RP Log: Not Your Ordinary Sit Down And Chat

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Roleplay Log
  • Counselor's Office <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A> Operating Room One - Main Wing <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
  • 129489.92
2024-02-28 16:14
Counselor's Office <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
This dedicated office is large and designed to meet the needs of the counselor and her patients. The carpet is steel-blue with navy-blue trim, with the bulkheads, walls, and furniture in a subdued pewter colour. The room is bathed in a soft glow from the overhead lighting panels, and a glossy black panel set into the bulkhead opposite the door provides access to an LCARS interface. A sizeable desk is positioned off to one side of the room, with a tall backed swivel chair behind it. On the interior wall from the entry door, is a long sofa, either for sitting on, or laying on. Beside the sofa is a coffee table and opposite the sofa is a single chair.

McDermot rises from her seat as lex enters "Evening Ensign. How are you doing?"

"Oh, I feel much better now that I've had time to rest" Lex says as the door softly closes behind him. "I plan to avail myself of every bit of that two weeks of rest Doctor Sawyer ordered for us."

McDermot smiles "Please have a seat. I admit I was not quite prepared for all of that myself. It really brought home my decision to serve on a ship at the furthest reaches of space. What about you? why did you choose the phoenix?"

Several short strides find the denobulan at the sofa. He turns and slowly sits down, the material giving just enough under his weight to feel comfortable. "I admit", he says, a bit tentatively at first, "That I was angling for a way to be", a beat or two, "Out of reach for a while? I mean, I don't think my mother will suffer a long range shuttle to find me here." A nervous little chuckle accompanies that thought.

McDermot nods "I can understand that.Recent events not withstanding do you find it to your likiking? Are you having difficulty with anything?"

"Hmm", the nurse says, "I would say not, aside from a month long hike, of course."

McDermot laughs warmly "I definitely need more physical training. I am much better at mental tasks . What would you say are your strengths?"

A moment or two passes in which Lex's eyes narrow a bit, "I would have to say critical or analytical thinking, problem solving, science and mathematics. Anything that doesn't involve the types of things our intrepid caitian likely sees as strengths." Another moment passes, "Although, he does have a bent for Earth mythology, so who knows."

McDermot nods "Math is not my particular strenth. I'll know where to come if I need that. We'll learn how to work with each otheras time goes. ensign rua'thyele seems very capable. while there are certainly culture norms we 're all indiduals. something the "rulers" of asura fail to understand"

>Intercom< Captain Shulon says, "Bridge crews to stations."

"It does seem so", lex says in a slower than normal cadence, a hint of sadness in his voice accompanied with a subtle shift in his facial features.

McDermot hms at the intercom "What now?"

Lex's gaze flicks to the intercom for a brief moment, "I'm not sure", he says, "But I hope we aren't about to be fired upon."

McDermot nods "shall we go see"

A slight twitch of his cheeks accompanies the nurse's arched brow. "I'm not bridge crew", he begins tentatively, "I'm a bit leary of simply strolling onto the bridge unless I'm called for." A look of concern comes over him, and his hands, which were folded in his lap raise to about chest level.

Ensign McDermot taps her commbadge and says, "mcdermot to shulon"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon says to the air, "Not a good time at the moment, but how can I help you Trina?"

McDermot says, "i was wondering if ensign elniz and i would be of aid on the bridge"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon says to the helm, "Bring us in close, but not too quickly. We don't want to scare them coming in full speed."

[McDermot's Commbadge] "Well we know they can answer on standard. The damage isn't too bad sir, but from what I can see" LePage peers at his screen. "They've got some hellacious tech going on where their warp oughta be"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon smiles at the air, "We might need some medical assistance soon, Trina. Standby."

Lex listens intently, leaning forward to hear better, though he remains tight-lipped; a frown developing.

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon says, "Helm, stop us just within transporter range. Someone rebroadcast to the ship that we can help, if they acknowledge."

[McDermot's Commbadge] "On it sir" A junior comms officer replies

McDermot says, "understood captain"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon asks LePage, "Hellish what?"

[McDermot's Commbadge] LePage keeps peering. "Different sort of FTL tech than I'm used to"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Kirschoff says, "Hellacious, sir."

[McDermot's Commbadge] Kirschoff says, "Southern American term for 'astounding'."

McDermot listens carefully

[McDermot's Commbadge] Shulon Says to Gordon, "See if you can get a lock on them. Trina, which medical bay is closest to you? Miles, advise them we can transport them both to our medical facilities. They only need say the ok."

McDermot says, "we're in my office . on oyr way to to deck seven"

[McDermot's Commbadge] Kirschoff clears his throat.

Operating Room One - Main Wing <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
The operating theatre can handle one patient at a time, and is usually reserved for emergency surgeries. It is equipped with a specially designed operating table capable of diagnosing a patients condition down to the tiniest detail. Multiple specially designed tools are also built into the table to assist the doctor with delicate procedures.

Ensign Kirschoff arrives from Operating Theatre.

Two Nitchilayan's have been beamed into the operating theatre. One is laying on the table suffering from plasma burns and a nasty bump to the head. The other is leaning over their friend, only briefly surprised by the sudden displacement from his ship to this one. "Please be ok Domel." he pleads.

Kirschoff nods as he enters and stays by the door. "Just here to secure, don't mind me."

Nolan nods. "Domel is in good care here" he reassures, stepping in. "If you'll step over with my friend here, me and my colleague will get right to it" Nolan says, getting to the side of the biobed while gesturing to McDermot.

McDermot nods to the other individual "I'm counselor Mcdermot. What"s your name?"

Lex steps over to the biobed, "What's happened here?"

"Lougel", the second Nitchilayan says, hesitant to leave his friend, but steps aside to make room for the doctor. "The damn drive test, it failed horribly, that's what happen, and poor Domel got the brunt of the feedback."

Kirschoff bobs his head to the Nitchilayan. "Seems to me you were testing either your first or a new warp drive."

"Looks like some plasma burns and head trauma" Nolan says to Lex. "Burn kit and packing" he orders

McDermot nods "We'll do everything we can Loungel" She gets out a med tricorder to scan Loungel "What about you? Are you injured in any way"

Lougel has a few scratches, nothing too serious, but they could likely use some cleaning.

Lex rummages in compartments along the side of the operating table, looking for the supplies he needs. Before the sound of the last drawer's latch can be heard, the nurse is at Doc Ch'Vyran's side, his hands out, offering the burn kit and packing supplies.

Lougel watches his friend, "Please help him, its my fault, I pushed up the test, Domel said we weren't ready, but I forced the issue." He looks at Kirschell, "Warp? Don't know that one."

"Thank you" Nolan says, taking the supplies with gloved hands. He takes the hypo from the kit and it hisses softly as Nolan injects a local anesthetic into Domel. He then begins to use the gel applicator to paint over and into the burns with the medical gel. "Clean and pack after me nurse"

Kirschoff inclines his head at Lougel. "Mm. Well, fear not - Federation medics are the best in the Galaxy." A pause, as he attempts to keep the conversation going and maybe keep Nitchilayan distracted from blaming themself. "What sort of drive were you attempting to test, then?"

McDermot nods as she fetches gauze and antiseptic "I'm sure you had no intention of injuring your colleague. Guilt will do them no good. Let me clean you up while their treated"

Lougel says, "I wanted to call it the Lougel drive, but Domel had other ideas, namely the Loomel -drive. Its based on the Einstein-Rosen bridge technolgy that our portals use. That system you used to transport us here, surely it is the same concept?" He nods to McDermot, relaxing some. "it would be such an achievement for my people, our people."

"Aye, sir", Lex says, taking to the task at hand. As the doctor finishes treating the wounds, he follows, disinfecting and packing them with supplies from the kit.

"Outstanding" Nolan nods. "Tend to that, I'm having a look at the head here" the hybrid says, bringing up the cranial arch and starting a scan

Kirschoff scratches at his chin at Lougel. "Hmm. Yes, I see - a wormhole drive. Ingenious, actually,", he affirms. "Fraught with danger though as you can see. I would not worry about who was at fault. Just learn and start again."

"Wormhole", Lougel repeats, "That is a fascinating name. Domel, what do you think of that one, a wormhole-drive?" He calls to his friend, for a moment forgetting his injuries, then goes quiet again.

Kirschoff grins a bit at Lougel as he watches. "He will be fine,", he assures. "Then you can argue the name all you wish. Or just forward mine, it is a nice name, after all.", he then follows up with a self-aggrandizing nod.

McDermot nods in agreement with Kirschoff as she carefully cleans each scratch "Kirschoff is right. Early difficulties does not mean you will not ultimately succeed"

"Technological advancement has the potential to be costly", LEx says, looking to Lougel, then allowing his gaze to slide over to Domel, "However, we should be able to return you to full health." He continues packing.

Kirschoff shakes his head with a mutter.

Nolan sighs a little. "A little bumpage, but only the most minor swelling of the brain. No internal bleeding. He'll be fine... You just about done Lex?"

"I am", the denobulan says, finishing up and taking a step back.

Lougel nods, waiting to see how his friend is. "It is just the two of us, if Domel can't return to the work, I don't know what I will do."

Kirschoff smiles just a bit. "He will make a full recovery in time - no need to worry on that note,", he assures Lougel.

Turning to face Lougel, Lex asks, "Why is it so imperative that this work be completed?" He glances back at the wounds on Domel that he just cleaned, then back to his friend, "Progress is important, of course, but it should not - and in my opinion - need not be rushed."

Kirschoff raises an eyebrow then towards Lex, but says nothing.

"I'm sure these are all questions that can be answered in due time. And there will be due time" Nolan says. "Your friend here, while his head will be alright his burns will need some work and rest. I suspect there's going to be some physical therapy in his future. I would like to keep him aboard for observation and of course we will provide billiting for you" the hybrid states. He retracts the cranial arch and injects Domel with a hypospray, a mix of painkillers and just enough stimulant to reverse the sedative

"There is no way Domel and I could afford that ship out there." Lougel says, "We have supporters who won't stand for too long a delay." He frowns at what the doctor says, "I don't suppose any of you would want to help me? Help me get my ship and drive up and running?"

"Our ship", Domel says groggily, "Its our ship, Lou."

Kirschoff shakes his head. "Unfortunately, that would be breaking protocol on our end. I could forward a suggestion to the Captain and see how we can accomodate, however."

The denobulan arches an eyebrow at Kirschoff, his lips tightly pressed together. Looking to Lougel, a sad smile plays across his face.

McDermot nods at Nolan "questions about the drive should .z'she blinks as Dromel speaks you can speak to your sponsors and explain. For now he he needs to follow our doctor's orders and we can get you food and drink" she says to loungel

Lougel moves back towards the bed to his friend and leans in to embrace him, "I'm sorry I pushed for the test. But they say you are going to be ok."

Domel replies, "Its my fault too, I let you convince me. We'll just have to try again in." He asks Nolan, "How long to recover?"

Nolan looks down at his patient and sighs. "I don't want to rush things. I think that we could be looking at a week at the soonest but I'd prefer a couple of weeks for your muscles to properly regenerate with physical therapy"

Lougel begins to cry, the stress of the days events and "Two weeks?"

"I'll do everything I can for you. Councilor, could you please escort our guest to accomodations? The patient needs rest, and I suspect so too does his friend" Nolan requests

Kirschoff smiles over to Lougel. "Patience, friend. You cannot rush perfection."

McDermot nods "Of course Doctor. She turns to Loungek "If you'll follow me"

Ensign McDermot goes Out.

Kirschoff turns to Elniz and Nolan, then, inclining his head. "I'll head back up to the Bridge."

"Right then. Elniz, would you assist me in cleaning up?" Nolan requests

Ensign Kirschoff goes Out.

"Sure thing", Lex says.

Nolan gets the spent and dirty gear sent off to the reclimator and sets about putting things away. "While we're at it, if you could meet me outside once you're done securing the room, I'll need to visit with you for your eval"

"Of course", the denobulan says, going about the task of putting everything away.