RP Log: Do Not Fail

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Roleplay Log
  • Chief of Starfleet Operations Office -- Spacedock
  • 128821.06
2023-12-28 18:41
Chief of Starfleet Operations Office <Spacedock>
The burgundy carpets, the three small armchairs to one corner and the large desk in the opposite corner give this room a sense of dualitythe large tan and burgundy desk with its large, high backed chair behind it and the two smaller seats in front imparts a sense of professionalism. This is offset by the cream coloured and cushioned armchairs in other corner, suggesting that more personal meetings are also often conducted here. A replicator is set into the wall near the armchairs, and on the opposite side of the room are several shelves. There is an LCARS panel behind the desk.

Somyk is like a statue, sitting still behind his desk, his hands steepled before him. Does he ever move? We may never know. He gives you the slightest nod in greeting.

T'Shaav may have a few more signs of age about her since she last saw you face to face, and certainly a bit more rank. But that being so, she comes in, stands to attention and says, correct to protocols, "Captain T'Shaav, reporting as ordered, sir."

"Captain", Somyk remarks, "Congratulations on your promotion and command assignment. You may sit."

T'Shaav does so. "Thank you, Admiral," she replies. She doesn't make the mistake, and that is what it would be, of asking why she's been asked here. She probably knows you will tell her not one nanosecond before you're ready to.

Somyk waits for you to be seated and settled. "Before I go into the details of your assignment, is there anything you need to bring to my attention?"

The Vulcan raises an eyebrow. "In fact, there is," she says. "Some uncertain time ago, at least 35 years and likely further in the past, Romulan intelligence created a clone duplicate of myself. Not dissimilarly to the creation of the late Shinzon, perhaps. But purpose unknown. I learned of this shortly after I departed the Phoenix, and I have both a mission update report and a personal communique from Captain Shulon on that matter if you would like to see them. The Phoenix crew has had contact with the individual."

Somyk remains still as he recalls something from a report long ago. "You will find the time in question was 40-50 solar cycles ago. But the news that you were one of the Federation members cloned is new information." He asks, "What was your rank and billet at that time?"

"I was not a member of Starfleet at the time," the Vulcan says. "But depending on when my DNA was taken, it may date back to my career in the V'Shar, sir. I did have dealings in Romulan space and on Romulus as a member of our security and intelligence apparatus."

"That information confirms it." Somyk says, "There was a Tal Shiar operation at the turn of the century that dealt with cloning of certain Vulcan operatives. Starfleet Intelligence indicated all of the clones were terminated following a change in leadership within the Tal Shiar. To learn that one has survived, it is only logical to assume others may have as well."

T'Shaav nods. "It is possible," she says. "But I must assume it is not connected with my service of today. The erstwhile clone is fleeing Romulan space and is deep into unclaimed territory. Captain Shulon will have more information than I."

Somyk nods his head ever so slightly, "I will enquire after Captain Shulon."

T'Shaav nods slowly after your statement that you will follow up with Shulon. Then she says, "So then, Admiral, as you sent me classified orders to report here before assuming my duties, I am understandably curious."

Somyk nods slowly, "The information I am about to impart to you is classified at the highest levels, and compartmentalized. You will only be informed of that which you need to, no more." He waits for your acknowledgement of that before proceeding.

"Understood," T'Shaav says.

Somyk begins, "There are three projects currently underway. They are not mutually exclusive, but some elements are related. First, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers have been instructed to replace the majority of the aging vessels in the fleet, as well as increase overall fleet numbers. Several new designs have also been developed, with plans for more in the future."

T'Shaav nods, listening.

Somyk continues, "Second, Starfleet Academy has been instructed to increase overall Academy enrollment. The current focus is on engineering personnel, both Starfleet graduates, as well as civilian engineers going through the Officer Candidacy program. But all departments are being sought after. The goal being to further our scientific exploration as well as bolster overall fleet numbers."

T'Shaav nods. "That suggest Starfleet's realignment with its older mission of exploration rather than a defensive or more military oriented posture," she offers.

Somyk nods, "That was the intent. However, new information suggests a potential threat from the Gamma Quadrant. Therefore resources in the Bajor sector are being increased. Information on this new threat is limited, and on a need to know basis only."

"I was present during our last contact with the Dominion, who were concerned at the time about Cardassian incursions into the Gamma Quadrant. You will recall how the Klingons and the Romulans both became jointly involved in that series of events," she adds dryly, recalling just how involved that was.

Somyk nods, "I am acutely aware." He continues, "Starfleet's presence in the area has been increased. A corridor has been established between Lya Station Alpha and Deep Space 9, with multiple uninhabited worlds that were unaligned, now falling under Federation jurisdiction. This has put some strain on our relations with the Cardassians, as this new corridor falls directly along their borders. The Klingon government has already expressed some concerns regarding our expansion in the Bajor sector, as well as the presence of new vessel designs."

T'Shaav nods. "A question, if I may?" she says.

Somyk nods.

"Are these events and my brief also connected to your recent orders to Branch Admiral DeGrut and Lya Sector Command, particularly the somewhat heightened alert and orders to report any unusual happenings, sir?" She asks.

Somyk nods, "They are. Intelligence is still being gathered, this also means your posting will also be gathering intelligence and reporting anything unusual. No ships under your command are to enter the Gamma Quadrant unless to lend humanitarian or emergency aid." Before you argue the point, or ask for clarification, Somyk adds, "The Bajorans have recently begun operating former Starfleet vessels. Primarily to ease tensions in the Bajoran colonies regarding Federation interference. Those vessels have free travel through the Bajoran wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant. Those vessels do not fall under your command, but their home base is Deep Space 9. I suggest forming a relationship with the command staff and or crew of those vessels."

"I have no intention of arguing the point, and I find the matter clearly expressed, sir," she says a bit wryly. "I will do as you have said. I surmise that Deep Space 9 still also maintains strong connections to the Bajoran government as well."

Somyk says, "Bajor is a Federation world, as are the Bajoran colony worlds. In turn Deep Space 9 is a Federation station. However, it is my understanding that due to the large volumes of non-federation visitors to the station, the station does not conform to typical Starfleet standards. If it did, those non-federation visitors may stop visiting. It is a crucial location for fostering good relations with non-federation worlds, including those in the Gamma Quadrant."

T'Shaav nods. "That promises to be an interesting exercise in command discretion and diplomacy," she notes. A beat. "When I served there as a junior security officer, I recall my seniors telling me on more than one occasion that some things had to be treated somewhat differently on the promenade ... within limits."

Somyk nods. "In addition, Deep Space 9 is the most heavily armed facility in the region. The Antares Ship Yards in the nearby Koralis system fall under your protective envelope. Should they require military aid, you will supply it. Conversely, that facility will be supplying and creating additional vessels for the area." "One final matter, Branch Admiral deGrut is the sector commander. You may receive orders from her as well."

T'Shaav nods. "Understood. I am well acquainted with the Branch Admiral," she says. "One concern, sir. If, for example, the Antares Ship Yards comes under attack, I am concerned about Deep Space 9's ability to project enough defensive force into that system. The station is well-armed. Its auxiliary craft are not, however."

"There are two heavy cruisers assigned for patrol in the immediate vicinity. USS Lexington and USS Sutherland." Somyk replies, "You have the authority to direct those vessels to provide aid where required. Their main objective is to secure Deep Space 9 from any external incursions."

"Understood," the Vulcan says. "I realize you may have more information apart from my questions." She folds her hands, assuming a listening posture.

Somyk says, "I am expecting regular reports, specifically around any unusual activity, but also regarding activity in the Gamma Quadrant that you learn from the contacts you will make with the Bajorans. This is not a small task, Deep Space 9 is a significant asset in a crucial region of space. Do not fail."

"I shall do all that is required," T'Shaav replies.

Somyk asks, "Any further questions?

"None at this time, sir," the other Vulcan replies.

"You're dismissed." Somyk says flatly.

T'Shaav stands and offers the parted right hand. "Peace, and long life," she offers in Vulcan.

"Live long and prosper." Somyk returns the Vulcan salute.