RP Log: Dr. Hawthorne's Shopping Trip

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Roleplay Log
  • Deck 7 - Corridor <SS Serendipity>
  • Trade Center <Junkyard Station>
  • 131333.0
2024-08-14 00:19
Deck 7 - Corridor <SS Serendipity>
The corridors of the vessel are spacious and allow for easy access throughout the ship. The walls and bulkheads are an unpainted titanium that reflects a natural blue-like tinge. This is accentuated by horizontal and vertical inlays in the walls of a slightly darker blue tinge, creating a half-meter square tile-like effect. The carpeting down the center of the corridor is a subdued teal colour with a thin band of turquoise trim, then to the walls it is a roughly a half-meter wide dark pine-colour. Recessed lighting in the ceiling and along the floor boards provides ample illumination, adjusting in colour as the alert status of the vessel changes. Black, glossy panelling runs intermittently along the bulkheads at shoulder height, allowing access to the LCARS interface.

Rathus is standing in the hallway, looking around the ship.

Kyree comes out of the lounge and sees the Andorian there. She smmiles and gives him a wave. "Hey, Rathus. How are the negotiations going?"

Hawthorn stalks out of the lounge behind Kyree, a glass in her hand three quarters full of some dark, very strong smelling, liquid.

Rathus smiles and waves at the Trill. "They say they'll give me a call regarding that ship. Seems it's due to be broken up as I recall," he says. "Could probably get it for not terribly much, though I'd want to see what sort of shape the insides are in, and what all needs replacing. Could be an interesting project."

"You just got a nice big ship, one that works, and you're already looking for something else," Kyree says with a laugh. She catches sight of Hawthorn and motions toward her. "Rathus, meet my new friend, Atlanta." she introduces.

"Yeah, hi," Hawthorn says without really looking at the Andorian. "Excuse me," she says sharply, then sips her drink and pushes past the pair and enters the airlock without another word.

Rathus laughs. "Indeed," he says. "More, I found it. I wasn't exactly looking for it," he says. "But, you have 2 ships. Why shouldn't I?" He winks. "I do hope your new friend of hers knows what she's doing out there, and hopefully, she has a little latinum."

Kyree watches the door close behind Hawthorn. "I... think she can take care of herself," says the Trill with a shrug. "She's very... abrasive. Also, she's a scientist. We were just headed to the trading center to see if they have any sensors, scientific equipment, that sort of thing."

Rathus perks up. "Kellen, he did mention something about trying to turn Serendipity into a science ship," he says. "This related to that endeavor by chance?"

"I guess so," Kyree says with another shrug. "Atlanta's been spending some time here working on the old science section. I understand it was a little bit of a mess." She glances at the door. "I better go. You can come along if you like." She starts for the airlock.

Rathus nods. "It'll do me good to stretch my legs. I'll come," he says.

Kyree grins.

Visitor Docking Ring <Junkyard Station>
Utilitarian and drab in design and appearance, this docking ring is a mix of Klingon and Romulan docking technologies and lighting. Structural members reinforce the ring while providing security strongpoints, the overhead lighting leaving those strongpoints in shadow, preventing a clear view of anyone using them. Weapon scoring on the bulkheads and structural members show that there's been a few boarding actions that have been repelled within this ring.

Hawthorn is tapping the toe of her high heeled boot while she waits, apparently impatient.

Rathus walks in behind the other 2 and quietly says, "You remember the back way in?" he asks.

Kyree smiles at Hawthorn. "Rathus is going to come along," she says. "He wants to look around, too." She shakes her head at Rathus. "Not really. This place is so confusing. Do you remember?"

Hawthorn rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Can we just go already?" she asks with a scowl.

Rathus nods. "This way," he says, heading off.

The Hole <Junkyard Station>
This oddly shaped area is obviously formed by the way the adjacent salvaged areas fit together, providing for a nice watering hole for the local inhabitants. Along the narrow side, the bar stretches around the base of a raised area where the owner or manager sits at a table and oversees the entire place. Tables of various manufacture and condition dot the open area, with even a larger mismatch of chairs and stools surrounding them. A few alcoves and nooks provide places for private conversation, though just using them can often draw more attention.

Rathus walks into the bar and makes his way toward the rear exit.

Kyree follows along, shooting Stumpy a wink and a smile as she goes by.

Hawthorn doesn't care. She just wants to get where she's going.

Station Operations <Junkyard Station>
The operations center started out as a bridge module, possibly from an early model Galaxy class starship. A huge viewscreen takes up what would've been the front of the area, easily visible from the forward most stations, one looking to be the traditional Operations but the other one being configured for Damage Control instead of the original Helm. In the center of the bridge, a large throne like chair, looking to be more at home on a Romulan bridge than a Federation bridge, has replaced the original Captain, XO, and visitor chairs.
A stairway spirals up along what would have been the starboard side, not stopping at the raised workstations along the back, but continuing up through what used to be a skylight. The stations along the aft bulkhead have been reconfigured to display the various drydocks used for demolition, reclamation, and other such activities. The console along the railing separating the upper and lower parts of the center maintains it's security functions, while also monitoring the landing and docking bays.
The doorway towards what was the conference room has been welded over and blocked by the stairway, while the door to what used to be the ready room leads to the Junkyard's Office. The standard three turbolift access points remain.

Rathus walks through operations purposefully toward the stairs, not stopping to look around.

Kyree seems a little less purposeful, but she keeps a brisk pace to keep up with Shalta.

Hawthorn doesn't have time to glance around. Her tiny little legs are pumping like mad to keep up with the other two, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Trade Center <Junkyard Station>
One of the oldest sections of the station, the Trade Center encompasses the largest overall area. The turbolift services the central hub, where there are a number of concierge desks to guide customers to the areas where they wish to shop. Moving out from the center, you can see that areas for each system are established with the smallest displays closer to the lift and the largest, which includes ship frames, are up against the outer hull. The place is like a flea market or bazaar, with just about anything that can and has been installed in a ship being available, even unusual systems like rail guns or grapplers from more primitive technologies.
Off to one side, tucked in among interior decor options, a stairway leads downwards.

Rathus walks in to the trade floor gazing around at the various traders and things on display.

Kyree smiles as they arrive. "Wow, it both looks very different, and exactly the same as the last time I was here," she notes to Rathus with a wink. "I'll bet you could build a shuttle with the parts in here. Two of them."

Hawthorn immediately spots the lift, then turns to glare at the other two. "We could have taken the elevator, but instead you had me chase after you?" She rolls her eyes, then turns and huffs off, already searching for sciency things.

Rathus smiles to Kyree. "Not sure she gets the subtlety," he says. "Though, I'd want a shuttle like yours, you know, with a fancy drive on it."

Kyree watches Atlanta. "I don't think she gets it, but I also don't think she cares," the Trill says, then smiles at Shalta. "I haven't spent a lot of time in that shuttle of mine yet. But it's been nice so far." She casually starts following Hawthorn.

Hawthorn passes various styles of consoles, ODN relay modules, processing units, and data overflow buffers. Her dark eyes rest briefly on this piece or that one, but she quickly moves on. Now and then, she absently sips from the glass still in her hand.

Rathus smiles at Zahn as he follows behind the group, keeping his distance from Hawthorne, a bit, but still close enough for conversation.

"You know," Kyree says to Rathus as she walks, keeping an eye on the tiny human ahead of her. "This is a nice break from the routine, but I'm looking forward to getting back to work. Isn't that silly?"

Hawthorn stops at a bay displaying what looks like a variety of metal rods, but slightly misshapen, as if they've been flattened out a little. She peers at them closely one by one.

Rathus smiles to Kyree. "I know what you mean," he says. "It's a nice break from the routine, but at the same time, we aren't exactly pulling in contracts. I consider this a more long term investment."

Kyree nods to Rathus. "There's that," she agrees. "But really I just miss being on the move. I haven't spent so much time in one place in a very, very long time." She comes to a stop next to Hawthorn and looks at the rods. "What are those, Atlanta?" she asks.

"Why those are only the best quality tacheon conducting composite regulators you'll find this side of Tholian space," says the alien behind the counter. He has light purple skin, three small horns on his forehead, and a bunch of little tentacles drooping down over his upper lip to hide his mouth.

Hawthorn looks at him with obvious incredulity. "Composite regulators, yes. But tacheon conducting? I don't think so." She goes back to eyeing the rods.

Rathus smiles at the exchange, nodding to Kyree. "I know what you mean," he says. Travel, I've always liked being on the move."

Kyree raises an eyebrow. "Have you ever seen these things before?" she quietly asks Rathus while Atlanta and the alien shopkeeper have their back-and-forth.

Rathus shakes his head. "No, I don't think I have," he says.

"Me neither," says Kyree. "I wonder what they're for."

Rathus smiles. "Let's ask doctor Hawthorne," he says.

The alien puffs up. "Oh, let me assure you, my little friend," he says loudly. "They most certainly are tacheon conducting regulators, made in only one manufacturing facility on the Tholian moon of..."

Hawthorn looks up at the alien and cuts him off just as loudly, brown eyes blazing. "Let me assure you, you giant ass," she spits. "That these are standard Tellarrian plasma treated composite regulators, not Tholian. I know precisely how much they weigh, their thermal limits, where they come from, and probably which supervisor was on shift when they were manufactured." She points a finger angrily at the purple man's weird purple face. "Either you're trying to put one over on me, or you have no idea what it is you're actually selling here. Which is it?" She suddenly smiles way, way too sweetly. "If you're trying to put one over on me, then we have no business together. On the other hand, if you genuinely don't know what you have here, then we can absolutely, most certainly do business. In fact, I'd love nothing more. Which is it? Are you a con artist, or an idiot? Hmm?"

Kyree glances at Atlanta, then back and Rathus and shakes her head. "Let's not," she whispers.

Rathus chuckles softly to himself as he listens to the sharp tunglashing bestowed upon the alien merchant, courtesy of the civilian scientist. He smiles at Zahn. "Yes. I think I'll ask her what those are," he says.

Kyree looks both alarmed and amused at the idea of interrupting Atlanta. She takes a step back. "It's your choice," she says, shrugging one shoulder.

The alien puffs up even more. "Now wait just one minute!" he nearly shouts, but it's too late. Hawthorn is already walking away, once again sipping on her drink as if she's already forgotten about the shopkeeper.

Rathus smiles at Kyree, and walks after Hawthorne. "I take it those are some sort of sensor components?" he asks as he walks along behind Hawthorne.

Kyree gives the angry purple shopkeeper a little smile, then hurries after her friends.

Hawthorn looks over her shoulder at Kyree's Andorian friend, then past him at Kyree herself. "No," she says to Rathus, then faces forward and resumes her search for sciency things.

Rathus smiles as he steps back to walk alongside Kyree. "Very informative," he says. "I guess they're not sensor components."

Kyree giggles. "I guess not," she agrees. She follows along for a while, then nods to a big shape near the outside edge of the area. "Looks like I was wrong earlier," she says. "You don't have to build a shuttle. There's one right there. Or... maybe it's just the shell of one. It looks kind of... empty. Ferengi made, if I'm not mistaken."

Hawthorn stops and does some more inspecting of some equipment. This time without shouting at the shopkeeper.

Rathus considers. "Still, no slipstream drive. Sad," he says with a grin. "I doubt you can just get those off the market somewhere, or I'd get one for my freighter." He laughs. "Ferengi shuttles, aren't they these tiny pod shaped things?"

"Probably not all of them," Kyree says. "Look at the almost beetle-like shape of that one. Well, on the front, anyway. The whole thing is a little bulbous. I might be wrong, but it just has a Ferengi feel to me."

Rathus takes a look, walking over to the front of the shuttle and looking it up and down. He walks back over. "Perhaps," he says. "To be honest, I haven't exactly seen a bunch of Ferengi ships, just a couple of their freighters here and there. It wouldn't surprise me though."

Hawthorn now has a pad in her hand that she's looking over with the shopkeeper. They're talking quietly and gesturing with their hands. They appear to come to some kind of agreement, and they each put their thumb print on the pad and the little human nods sharply before walking away. "I have what I need," she says. "For now, anyway." She tosses back her glass and drains the remainder of the liquid inside. She eyes the shuttle and frowns. "Are yu two going to buy this?" she asks Kyree.

Kyree laughs. "Me? No." She shoots a smirk at Shalta and adds, "But maybe Rathus will. I think he's trying to catch up with me on the number of ships he has." Her smirk turns into a grin.

Rathus laughs. "I am, just not that one," he says. "When I get a shuttle, it'll be something fast. I have been eyeing something considerably bigger though." He turns, heading toward the lifts.

Hawthorn also heads to the lift. Somehow, somewhere, she has deposited her empty cocktail glass and put the pad back in her pocket. Her hands are free.

Kyree follows along.

Deck 7 - Corridor <SS Serendipity>
The corridors of the vessel are spacious and allow for easy access throughout the ship. The walls and bulkheads are an unpainted titanium that reflects a natural blue-like tinge. This is accentuated by horizontal and vertical inlays in the walls of a slightly darker blue tinge, creating a half-meter square tile-like effect. The carpeting down the center of the corridor is a subdued teal colour with a thin band of turquoise trim, then to the walls it is a roughly a half-meter wide dark pine-colour. Recessed lighting in the ceiling and along the floor boards provides ample illumination, adjusting in colour as the alert status of the vessel changes. Black, glossy panelling runs intermittently along the bulkheads at shoulder height, allowing access to the LCARS interface.

Hawthorn doesn't say anything, only goes straight to the bar and gets another drink. She comes back out of the lounge, glass in hand, and enters the turbolift instead.

Kyree just watches Atlanta with an amused smile, waving goodbye to her before the lift doors close. "Well, that happened," she says to Rathus.

Rathus smiles at Zahn. "I take it she's just like that in general?" he asks. "Not exactly personable, though I was warned to be careful around her when I came aboard."

"Were you?" Kyree asks with surprise. "I didn't get that warning." She laughs. "But yeah, I guess so. I don't know her enough to know if she's always like that, but I kinda get the feeling she is."

Rathus nods. "Kellen mentioned her," he says. "But yeah. I get the feeling that she's an acquired taste. Anyway, good night," he says.