cub brain' for my temerity in this."

Another gruffing, chuff, sound from Ky'iel as his particular form of laughter rustles from his chest.

Anewan shakes his head looking at the at numbers again, "No, it is effort well spent Lieutenant," he scratches his own head and says. "Are we sending these pulses out all at once or in consecutive pulses. I don't necessrily think that range is the most important. If we would be looking for a ship, it is most likely very close no?"

"I had it as a single pulse. But perhaps if we ran it via consecutives..." Leaning towards the formulae and sniffing, "Care to put in your own mathematics, as it were, sir?" The stylus in Ky'iel's hand extended towards Jiemba to see what his fellow Gold Shirt can offer to this conundrum.

"And yes, I would expect quite close. I hadn't extrapolated to long distance scanning to 'hunt' as of yet..."

Anewan nods, "Yes," he takes a stylus and put a few of his on equations onto the board. "I think a series of rapid pulses." Then he says, "Computer, simulate a series of rapid pulses at 5 second intervals lasting 30 seconds with all recorded Romulan cloak ships in proximity and again create an image of the pulses in order on the central display."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

This time the image is of a series of repeating pulses, all expanding from the central point. The pulses expand beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, there are no obvious visual queues of any deviations.

"That still has merit, I think..."

Ky'iel notes looking between the results and Anewan's equation changes. Brow crinkling as he begins to pace with his tail lashing. Ears laying back as his chin tucks down in thought while he pauses on a pass by the board - leaning to shuffle a copy of what has been written to recorded storage before making a small adjustment.

"The Cloaking field transports radiation from one side to the other. Perhaps with some small adjustments to your repeated pulses with an adjusted sensitivity to see if subspace signal can attach to increased cluster of radiation frequencies, maybe?"

Head lifting towards the captain, with ears perking.

Anewan purses his own lips, "Radiation?" he repeats. He hands the stylus back to Rua, "Show me?" he gestures to the board.

Leaning to work, Ky'iel nods "All the research I've made into the fields is that the 'invisibility' is not from bending radiation frequencies, but by transporting them from one side of the craft to the other instantaneously."

Now using the stylus to begin working with the equations in better detail than mere 'touch' adjustments.

"My hypothesis would hold that the various radiation frequencies being moved would cause minute buildups before they dissipate. Milliseconds maybe even nanoseconds... But if so that is something."

Adjusting still before he speaks aloud again, "Computer, run the consecutive pulses again, combine with subspace focus scan for subspace anomaly caused by radiation signal buildup full spectrum."

Anewan nods understanding, "It is indeed something," he follows the Lieutenant while he writes his new equations. "What type of radiation do you suspect? We could narrow it down."

Captain Anewan taps his commbadge and says, "Anewan to Hauser"

[Anewan's Commbadge] Sending request for communication to Lieutenant Hauser.
[Anewan's Commbadge] Communications channel to Lieutenant Hauser open - audio only.
[Anewan's Commbadge] Hauser says, "Hauser here"

Anewan says, "Come down to holodeck one Chief. We could use your help with something."

[Anewan's Commbadge] Hauser says, "On my way sir. Hauser out."
[Anewan's Commbadge] Lieutenant Hauser double taps her commbadge.
[Anewan's Commbadge] Connection to Lieutenant Hauser terminated.

"As the cloaking fields block visual and known scanners, we could perhaps narrow it to visual, infrared and ultra-violet spectrums. Especially if this turns out to be too broad a range initially." Hruffing while he studies the readouts, "But with a wide net, initially, we might see frequencies and spectrums to focus on more."

Ky'iel sniffs again, brow furrowing.

The holodeck Arch door swooshes open.
Lieutenant Hauser arrives from Deck 7 - Central Corridor.
The holodeck Arch door swooshes closed.

Anewan stands near ky'riel as the both look over a bunch of equations on a transparent board. Looking for a way to aucostically, so to speak, detect a cloaked vessel. "The Radiation you say, moves from one part of the ship to another to ultimately even out the signature?"

"Precisely, it's moved before it can reflect and thus create what we can see... I assume this might be in relation to the artificial singularities that their drive systems create. But I suspect that's untrue, as cloaking technology as we understand it utilizes subspace itself via transporter technology."

Ky'iel's nostrils twitch and his head is turning slightly while his chin lifts - saying nothing of it before he looks back to the equations. "But if it's stopping it from creating an image in the visual spectrum, it has to go somewhere. The law of conservation of energy, as Earth calls it."

"It can't be the singularity drives," Hauser says. "Because Klingon ships also use cloaks, but they don't power themselves that way."

Anewan turns towards Hauser, "Then do you have any ideas Chief?"

"Sadly there are enough fundamental differences between Klingon and Romulan cloaks to render it a possibility for Romulan fields." Rua frowns some, brow knitting again, "Which is why I've made the scan focus for the Rhihannsu model. They're more sophisticated. I expect if we crack those, then Klingon would be..."

Ky'iel hrumphs, head ticking from side to side, "What is phrase..." free hand gesturing as if to dismiss the elusive thought before he states, "Cracking Klingon would be pouncing upon a lamed yyulk." A nod of affirmative, clearly the preferred turn of phrase for the Caitian.

Hauser walks around the lab, examining equations on various monitors, looking over some of the models. She seems to be thinking. "Good point," she says. "Ultimately, you're wanting to find a different way of disrupting the nullificationn effect. Tachyons are the traditional way, but we don't have any. What were you thinking about suspace radio pulses?"

Anewan jumps in, "Similar to sonar Chief. If it is out there, there must be something that we can detect or something that it gets in the way of. The Lieutenant here is thinking subspace pulses."

"Yes, Chief. As I hypothesized to you before, and using your idea to combine the comms systems with the secondary emitters. Pulses of subspace, rather than single pulse," a nod is given towards Anewan to confirm his adjustment, "I am now hoping we can find the right signals in subspace to get the pulses to bite into."

Ky'iel resumes his pacing, setting the stylus on the central table and folding his hands behind his back, "I expect the Captain has the right of it, that we'll find greater success in visual spectrums radiation. But I hope to utilize a full scan to see if there is more that might possibly be 'seen'... If that makes sense."

She nods. "I think visual radiation spectra are a key," she says. "Inasmuch as the cloak is designed to keep the target from being detected. It's not a shield against everyting. For instance, i a Romulan ship seds an ungarded message while under cloak, you could get a bearing and trace on that message. As an example." A beat. "I think we could use the main deflector array to emit a type of pulse that could be disruptive to a Romulan cloak, in theory."

The image of the repeating pulses repeats, all pulses expanding from the central point. The pulses expand beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, with the same results as before, no obvious visual queues of any deviations. However, the computer added the extra subspace focus scan this attempt.

A computer generated voice says, "Subspace anomaly detected based on scan criteria."

Anewan nods, "Well, if we can come up with a low tech solution, it would be.." he pauses as the computer responds.

Hauser walks over and taps in a few commands to bring up specifids on the anomally in the experiment. "I'm just checking a few things to see how that might play under actual conditions."

Turning when the system reports the anomaly, Ky'iel's tail curls up and even bushes out some. Heading to where Hauser is working to try and see what data she can pull up while attempting to keep from crowding her.

Though he can't help but ask, "Computer, isolate and display the frequencies of the subspace anomaly. Extrapolate shape if possible?"

Anewan also moves towards the display to see that the computer can come up with.

A computer generated voice says, "Insufficient data based on singular scanning source to extrapolate shape, too many irregularities."
A long list of frequencies scroll across the display. There is little rhyme or reason to them.

Hauser frowns, tapping one long nail against her teeth. "I think some of those are cloak frequencies. But it could detect, or disrupt any number of other things too, maybe."

Anewan nods, "Well, we are onto something," he turns towards Hauser, "What do you mean Chief?"

Frowning more deeply as he surveys the scrolling data, "Computer can you re-run the pulses and attempt to focus on the anomaly?" Already the caitian is making adjustments to the equations now attempting to try and cast a net, so to speak, for a repeat of the same as was detected before.

"Please feel to add to this, Chief, if you have ideas."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

Hauser frowns, tapping in a few extra parameters. "I'm ruling out frequencies we know to be connected to the kind of phase discrimination the cloak uses. We need a more refined pulse so that we don't actually, like, fry some innocent person's subspace antenna array."

The image of the repeating pulses repeats again, all pulses expanding from the central point. The pulses expand beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, with the same results as before, no obvious visual queues of any deviations. The computer once again crunches the numbers.

Anewan squints and goes to the board grabbing the stylus off of the table, "Perhaps is we change our location? In theory we could get a 360 perspective?"

A computer generated voice says, "Anomaly detected, insufficient data based on singular scanning source to extrapolate details of anomaly with any level of accuracy."

Hauser says, "I think we've got the start of something here. At least the start."

"Computer, what if the emitters of each primary section were pulsed as individuals? Creating four points of scanning, rather than centralizing from the ship as a whole?"

Ky'iel looks to Hauser, "Plausible once we have something more solid to latch onto? Or do you have a hypothesis" then looking to Jiemba "I've wondered, yes. But if a cloaked ship is moving with us, I fear that would nullify movement for such purpose."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

Anewan nods, "Presumably," he starts. "They wouldn't know that we are looking for them right? They think the cloak is full proof. Let's see if we can locate a general area then circle that area."

The image of the repeating pulses repeats again, the pulses expanding from four emitters this time, spread in an exactly 100 meter radius from the central point. The pulses expand beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, barely visible deviations can be seen as the pulses interact with the vessel cloaks.

Hauser says, "That looks more specific. You have 4 points. What about 6, ventral and dorsal? I'm kinda spitballing. But even that gives us a starting point."

A 'yowrl' sound escapes him as he begins to pad around, looking to the scans. Hackles up and ears perked, the caitian dips around Jiemba and then Hauser as he goes. "A good idea..." nodding as he begins working with the touch panels now.

"Computer, simulate the pulses again, also making ventral and dorsal emitters independent like the four primary quadrants. Also engage a holding orbit pattern around the strongest anomaly signal."

Ky'iel's claws click as he works, tail lashing.

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

Anewan nods, "I think circling an area would get us a better read," he acknowledges. "Chief, what are those other frequencies?"

The image of the repeating pulses repeats again, the pulses expanding from six emitters this time, spread in an exactly 100 meter radius from the central point. The pulses expand beyond the locations of the cloaked vessels, barely visible deviations can be seen as the pulses interact with the vessel cloaks. The simulation zooms in and focuses on a location of a detected anomaly. The zoomed into location is clearly where a cloaked ship is, but the detected anomaly is an infintessimally small portion of the entirety of the cloaking field. Essentially, a cloaked ship is there, but there could be any corner/point of the ship, there is nothing precise about this detection so far.

"That might get us part of the cloaking exposure," BHauser says. "Computer, rerun the simulation, now assuming 25 emitters from each quadrant, including dorsal and ventral angles."

Pointing to the data, imprecise as it is, Ky'iel's fangs are bared as he slides to a halt, "There... That's the start." Coming to lean on a console, looking over the imagery.

He quiets up though when Hauser starts, looking around as if the computer's voice might spring visibly from the walls. One hand smoothing his mane, that puffs right back out.

The image repeats, this time with 25 emitters, resulting in what appears to be a single pulse emitting from the central point, the volume of pulses cancelling out the earlier noted effectiveness.

Hauser says, "Damn, too many emitters. Canceled it out I think."

Anewan nods, "I think this is successful. We don't really need an image. Just a location." He adds quickly, "I take that back. An image would be helpful."

"So twenty five is too many, a good narrowing field..." Ky'iel begins more data storage, brow knit again, "If we can isolate some of what is giving the returns we can also narrow the pulses as you suggested, Chief, to not fry out other's antennae, as you said." The caitian hrmmms, tail flicking and he settles back.

"I'll work on some of these, I'll also make sure it is available for you in engineering... if you also enjoy tinkering." Scratching lightly at his own cheek with a faint 'ritch ritch ritch' sound. "I appreciate your input, both of you. This may just allow us to take better not when we feel cloaked craft are present, yes?"

Hauser says, "Maybe so. I think fewer emitters was better, and if you send it to me, I'll definitely look it over."

Anewan nods to the two of them, "Good Work definitely," he turns to head out. "Chief, do you have a moment?"

Hauser says, "Of course sir"