RP Log: Concerning the Temple

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Roleplay Log
  • Lounge -- USS Da Vinci; Transporter Room One -- USS Da Vinci; Assembly Foyer Bajor; Assembly Chambers -- Bajor
  • 129521.0
2024-03-02 11:50

T'Shaav is reviewing some items on a pad. Her dress jacket hangs over the back of her chair.

Svetzvani enters and finds the Vulcan at the table. She gets a coffee and joins T'Shaav. "Reading the latest spy novel from Cardassia Prime?" she asks with a wink as she sits.

Commander Ki'Vek arrives from Deck 5 - Port Corridor.

"They write them?" T'Shaav says dryly. "The Cardassian enigma tale is rarely inegmatic." She looks up as the door opens.

First Lieutenant Toran arrives from Deck 5 - Port Corridor.

Svetzvani shrugs her shoulders. "I have no idea. It was just an ice breaker." She and T'Shaav are sitting at a table, the Vulcan reading and the Terran making fun of the Vulcan for reading.

Ki'Vek slithers in and joins the others. "Admiral. Captain," she greets with a shallow bow for each of her superior officers.

Toran enters and offers a nod and salute. "Captain T'Shaav, Admiral Svetzvani, Commander Ki'Vek, good again to see you all," he says.

"It is too warm for ice," the Vulcan deadpans back, shutting off the pad. "Commander, First Lieutenant," she greets.

Svetzvani smiles at T'Shaav's dryness, then turns her smile onto the others who have just arrived. "Looks like the gang's all here," she says. "And we should be getting word of our meeting any time now."

Ki'Vek greets Toran also, then tips her leathery head forward toward the Admiral. "I am looking forward to returning to Antares. She has a number of projects in motion for which I would prefer to be present."

Toran nods. "I as well need to check in on New Bajor again, see if anything has happened out there," he says. "This matter is of great import to my people, and the New Bajor and militia perspectives I feel are important for my government to hear."

"Indeed. With whom are we meeting, Admiral?" The Vulcan inquires.

Intercom< Commander Kemni says, "Bridge to Admiral Svetzvani. We've just received word that an assemblage is ready to receive you at the Shikina Monestary."

Svetzvani is about to answer when the announcement is made. "Well, I guess that answers that question," she says to T'Shaav with a grin, then gets to her feet. "If you're all ready to go?" She gestures toward the door.

Intercom< Branch Admiral Svetzvani says, "Acknowledged, Commander. Let them know we're on our way."

Toran nods. "I am, admiral," he says, moving to the door.

Ki'Vek nods and moves with the group toward the door.

T'Shaav stands, pulling on and neatening, to perfection, her dress jacket. She nods to the rest.

Transporter Room One <USS Da Vinci NCC-60456>

Toran stands on the transporter pad.

Svetzvani leads the others into the transporter room and mounts the pad. She nods to the transporter Chief and confirms that he has the coordinates, then checks to make sure everyone is in place.

Ki'Vek is.

T'Shaav stands beside her friend, waiting.

Svetzvani signals the Chief.

Assembly Foyer <Bajor>
The foyer gives a sense of how big the Great Assembly is, with the ceiling three to four stories tall, held up by massive stone pillars. Doors lead off to various private chambers, as well as the main assembly chamber, where the ministers, Vedek assembly, and Kai can all assemble to discuss matters of interest.

A junior officer of the court is waiting for the away team to beam down. He approaches, "You are Branch Admiral Svetzvani and her party, is that correct?"

Svetzvani nods to the officer, then introduces the others each by name. "We're happy to be here," she adds.

Toran nods as he is introduced.

Ki'Vek offers one of her usual shallow bows when she is mentioned.

T'Shaav nods, raising her right hand in the Vulcan salute.

The junior officer nods, "This way please." He leads you all towards the Assembly Chambers, "The Assembly is awaiting your arrival."

Svetzvani nods encouragingly to the others, then follows the officer.

Assembly Chambers <Bajor>
To avoid giving any one body or individual higher status, the assembly chambers are designed in a circle, with seats all facing inwards to the center. The domed ceiling of the structure is far above, as well as a viewing area encircling a couple stories above the main floor.

The chamber is not filled, neither are all the spots for the ministers and Vedeks. But there are a little more than a half dozen of each present. The junior officer announces your arrival, "Presenting Branch Admiral Svetzvani, Captain T'Shaav, and Commander Ki'Vek of Starfleet, and First Lieutenant Toran, of the Bajoran Militia."

The junior officer escorts you all to the center of the chamber, surrounded on all sides by those you wish to plead your case.

"The Assembly recognizes Branch Admiral Svetzvani and her party." One of the ministers says, "We are gathered here to listen to your proposal. Proceed."

Toran follows the junior officer to the center of the room along with the rest of the group.

Svetzvani clasps her hands in front of her in a respectful pose. "Ministers, Vedeks," she says loud enough to carry, but not so loud as to appear to be shouting. "We thank you for making time to see us today." She gestures to T'Shaav, "Captain T'Shaav is here as it was her proposal which has brought us to this meeting. Commander Ki'Vek will answer any technical questions you may have. Lieutenant Toran is here to offer his views on the practical impact of our proposal. And I am here as a representative of Starfleets highest commitment to uphold any promises or agreements which may come from this meeting." She turns to T'Shaav and says, "Captain, would you like to outline your proposal?"

Ki'Vek coils up and settles down into a casual posture, her long tail and lower body heaping around her in a loose stack.

T'Shaav steps forward and offers the Vulcan salute to the assembled. "Greetings," she says in a voice that carries. "I am Captain T'Shaav, commanding officer of Deep Space 9. It has been my privelege to serve along side your defense forces. Indeed, the BMV Krim Aldos," she nods briefly to Toran Ranar, "has been most helpful in fulfilling both the mission of your defense forces and of Starfleet. Of late, you have possibly heard of increasingly disturbing activity in the Gamma Quadrant. The loss of a Dominion battlecruiser in the New Bajor system. The loss, as yet unexplained, of the Bajoran freighter Sasot Hasm, and increased Romulan interest in that region." As she speaks, she looks for signs that her listeners know, or not, what she's talking about.

Toran steps forward when the Krim Aldos is mentioned, remaining silent while the Vulcan makes her report.

Ki'Vek remains in place, patiently waiting.

Svetzvani gives T'Shaav a slight nod of encouragement.

The same minister who spoke before says, "We are aware of these incidents. Many on New Bajor have grown uneasy of late, especially following the arrival of the Dominion battleship, damaged though it was."

"I share some of that unease, Minister," the Vulcan says candidly. She goes on. "Approximately 75 years ago, Starfleet was able to extablish a relay for communications and sensor data to transit the selestial temple," she does not say wormhole, "and providing invaluable intelligence to your people and to the Federation during the events that followed. In essence, I am proposing that we cooperate and renew that relay. But this time, instead of a cooperation between Cardassia and Bajor, it will be a cooperative effort between Bajor and the Federation." A beat. "I recognize the sacred nature of the selestial temple to your people. The presence of silithium in the temple, which enabled the live communications link between the station and the gamma quadrant, is something that may concern you. But I urge you to consider the value of realtime communications from that region, and I offer this for your consideration." A beat. "Based on what I have learned about the prophets, if this matter has their blessing, they will permit it. If they do not, this matter will not succeed. I ask only that you allow us, in the name of our mutual need for information, tonwork together to reestablish a live link between here and the gamma quadrant."

One of the Vedek's assembled asks, "Why does the communication relay no longer function?"

Ki'Vek rises from her coils like... well, like a snake from a basket. "Venerable ones," she begins with a bow. "The relay that once operated on the Gamma side she relied on a trail of a substance called silithium. This substance it was deposited in small amounts when a fractured comet it passed through from one side to the other. This it allowed for what we call a subspace filament to be established between the two sides, much like stretching a fine thread between two rooms and allowing a door, in this case your Celestial Temple, to close on it without severing the thread. That trail of silithium it has, over the many decades since it was originally deposited, dissipated due to the natural effects of time and entropy. Simply put, Your Honors, it has faded over time and would need to be restored, much as does paint on the walls of a dwelling." She bows again to indicate that she has finished and settles back down.

Three of the Vedeks whisper among themselves. Then one speaks, "You speak of Trakor's Third Prophecy, that which resulted in the Sword of Stars. You are saying the Prophets have nullified the effect of those events?"

Toran nods, adding. "At the moment, our only means of communication is to send a ship through to establish contact with New Bajor. Furthermore, our intelligence on what is happening outside of New Bajor proper is little to non-existent. Vedeks, ministers, regardless of the decision you come to today, we should consider a plan for reliable communications with New Bajor in addition to our routine patrols. The increased Dominion and Romulan activity, I must admit, has me a bit on edge. I know that New Bajor is ill-equipped to handle much of anything, and should any conflict spill over, the safety of our people relies on the rapid response time of Starfleet forces in the Bhava'el system to transit the temple and reach New Bajor. BMV Opaka will fight valliently, but our vessels are not equipped to handle ships of the line, Dominion, or Romulan. The results of slow communication could prove disastrous to those who rely on our aid."

Svetzvani remains quiet while Toran speaks, then she offers her own answer to the question posed by the Assembly. "I would not presume to suggest to you what the Prophets allow, think, or want," she says. "I can only offer possibilities and leave it to you in your experience and judgement to decide. So yes, one way of looking at it is to say that the Prophets have allowed the silithium trail to decay, perhaps indicating that they no longer want it there. However, it may also be seen, to use Commander Ki'Vek's recent analogy, as something that the Prophets allowed to exist in the past, but which is simply in need of maintenance, much like the upkeep, painting, and repairs of the many temples to the Prophets you have scattered all around Bajor."

"I respect your concern for the wishes of the Prophets," T'Shaav says. "I, too, would not speculate as to their wishes or decisions. But I may suggest one possibility. Perhaps someone may consult with them if you think it urgent enough. I know this has been done in times past."

Ki'Vek tips her head toward the Admiral in a sign of agreement.

Two of the ministers confer in whispers before one speaks. They pass glances with the other ministers, "The ministry is in agreement. The communications relay must be re-established if we are to ensure the safety of all Bajorans, here and on New Bajor."

A Minister across the chambers from the others says, "Agreed, it must be re-established."

A Vedek addresses T'Shaav, "One does not speak to the Prophets on a whim, or a fool's errand."

Kai Wikim arrives from Private Office.

Svetzvani glances to Toran, the look on her face indicating something on her mind and her belief that he, Toran, may know what she's thinking.

Toran nods, then bows to the vedek who spoke. "No vedek, one does not. I for one see a crisis that has the potential to be life changing for our people, as the Dominion War was. If the prophets have a message or any wisdom for us in this time of uncertainty, where disaster may awaight us, I would humbly ask this assembly to seek their wisdom on this matter."

Ki'Vek has returned, now that no technical questions are being asked, to her watchful silence.

The Kai exits the private office, from which she has been listening for a few minutes, which will become evident shortly. She does not speak however, she merely makes her way slowly and methodically to the group gathered in the center of the room. The Ministers go silent first, seeing the Kai approach. The Vedek is about to reply to Toran, but he too hushes as he sees the Kai.

Svetzvani clears her throat and stands as straight as she can. She hasn't done that, it seems, since her Academy days. After a long moment as the room goes silent, she lowers her gaze, bows her head, and whispers, "Eminence."

As the entire chamber appears to fall silent, T'Shaav offers the Vulcan salute to the kai. "Live long, and prosper, Eminence."

Toran bows to the Kai. "Your eminence," he says.

Noting the sudden energy of formality in the air, Ki'Vek swiftly uncoils herself and straightens herself out, her tail stretching out behind her so that her own head does not rise higher than that of the Kai. She remains perfectly still and waits.

Kai Wikim at first has her arms entwined before her as she enters. She approaches Svetzvani and extends her right arm towards her ear. She waits momentarily for any overt rejection on Svetzvani's part before gently taking the ear into her hand. She smiles, but still says nothing. She takes her time, moving from one to another of the away team, repeating the process.

T'Shaav allows the touch, especially as her ears come to points, without any sign of moving away or of rejecting it.

Kai Wikim gets to the final member of the away team, and simply puts her hand to Ki'Vek's hood.

Toran does likewise, though shows more emotion, being in the presence of the Kai.

The Selay's tail ripples visibly at the touch of the Kai, but she makes no resistance.

One of the Vedeks speaks, "Your Eminence. You honour us with your presence. We were just discussing the will of the Prophets. We, the Vedek Assembly, do not believe we have the authority to go against the will of the Prophets in this matter."

Svetzvani is happy to see her team responding the way they do. She waits for the Kai to speak first, trusting that the others will do the same.

"The Prophets have spoken." Wikim finally says, her words emitting slowly, clearly, and softly.

Svetzvani quickly glances at Toran, then T'Shaav and Ki'Vek before she returns her attention to the Kai.

T'Shaav also regards the kai, waiting patiently for any elaboration or confirmation. She elects not to speak.

Toran also listens, with wrapped attention, to the Kai's every word.

"I", she smiles at Toran, "Be at peace, my child." Perhaps sensing his adulation. She takes her time putting the words together, pausing often, "These who come before us." She nods to each member of the group in turn, "have my blessing in this matter."

The assembled ministers cheer, albeit quietly, with success.

Svetzvani smiles at the others, and then at the Kai. "Thank you, Eminence," she says with feeling.

The Vedek who spoke out of turn before says, "Your Eminence, you must reconsider. Surely the Prophets do not want these individuals tampering with the Celestial Temple."

While the other Vedeks may agree with that sentiment, they do not speak out.

Ki'Vek stays out of this one. Way, way above her pay grade.

Toran listens to the Kai's response, not adding more to the discussion.

Svetzvani frowns, glancing at Toran. To him she says quietly, "This is what I was afraid of."

"It is the Prophets will." Wikim replies. She says nothing further, she just simply returns to her normal stance, arms entwined before her. She casually admires the away team, a long glance at Ki'Vek, she smiles warmly.

Ki'Vek returns the Bajoran's gaze, but remains perfectly still as it seems only reptiles can do.

Svetzvani thanks the Ministers and the Vedeks for their time, promises to keep them informed of the progress of the project, then gathers up her people and leads them back to the transport site.