RP Log: Briefing in the Brass

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Roleplay Log
  • main floor north -- Deep Space 9
  • Quarters 1 East -- Deep Space 9
  • 129405.0
2024-02-23 18:15
Main Floor North <Deep Space 9>
The promenade is the main focal point of the station and is where most people gather. From it, access to nearly all other sections of the station is possible. Built in a circle, shops and services are located both on the outside edge, as well as the interior. The largest establishment, built in the center of the promenade and extending up a level, is Quark's Bar & Gaming Establishment. But there are a few other shops on the inner circle, including a jumja stick stand, and a few tables perfect for watching passers by.
Visible from the main floor is the upper promenade, primarily a walkway around the circumference. A staircase at each end provides access to the upper levels.

Svetzvani is slowly strolling the Promenade, checking out the shop windows and the vender kiosks.

From behind your left shoulder, having taken advantage of your windowshopping to come up on your blindside, and staying out of range of any reflexive smacks that might be forthcoming, a familiar voice says in a light, as light as its owner ever manages, tone, "Given the frequency of your visits, Admiral, I can designate permenant quarters for you aboard."

Svetzvani turns to see T'Shaav, no smacking motion evident. She gives a small smile instead. "Thank you, Captain," she says. "But I tend to stay aboard my ship wherever I go. It's simply more convenient. How are you?"

"I have been busy," the Vulcan says. "And it seems my busyness will involve your office." "So I've heard," Tink says. "I appreciate the invitation, by the way. Though you must know I was coming to ask the necessary questions whether you had invited me or not." She gives a playful little grin.

T'Shaav nods. "Of course. But given some of your recent observations, I wanted to make the gesture of an invitation, as I knew you must become involved. It was up to Command to judge they exact moment. They might have said no to me, after all."

"Naturally." Tink turns and resumes her slow stroll along the promenade, trusting that T'Shaav will accompany her. "So," she says. "If we're about to speak to the Bajoran government and Vedek Assembly, I don't see the point of maintaining a classified designation on the project. Do you?"

The Vulcan does walk with you. "I think the information will end up restricted, perhaps to governmental circles and military authorities," she says. "But I take your point. We must be candid with the officials with whom we speak, I believe. There is no other way that is reasonable."

"And once we speak with them, the word will spread," Tink adds. "The Bajorans have never been known for keeping confidences from each other, only from outsiders. In this case though, I have a feeling outsiders will worm their way in before very long."

"I suspect you are right," the Vulcan says. "But some things may be more restricted. Location, for instance."

Svetzvani glances up at the taller Vulcan woman. "Location?" she asks. "I'm sure that will make more sense to me after I've been read in."

"Yes," the Vulcan says. "Would you like to adjourn to my quarters? Or perhaps you would like to get something to eat first before going there."

"I've already eaten," Tink says, then gestures with one hand. "Lead on."

Quarters East One <Deep Space 9>
Deep Space 9 has no designated quarters for the station's commanding officer. So, these look like all the rest in the east section of the habitat ring. The large room contains a bed, a desk, a replicator, standard bookshelving, and other fleet-issue furnishings.
The occupant has added a meditation slab made of jet black stone. There is also a large pet bed on the opposite wal. Otherwise, there are few personal effects immediately visible.

T'Shaav's pet is laying in front of the door. Her tail ripples as the door opens, and she looks at you, her eyebrows raising quizically. T'Shaav watches you with interest to see how you ... negotiate it.

Svetzvani stops just inside the door and bends down, hands on knees. "Why hello there," she says to the critter. "Nice to see you again." She smiles up at T'Shaav, then steps to one side to get around said critter.

The animal makes a soft sound through her muzzle and stands, padding away to her bed. T'Shaav walks over to the replicator. "Can I get you anything?" She inquires.

"Coffee, please," Tink replies. "Black." She makes her way over to a seat, but doesn't yet sit. The Vulcan replicates a large, black coffee for you and a spced Bajroan tea for herself. She walks over and hands it to you. "Sit where you prefer," she invites.

Svetzvani takes the mug with thanks, then sits on one end of the sofa. She sips the coffee and nods her appreciation. "Now then, where do we begin?" she asks.

"You may have noted all of the reports of happenings in the Gamma Quadrant that this station has been submitting," she says.

Svetzvani nods once. "I have," she replies simply. "Our Bajoran friends have been a big help in that regard."

T'Shaav nods. "I proposed a project to Command based on something Starfleet was able to achieve in the last century. The premise is, we need to be alerted, in realtime, to happenings in the gamma quadrant. I have proposed a relay substation positioned in the gamma quadrant that will relay sensor and communications traffic to this station," she says simply. "I asked Commander Ki'vek to design a modern version of that concept, and I forwarded it to Command with my logic for their approval."

"On the other side of the wormhole," Tink ponders. "Well, that helps to explain why Somyk wants us to talk with the Bajoran government and the Vedek Assembly. What do I need to know about this relay before we go talk to them?"

T'Shaav nods. "The last time this was done, this station seeded the wormhole with a trail of silithium," she says. "There is not enough left there now, as Commander Ki'vek and the Krim Aldos determined. But before we can go about seeding the wormhole again, we need Bajoran permission to do this, as the Wormhole, what they call the selestial temple, is a sacred object. We should not simply presume to do things to it."

Svetzvani nods, then sips her coffee again. "Do we know what effects the silithium might have on the temp... on the wormhole?" she asks. "I have no doubt that if the Bajoran government doesn't raise that particular point, the Vedek Assembly will."

"I am not certain that it has any deliterious effects, but that would be a question for a scientist," T'Shaav says. "We do not have any silithium on hand, but I was considering asking Mr. Coil about it."

Svetzvani looks thoughtful. "There's no sense hunting down silithium until we've spoken with the Bajorans," she suggests. "Especially if we're going to bring others into it to get what we need. Let's make sure we actually need it first. The Bajorans could say no, after all."

T'Shaav nods. "They could," she says. "Nor do I know what we will do if they do say no."

"We need to be forthcoming about any cons, but we also need to be ready with all the pros," Tink notes. "I think I'd like to talk to that Bajoran Lieutenant that you introduced me to. What was his name again?"

"Toran Ranar," the Vulcan says. "I am certain he would be pleased to speak with you. I have asked Commander Ki'vek to begin building a working model, assuming a go-ahead on this end. I am pleased you are here, if I may say so, because you are skilled in working through such sensibilities.""

Tink smiles playfully. "Flattery will get you just about everywhere," she says with a little chuckle. She sips her coffee again and adds, "I think I'll speak with Ki'Vek also, see what she can tell me about any possible damage to the wormhole."

T'Shaav nods. "I surmise you would like to use your ship. Though of course, the station is at your disposal," she says. "A question." She raises an eyebrow. "I understand you recently visited the Antares Shipyards. I was merely curious why."

"Her initial mission as Commander of the shipyards was to salvage a fleet of older ships," Tink explains. "This, of course, is related to the reasons for the build-up of the fleet that our Klingon friends have asked me about. I wanted to see how that salvage operation was going, and find out whether any orders for mass starship production had come in at Antares."

"I believe I saw a report in the archives that she has completed that work. Indeed. Has there been such an order?" The Vulcan asks.

Svetzvani shakes her head. "No. She's been assigned to a number of engineering research projects instead."

T'Shaav nods. "One of which came from me," the Vulcan notes dryly. "I cannot but help thinking the Federation is preparing for war."

Svetzvani frowns. "Well, if war is coming, I guess it's better to be prepared. Let's just hope it's not necessary."

"I have no proof that war is coming," the Vulcan says. "But I can discern no reasonable explanation for these buildups."

Svetzvani sips her coffee again, then leans forward. "The official line is that we're replacing a bunch of older, outdated vessels. The vigilents being replaced by the Sao Paulos, for instance. That's part of it. Also, that our fleet was spread too thin, and unable to tend to all of our member worlds as much as we should. Events in the Beta Renna system were given as an example."

"I was there," the Vulcan says. "It is not unreasonable, on its face. The Federation is extremely large."

Svetzvani nods in agreement. "And, since we've put so many more ships in the field," she says. "I have indeed noticed a lot more active patrol traffic. Though some ships seem to be permanently stationed in specific systems. Saratoga at Betazed, for instance."

T'Shaav nods.