RP Log: A Little Subspace Chat

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Roleplay Log
  • 131638.15
2024-09-10 21:06

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan says, "What was it Lieutenant?"

Ky'iel says, "Captain, understanding you to be excessively busy... But do you have a head for Subspace, perchance?"

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan the sound of a PADD or two hitting his desk and he responds, "How do you mean?"

Ky'iel says, "I am continuing my research into utilizing subspace as a means of detecting cloaked craft as the Kestrel lacks for a Tachyon sweep system, nor the ability to be fitted in the future. Chief Hauser is looking into means of emitting a pulse I am devising. You used to be a tube crawler, like myself. I thought I might pick your brain if your areas of expertise had branched into Subspace, be it communications, subspace physics or otherwise."

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan responds, "As you have mentioned, my expertise is in subspace communications. Might sugges to the Chief the Deflector?"

Ky'iel says, "Aye sir, we've pondered the deflector, though if in a circumstance where lowering or interfering shields where it would be detrimental we're exploring options. I had considered secondary emitters combined with comms systems at full power for a pulse. Your thoughts?"

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan asks, "The shield emmiters?"

Ky'iel says, "The secondary ones, not the primary."

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan nods, "I don't see why not. If they are not busy doing their primary job, why can't we give them another function. Yes, I like it."

Ky'iel says, "My work is, if you wish to look it over at your leisure, is in the holodeck system where I have been conducting the research. Chief Hauser drew a similar conclusion as I that it would function like primitive radar. But I think if the pulse can operate on more than a single line, it might be... What is word. Polar-roid foto?"

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan says, "A what?"

Ky'iel says, "A primitive still image, utilizing photon capture against a chemical treated sheet. Polar-roids had the treatment chemicals contained in a specialized pouch to press it through a contained unit holding the photon reactive sheet."

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan nods again, "We would be able to retain these immages how?"

Ky'iel says, "Well, if we tune part of sensors specifically to subspace, after the pulse goes out, it would effectively take an image of the area. If it is open space it will be... blank. Subspace noise. But if it it strikes the cloaking field, per my hypothesis, we would see the shape of the cloaked craft. Or the cloaking field itself. So it may be the shape of the ship hull or it could be a singular spherical anomaly in an otherwise blank field. Owing largely to how cloaking fields utilize subspace for their radiation transporting."

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan says, "I will get down there when I can to look at the holodeck program but I like where you are headed. Maybe see if Lieutenant Ryu can offer anything."

Ky'iel says, "Yes, I've asked her about this as well. Hopefully this will bear fruit..."

[Rua'thyie's Commbadge] Anewan says, "Carry On. I will make a point to come look at it."

Ky'iel says, "Aye sir, Rua'thyie out."