RP Log: GQ Mission Brief

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Roleplay Log
  • Main Conference Room -- USS Kestrel
  • 130895.0
2024-07-12 14:52
Main Conference Room <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
This conference room is primarily used by bridge personnel for conducting mission briefings. The main focal point of the compartment is a dark oval desk surrounded by several high-backed chairs. A viewscreen occupies the inner bulkhead wall.

Anewan is already in the conference room. He is seated at the head of the table and he simply says as everyone arrives, "The admiral will be here shortly. She will brief us on our mission."

Worthington nods and seats himself next to Anewan at the table.

The doors to the conference room quietly swoosh open and Ensign Kionar Vaylan steps inside, nodding to the others already in the room. He steps around the table and takes a seat in an empty chair, sitting up straight and resting his forearms against the edge of the table and interlocking his fingers together.

Noa looks out the viewport at Deep Space 9, gawking a moment before she slides into a seat, her tail off to the side.

Intercom< Branch Admiral Svetzvani says, "Admiral Svetzvani and Captain T'Shaav requesting permission to come aboard."

Captain Anewan taps something in on the computer interface panel.

Intercom< Captain Anewan says, "Granted. Myself and the crew are on deck 3. Conference Room."

Anewan turns to Worth, "I didn't know T'Shaav was coming."

Worthington nods. "She commands here at ds9 sir. I'm actually not surprised," he says.

Anewan is there at the head of the table with the crew gathered. He stands, "Admiral, Captain, welcome to the Kestrel."

Worthington also rises out of respect and greeting to the new arrivals, offering a salute to each.

T'Shaav steps through the doors with her friend and superior officer. For some, it has been 2+ years since they last saw her departing the Phoenix. Others have never met her. She surveys the room and nods to the group. "Captain Anewan. It is agreeable to see you and your crew, those I have met before, once again," she states.

Svetzvani offers Anewan a small smile. "Jiemba," she says in warm greeting. "And James. So very good to see you again. And looking so well, at that." Her gaze sweeps over the other officers present whom she has never met. She gives them a polite nod of acknowledgement, then says to Anewan, "I don't believe I've met the rest of your staff."

When the Admiral and Captain arrive to the conference room, Ensign Vaylan rises to his feet and silently offers the two arrivals a nod. Being a mere recent Academy graduate, he knows practically no one at this point. Hardly alone in that fact, he is simply content on being present and listening to the meeting. His hands clasped behind his back, he looks at the other officers in the room until requested to have a seat or introduce himself.

Ryu walks quickly into the conference room and heads over to her seat, she sits down and says "Apologies, was in the middle of a call"

Anewan nods to Tink, "Admiral, Captain you know James. Everyone else would be a new face to you. Lieutenant Moncyu, security. Ensign Noa, engineering. Ensign Vaylan, Operations. Lieutenant Ryu, sciences." He looks towards the group, "All Admiral Svetzvani and Captain T'Shaav."

Noa will stand as well when the guests arrive. Her tail flicking nervously as she's introduced.

Worthington smiles at Svetzvani and T'Shaav. "It is good to see you both again. Welcome to the Kestrel," he says.

T'Shaav takes note of Worthington's overcoat and raises an eyebrow to herself.

"A pleasure to meet you all," the Admiral says. "And thank you for the warm welcome aboard." She gestures to T'Shaav and says, "Due to the nature of the mission, and for other reasons that will become clear, I've asked Captain T'Shaav, as commanding officer of DS9, to join us for this meet. Please, let's all have a seat." She moves to a chair herself and waves casually to the table for the others, including the junior officers, to be at their ease. In the process of sitting down she says bluntly, "You're going to the Gamma Quadrant."

Noa takes a deep breath and sits, her tail flicking back out to the side. Though at the mention of Gamma Quadrant, her tail stiffens, and her eyes go wide.

T'Shaav lets the Kestrel's CO and the admiral find seats before taking a seat near the admiral.

Ryu listens and her ears perk up as she hears 'going to the Gamma Quadrant', she continues to listen to the briefing

As the Admiral requests the crew be seated, Vaylan plants his hands on the armrests of his chair and lowers himself into the seat, folding his arms into his lap as he looks up at the news that they will be entering the Gamma Quadrant. He lifts a brow and purses his lips, nodding quietly as his eyes scan the room for the crew's reactions.

Anewan sits calmly as this is not news to him. He knew this all along. He gauges the reactions of the crew.

Worthington likewise seats himself once the junior officers have done the same, and nods to Svetzvani, not looking terribly surprised at the news.

T'Shaav murmurs to the admiral, "A Klingon heavy cruiser is approaching the system. Were you expecting them?"

Svetzvani glances around the table, noting the reactions as well. "Since the Phoenix left on her mission, the Dominion has gone very quiet. We didn't often hear from them directly, of course, but we're used to having regular contact with others who did." She pauses and shakes her head at T'Shaav. "I'm not expecting any business with the Klingons, no," she says.

Anewan nods as the admiral explains.

Getting back to her explanation, Tink says, "The new silence from the Dominion has been noticed, not only by us, but others as well. The Romulans recently sent a fleet of warships through the wormhole to. We assume to discover the cause of the silence." After a short pause she adds, "We've only seen one of their ships return. That ship was so heavily damaged that it exploded shortly after making it to the Alpha side of the wormhole. The cause of the damage is unknown."

Worthington nods to Svetzvani. "Plus, I recall from my last trip back here, Romulan activity through the wormhole. Was that ever sorted out?" he asks.

T'Shaav continues listening, herself. She keeps half an eye on her remote sensor uplink, ready to jump in when Svetzvani needs her. "Not entirely, Commander," she notes.

Ryu ponders and asks "Wouldn't that suggest the Dominion won't take too kindly to more ships from this side of the wormhole going other to their side ma'am?"

Anewan simply continues to listen as the questions are asked.

Ensign Vaylan remains silent as the briefing continues.

Svetzvani nods to Ryu. "It may indeed suggest that," she says. "Assuming that the Romulan ship we saw was damaged by an attack from the Dominion. And while the likelihood of that being true is high, we're not making that assumption at this time."

Moncyu sits in her chair listening, but not commenting for now.

Worthington does likewise, waiting to get the full picture for the moment.

Anewan nods and says to Ryu, "That is why it will be us and not the Phoenix."

Svetzvani goes on. "If the Dominion has gone silent, it could be as a prelude to an attack, or it could mean that they're dealing with some kind of crisis, either internally or externally generated. In either case, the Federation Council has decided that we need to know what's going on. However, there's a legal issue involved." She nods to Anewan and says to the rest of the group, As I've already explained to the good Captain here, if we send a ship into Dominion space without their permission, it could be viewed as a violation of the Treaty of Bajor."

Ryu continues to listen to the briefing

Worthington nods, pondering. "And as the ship in question can't cloak, we can't exactly conduct a stealth mission admiral," he says. "If we go in, someone's going to know about it, so will we be contacting the Dominion directly, or did you have something else in mind sir?" he asks.

Anewan nods at Worthington then turns towards Tink.

"Ah, and now we're getting into the meat of the mission," Tink says. She leans forward with her elbows on the table, glancing at the PADD she has placed in front of her. "Our entry into the Gamma Quadrant will begin by making contact with some worlds there which fall outside the Dominion realm of political influence. Your first visit will be to New Bajor. Although we suspect that the Bajorans would report anything important or unusual to us, it's the best place to start. We have the most reason to be visiting with them than any of the other systems in the GQ."

T'Shaav sits up a bit straighter, if that were even possible, listening to information new to herself as well.

Worthington nods to svetzvani. "Makes sense admiral," he says. "What about after New Bajor. Who would we talk to next?"

Moncyu takes notes.

Anewan looks between the talkers and nods, "New Bajor first. Is there anything New Bajor needs while we are there?

Svetzvani gestures to the Vulcan CO of DS9 and says to Anewan, "Captain T'Shaav will be in a better position to answer that question, Jiemba. But it's a good one. I'll leave it to the two of you to discuss before you leave." To Worthington she says, "Once you've learned what you can from New Bajor, you're authorized to attempt external contact with the Dominion through Wadi Prime, Dosi Prime, or others, so long as they're not in Dominion space. If those efforts prove unsuccessful, then we'll move to the next phase." Svetzvani turns back to Anewan and says, "Because of the extremely delicate nature of this mission, we need to keep tabs on your progress, step by step as it were. I know this is going to seem very inconvenient, but we want you to return to the Alpha Quadrant after each stop you make, and report in person the results of your contact." She motions to T'Shaav again. "Aside from your written reports, it's important that you keep Captain T'Shaav informed of every detail. If something goes wrong, its her command that will be on the very front line of any danger that comes through the wormhole as a result of this mission. Hold nothing back from her."

Anewan nods to Tink, "Understood sir, when do we start?" then he turns to T'Shaav, "Looks like we will be working together again Captain. I will try not to bring a Dominion fleet on your doorstep."

T'Shaav nods. "Most gratious, Captain. Please see me before you depart, if you would. you and your first officer."

Worthington nods to Svetzvani, Anewan, and T'Shaav in turn. "I understand," he says, leaving it at that.

"Take some time to resupply, load up any cargo that you and T'Shaav think should go with you to New Bajor, whatever you need," Tink says to Anewan. "You don't have to rush off right this minute, but don't take too long either."

T'Shaav nods. "We can speak with BMV Krim Aldos about that as well, and I have ordered your vessel refueled," T'Shaav says to the group.

Worthington ponders. "I hope we don't end up in a shooting match with the Dominion," he says. "I don't like our odds against one of their battleships."

"Forgive this officer's poor hearing, but did I hear you say you wish to avoid a fight?" T'Shaav deadpans to Worthington.

Svetzvani sighs. "I hope not, too, whatever the odds. But, this ship, or at least this class of ship, was specifically chosen because it's small enough not to present as too much of a threat, but still strong enough to defend herself if necessary, even if only long enough to escape. A battle is not what we're after. And if one happens anyway, we're not looking to defeat an enemy. Defend yourselves and, if necessary, the Alpha Quadrant."

Worthington nods. "Understood admiral," he says. He looks to T'Shaav. "An impulse fight in particular. I know a thing or 2 about Dominion torpedos, and they are nasty. We'd have a harder time getting through their shields with our own unfortunately, and their specs may have improved since we last had intel on them." He pauses. "We should definitely avoid a fight if we can, but hopefully we can survive long enough to get away if one does break out."

T'Shaav says, "Indeed."

Svetzvani starts typing on her PADD. "I'm sending you some additional information, just some procedural things. Please read them and follow them to the best of your ability." She's not looking at anyone specifically.

Worthington nods, waiting to receive whatever the admiral is sending.

Svetzvani finishes typing on her device and hits send. "Just some operational guidelines," she says. "I sent a copy to Captain T'Shaav to make sure everyone is on the same page."

Ensign Vaylan looks around the room, silently observing each of the crew members as well as the visiting Captain and Admiral. Visiting the Gamma Quadrant wasn't something he expected as the first mission upon arriving on the Kestrel, but he welcomes the challenge. He takes out his PADD and adds a series of notes regarding the briefing for the mission preparations that his department will handle.

Worthington nods. "I got them admiral," he says, nodding to the ops ensign.

"There's a lot of risk for this mission, absolutely, but it needs to be done, so we're going to do it." T'Shaav receives the data on her pad, speed reads, and nods. "I understand, Admiral. If you all will excuse me."

Svetzvani nods to T'Shaav, then asks the others, "Are there any questions at this time?"

Glancing up at Worthington, Vaylan nods and puts his PADD away, "Aye, sir." His attention turns to Svetzvani, "No sir."

Worthington nods. "No questions at this time admiral," he says.

Svetzvani nods and gets to her feet. "I'll be here at DS9 at least until you get underway. Call me or come see me aboard the Shiloh if you have any questions or concerns. Also, make sure you get whatever supplies you need either from DS9 or Antares before you leave." She sweeps her gaze around the room and says, "Good luck to all of you. I look forward to your reports."

Worthington smiles. "The Shylo. New flagship admiral?" he asks, standing up.

Ryu stands and heads out

"New flagship," Tink says with a smile. "The Da Vinci was modified and pressed into quick service to deal with the Cardassian situation. But it's really an engineering vessel. It was time to move to something a little more appropriate."

Worthington smiles. "I look forward to seeing it some time admiral," he replies.

Svetzvani nods. "When your schedule allows, you're welcome to come aboard and look around. Maybe I'll see you there before you leave for the GQ."

As the Admiral rises to her feet, so does Ensign Vaylan. He offers the other crew members a polite nod of respect and then pulls out the PADD once again and begins tapping in notes, turning to head for the exit, "Thank you again, sir." He offers the Admiral another nod as he steps by her on his way out.