RP Log: Recovery of Shuttle Napier

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Roleplay Log
  • Forward Observation <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
  • Transporter Room One <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
  • Bridge <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
  • Tube 2ES <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
  • Main Bridge <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
2024-06-28 17:10
Forward Observation <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
The vessel's observation lounge sits at the fore of the saucer section with a view down the front of the vessel. The outer bulkhead is lined with four person booths, the inner bulkhead has a long bar for drinks with a more personal touch, but there are replicators as well. Multiple tables and chairs occupy the central portion of the space.

Worthington is seated at a table, reading some things on a padd and generally minding his own business, glancing out the windows occasionally.

The door leading into the observation lounge swooshes open and the new Junior Operations Officer steps inside. Once inside, Ensign Vaylan stops and takes a look around briefly before making his way to a free table, which happens to be adjacent to CDR Worthington's. "Good evening, sir," he offers to the Commander as he takes a seat and places his padd on the table.

Worthington smiles, glancing at the ensignia on the ensigns uniform. "Ensign Vaylen," he says. "Haven't seen you in a while. Oh, and by the way, we don't stand on protocol in here. You can drop the sirs for the moment. This lounge is meant to be more informal."

Despite greeting the Commander, Vaylan had not expected him to respond, so when he does, the Ensign quickly glances up with a mild expression of surprise across his face. "Of course, sir..." he says instinctively before realizing he's just kept the formalities up. He takes a moment's pause, then smiles at the Commander, "My apologies. I've been practicing on the transporter console after the Captain ran me through it, so I haven't been out of the transporter room much lately." As odd as that sounds.

Worthington smiles back. "No worries," he says. "Beamed anywhere interesting lately?"

Vaylan chuckles and shakes his head, "No, but I did manage to beam over a phaser that was left on the Napier shuttle, which was exciting." He glances over at the Commander, "Perhaps a poor choice of words, considering what happened."

Worthington nods. "I had no idea that phaser was over there. Noone reported it at the time," he says. "My chief concern was lieutenant Moncyu, after getting hit by the overloading phaser."

The Ensign nods emphatically, "That's completely understandable, I would have done the same thing." He crosses one leg over the other, resting his ankle on top of his other knee, "I'm relieved to hear that the Lieutenant is okay."

Worthington looks at his padd and back up. "Of course," he says. "As am I."

A few moments go by Vaylan glancing down at his own padd and tapping it a few times, "This being my first mission as a member of a crew and especially as a member of the operations team, if you have any suggestions, I would welcome them."

Worthington nods, rises, and heads to the door. "I would welcome your assistance. Come with me," he says. "Transporter room one."

Transporter Room One <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
The first feature of this room that catches one's eye upon entering is the large circular dais located to the left of the entrance. The transporter platform is marked with placeholders for six people, and the ceiling above is fitted with a variety of equipment to aid and assist the transport process, as is the platform itself. A narrow walkway curves around both sides of the dais, leading to key components of the transporter systems and allowing for maintenance technicians to gain easy access.
Opposite the transporter platform on the other side of the room is the transporter control console, which bestows the system operator with a variety of tools to fine tune the process. The curved console is set into a circular platform, in much the same manner as the transporter system itself.

Worthington enters and gives the ops ensign an eva suit. "Go ahead and put that on," he says, doing the same.

Hauser pops open her visor. "Check them for damage. My folks might or might not be finished repairing."

Nodding as he takes the EVA suit, Vaylan gives it a quick but thorough inspection for any damages, "It seems okay." He glances up at Hauser, "Fingers crossed." He grins nervously as he steps into the suit.

Worthington nods. "Checked them before grabbing them. They look good lieutenant," he says.

Hauser nods. "This one still needs some fixing. But it'll be ok for now."

[EVA Suit: Commander Worthington (KAux): Commcheck.]]

[EVA Suit: Ensign Vaylan (KAux): Good check.]]

[EVA Suit: Lieutenant Hauser (KAux): where to, Commander?]]

Once in the suit, Vaylan glances down to give himself a quick once-over before responding to the comm check, then giving the other officers a quick nod, "Good to go."

[EVA Suit: Commander Worthington (KAux): the shuttle's bridge please. We need to examine the computer core and the engineering systems for any sabotage or rigging before we bring the napier aboard.]]

[EVA Suit: Lieutenant Hauser (KAux): Alright, get set. Energizing in 5.]]

Bridge <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
The bridge, or cockpit of the vessel, is as wide as it is long. There are four stations in a U shape along the fore, in order from left to right they are Auxiliary, Copilot, Pilot, and Engineering. The remainder of the compartment contains eight additional chairs for passengers, four to each side. Two viewscreens are available, a large one to fore, and a smaller one to port.

Once the transporter has finished beaming the trio aboard the shuttle, Ensign Vaylan looks around the bridge with a measure of apprehension given the whole shuttle could be trapped. He maintains his composure, however, and looks towards the others.

Worthington beams in and looks around. "Let's see if we can get into any of those systems," he says through his external speakers, nodding at the consoles. "Anything still salvageable in here?" he asks, then radios with his suit.

[EVA Suit: Commander Worthington (KAux): Kestrel, we're aboard. Keep a transporter lock on us at all times.]]

[Remote Uplink: Anewan's Chair Bridge: Report.]

Ensign Vaylan glances around the bridge and cautiously moves towards the Auxiliary console, the closest one. He kneels down to inspect the panels first, not wanting to touch it yet and accidentally set it off if it is in fact rigged. "I'm afraid I have not been issued a tricorder so a visual inspection is the best I can do, sir."

Worthington nods. He walks over, handing his tricorder to the ensign. "Scan all these consoles please, starting with the pilot's one. It appears unlocked, and I'm suspicious of that," he says.

[Remote Uplink: Worthington Uplink Device (16491): Ensign Vaylan and I are inspecting the shuttle sir. My uplink did not work on it, but the pilot's console appears unlocked. Looking for any potential boobytraps.]

Taking the tricorder with a nod, Vaylan flips it open and taps on the panel a few times before he turns and directs it towards the pilot console. "It would appear that it is slightly damaged, sir."

Worthington nods at that, gazing around. "Not too surprised. They all likely are," he says. "It wasn't too long ago that a phaser exploded in here."

"Right, of course," the Ensign says, having once again forgotten about the phaser explosion. He taps the tricorder a few more times, double checking the scan results before moving on to the next console. "Copilot's console appears to be clear as well."

Worthington nods, looking at the equipment locker. "Scan those other two, and then we'll look at the equipment locker. Then I want to examine the engineering crawlspace," he says.

Nodding once again, Ensign Vaylan taps on the tricorder as he scans the remaining two consoles and the equipment locker, "Nothing unusual about the consoles. The locker is surrounded by a forcefield." He taps the screen a few more times, "Several phasers inside as well as a couple of knives and power cells."

Worthington looks at the locker, then back. "Going to leave that alone for now," he says. "Sounds like the gear we loaded it with." He heads toward the door. "Let's get into the engineering spaces, then we'll come back if clear and try and fly this thing in."

"Aye, sir," Vaylan replies as he folds the tricorder shut and turns to follow.

[Remote Uplink: Anewan's Chair Bridge: Try not to set any off please.]

[Remote Uplink: Worthington Uplink Device (16491): That is the plan captain. That's also why we have a transporter lock on us right now.]

Tube 2ES <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This crawl space resides directly below the habitable deck of the shuttle. It is barely a meter high, and has very little room for maneuvering. It does however provide access to many of the ships systems.

Worthington stays mostly out of the way, allowing the ops ensign to duck down into this narrow space. "Report," he says.

Upon entering the crawl space, Vaylan begins scanning everything available to be scanned. Tapping away on the tricorder, he shakes his head once everything is scanned, "Everything seems clear, sir. At least there is nothing out of the ordinary that I can locate."

Worthington nods, pondering. "Understood," he says, hailing the Kestrel.

[EVA Suit: Commander Worthington (KAux): Worthington to Kestrel. We can't find anything obvious in the engineering spaces. We're going to attempt to bring the shuttle in and power her down, but I do not, in any way, want her computers to uplink to ours. We can leave life support on and shut everything else on, then let this be Utopia's problem when we get back there.]]

Vaylan closes the tricorder and stows it for now, awaiting confirmation from the Kestrel that they can bring the shuttle in.

[EVA Suit: USS Kestrel NCC-97802 (KAux): Come back to the Kestrel Commander. We will shut her down from her and tractor her in.]]

Worthington moves away from the hatch and beckons. "Let's head back to the bridge."

Bridge <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
The bridge, or cockpit of the vessel, is as wide as it is long. There are four stations in a U shape along the fore, in order from left to right they are Auxiliary, Copilot, Pilot, and Engineering. The remainder of the compartment contains eight additional chairs for passengers, four to each side. Two viewscreens are available, a large one to fore, and a smaller one to port.

Ensign Vaylan follows the Commander back to the shuttle's bridge, taking one last look around before they prepare to return to the Kestrel, making sure he didn't overlook anything during his scans.

[EVA Suit: Commander Worthington (KAux): Captain, how are you planning to do that exactly? Shut her down I mean. Uplinks don't appear to be working for her sir.]]

[EVA Suit: USS Kestrel NCC-97802 (KAux): I have an uplink. I am not sure why you can not. However, shut her down while you are there.,]]

Worthington moves toward the pilot's seat, but holds off, waiting on a response. "The captain seems not to have heard me the first time when I said our uplinks weren't working," he says.

Vaylan nods as he steps aside to give the Commander room to move to the pilot's console, "Perhaps once we are able to get the shuttle aboard, I can coordinate with the engineering team to run diagnostics. Figure out what the problem is with the uplinks."

Worthington shakes his head. "Command access. This vessel belongs to USS Phoenix. Our access and clearance for that vessel were revoked following our reassignment," he says with a sigh. He situates himself at the Pilot's Console "No idea why you can uplink. All our access codes should be revoked. Okay, powering her down."

"Understood, that makes sense," Vaylan says as he glances over the pilot's console as Worthington mans it.

Worthington nods, unmans the console, and activates his uplink. "Let's go home," he says.

Transporter Room One <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
The first feature of this room that catches one's eye upon entering is the large circular dais located to the left of the entrance. The transporter platform is marked with placeholders for six people, and the ceiling above is fitted with a variety of equipment to aid and assist the transport process, as is the platform itself. A narrow walkway curves around both sides of the dais, leading to key components of the transporter systems and allowing for maintenance technicians to gain easy access.
Opposite the transporter platform on the other side of the room is the transporter control console, which bestows the system operator with a variety of tools to fine tune the process. The curved console is set into a circular platform, in much the same manner as the transporter system itself.

"Aye, sir," Vaylan responds and stands still while the transporter dials in on their location, then beams them back to the Kestrel. Upon materializing, he glances around the transporter room and steps off the pad.

Worthington nods. "Take off the eva suit, and I'll take both of them back," he says. "Then head up to the bridge, and oversee the recovery of the Napier. The captain is up there presently."

Removing the suit and handing it over to CDR Worthington, Vaylan nods, "Aye, sir, thank you." He turns and heads towards the door.

Main Bridge <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>
The main bridge of the Raptor-class destroyer is comprised of three tiers. Near the fore is the lowest tier where the helm and operations stations face the large viewscreen that covers the forward bulkhead. Behind that, and on the same level, are stations for the vessel commander, executive officer, and ship's counselor, as well as two additional chairs, one to each side, that do not have console access but are available for visitors.
The second tier, accessed by ramps on each side, is directly behind and overlooking the lower tier stations. Here, stations for tactical and science are available.
The third tier, also accessed by ramps on each side, again overlooks the lower tiers. Here there are stations for engineering, damage control, fire control, and an auxiliary station. To the aft of the bridge is the exit leading to the corridor beyond.

Ryu monitors the sensors

Anewan has moved the ship closer to the shuttle and is waiting for the away team to arrive.

Worthington enters the bridge and assumes station. "No issues sir. Our investigation is complete, for now, at least on the safety of the shuttle. We've left the uniform and commbadge in place, and minimal life support. No intention on connecting that ship to our systems sir."

The doors of the bridge swoosh open and Ensign Vaylan steps in, glancing around the room. He looks towards the Captain and nods, "Sir." He also offers Ryu a nod and simply steps near the operations console.

Anewan blinks twice and rubs his chin, "Let's get her in the shuttlebay and take her back to where she belongs."

Worthington nods. "I'd recommend the secondary launch bay for now," he says.

Anewan nods, "That's fine. Lets just get on the way."

Worthington nods to Vaylan. "Power up the tractor beams and lock one on that shuttle. Put it in the secondary launch bay," he says.

Ensign Vaylan settles in at the operations console and taps the screen, powering up the tractor beam and locking onto the shuttle, "Aye, sir."

Anewan is simply watching.

Vaylan says, "Launch bay doors closed, sir. The shuttle is safely on board."

Worthington nods in satisfaction. "Good. At least it didn't explode on us," he says with a sigh. "Let's see about making it Utopia's problem, if that is agreeable captain?"

Anewan nods, "Let's remove it fron Kestrel support. Clamp her down and let's go."

Vaylan taps the console one last time to clamp down the shuttle, then nods towards the Captain and Commander, "Shuttle clamped."

Worthington nods. "Thank you ensign," he says, looking around the bridge. "Engineering, rig us for cruise warp. Helm, set a course for badlands buoy 2, warp 9.955. Engage," he says.

Anewan nods, "Commander, we are going to take this shuttle back to the Phoenix and perhaps pick up a module from the Admiral there. Let's go."