RP Log: Smooth Sailing

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Roleplay Log
  • Commander's Office -- Deep Space 9
  • 130781.5
2024-06-24 17:09
Commander's Office <Deep Space 9>
The Commander's office is raised slightly from the Operations Center, giving the Commander a view down into it. A leftover from the Cardassian design to whom the station was first built by.
The office is separated into two primary sections. The foremost is occupied by a large desk behind which is a viewport out into space. The desk is a fairly good size with display screens built right into the top of it. The Commander's chair is on the far side next to the window, with a couple smaller chairs on the door side of the desk.
Off to the side of the office section of the compartment is a small bench seat opposite a food replicator. A more relaxing spot for casual conversations. Much like the rest of the station, the decor is simple, with grey carpets, edged with a greyish blue. The walls are a tan colour, most have been outfitted with LCARS panels for computer access.

The Vulcan is sitting on her sofa, her ceremonial lirpa laid out before her. She appears to be carefully cleaning it. She stands, a cleaning brush still in one hand as the door opens, knowing perfectly well who it is.

Anewan enters with a smile and says simply, "Captain."

Worthington enters and salutes. "Captain," he says. "The computer informed me that captain Anewan was here, so I saw fit to join you."

"Indeed, gentlemen. Do sit down," she says. "You may, so far as I am concerned, depart on your mission as soon as this meeting is over if that is what you were awaiting."

Anewan shakes his head, "I was letting the crew survey the station. We are in a hurry, but we really aren't," he turns as Worth enters then he takes a seat.

Worthington enters and situates himself as he nods. "I do enjoy DS9," he says. "It is a piece of living history. I'm definitely interested in its capabilities as a starbase, and if the Federation has bothered to update it much over the past century."

"I see," the Vulcan says. "New Bajor is being informed of your impending visit courtesy of a Bajoran ship now going there. One hopes that may smooth your initial entree into the gamma quadrant." She picks up her lirpa and continues pollishing the stone end. "Gentlemen, I can now inform you that there is a Starfleet asset now resident in the Gamma Quadrant if you should encounter difficulty. It is a communications and sensor relay capable of passing communications and sensor signal through the wormhole," a beat, "to this station." She eyes Anewan and says, "Since your first officer is so interested in, living history, he might tell you from whence I derived this idea."

Anewan turns towards James, "Please do."

Worthington nods to both officers. "Back when Starfleet and the Bajorans were first expanding into the gamma quadrant, prior to the Dominion war, there were several experiments for conducting comms through the wormhole, including with some Cardassian scientists. A commet passed through containing an element called silithium, which formed a sort of bridge, enabling a relay on the gamma end to communicate with one on the alpha end. That station was ultimately destroyed by the Dominion, and the silithium decayed over time. I presume something similar has been done here?" he asks the Vulcan.

T'Shaav nods. "Precisely. This relay substation is harder to detect, thanks to some efforts on Starfleet's part, and the technology is, of course, up to date. But the original idea 83 years ago was sound. It was the first major project proposal of my captaincy here to resurrect it, and thanks to assistance from multiple parties across Starfleet and bajor, this is recently accomplished." In a very buttoned down Vulcan way, T'Shaav can't help looking a little pleased at all of it. At least, if you know her well.

Anewan nods, "Impressive," he says sincerely, "I have yet to get up to speed on the goings on around this station. How is our relationship with the Dominion? And why did the romulans send warships through the wormhole?"

Worthington sighs. "I only know part of it, and not really that much," he says. "I don't think we've ever really had a, relationship, with the dominion. More a mind our own business arrangement. Not exactly friendly."

"The treaty of bajor is more of a boundary in diplomacy, not a relationship document. As to the Romulans, it all began two years ago, almost the moment I assumed command," the Vulcan says. "It began with the Romulans arriving here and wanting to know why Starfleet was building so many new, seemingly agressive, types of military vessels, and why the Federation had altered its territorial boundaries. These questions were, in my view, only a surface concern, as the Romulans were more concerned with the Gamma Quadrant." She appears to have more.

Anewan sighs, "Romulans. But at least they aren't the Cardassians."

Worthington shakes his head. "No. They're more shrude, more cunning, and decisively more of a threat when they choose to be. Better in some ways, worse in others," he says.

"The initial warbird was followed up by a squadron of birds of prey, evidencing a genuine interest in the quadrant, though the Romulans were less than forthcoming about it. Then, two events of interest happened several months apart in time. First, a JemHadar battlecruiser arrived in the new bajor system, heavily damaged. In fact, it exploded, and a Bajoran starship was able to recover one survivor, a Vorta. Relatedly, one bird of prey from the afforementioned Romulan squadron returned through the Wormhole, sans shields, and critically damaged. The vessel exploded when another Romulan warship tried to tractor her without stabilizing her first. These two events, separate though they are, led me to the coclusion I am about to share."

Anewan nods, "It sounds to me that something else caused the damage."

Worthington considers. "The question is, what?" he asks. "Sounds like the Romulans got the crap beat out of them, and I remember that squadron. Only 1 bird of prey survived? Those are mean little ships too."

"Strictly speaking, we do not know that only one survived," T'Shaav says, "and more strictly speaking, it did not survive. We know that only one returned. Now then," she goes on, "My station collected full sensor scans of the bird of prey prior to her destruction, and the then Commander Ki'vek was on hand to assist me in analyzing them. The bird of prey suffered damage from three sources. one, obviously, transiting the wormhole without shields. Another, polaron-based weapons fire consistent with Dominion weaponry. The last item, however, was a weapons signature wholly unknown to Starfleet. Additionally, according to a report I received, the rescued Vorta, prior to his death from his self-destruct implant, uttered a single word. Burrowers. Curious, is it not?"

Anewan nods, "Curious indeed." he responds. "This may be another first contact Number One, I would feel much better if we went and got those modules from the Phoenix," he says to Worth.

Worthington considers. "A first contact captain, or a contact we'd rather not have. If they're given the Dominion trouble, do we want to cross them?" He ponders. "We'd need to learn a lot more before daring to find these people. We don't even know who is at fault for the conflict, nor where the Romulans fit in. We definitely can't afford to take any sides, which would violate the prime directive as well. We should exercise maximum caution sir."

"And that," the Vulcan captain says, "brings me back to the relay. Gentlemen, the logical inference is clear. Someone is out there who is capable of giving the Dominion pause, and they have been rather unwelcoming to the Romulans. You will execute the mission given you by Admiral Svetzvani as you see fit, of course. But if you should fall into difficulty and be unable to extract yourselves, broadcast a distress signal on a coded frequency, such as Starfleet, and we will hear it. If you relay coordinates, that will be easier for me to work with. I will dispatch, if needed, one or more of the assets under my jurisdiction, such as the USS Sutherland or the USS Lexington. however, one may hope it does not come to such an extreme. If you can break off and return, so much the better. That your explorations should be wholly peaceful, that, I think, is why a ship commanded by a diplomat is being sent, Captain."

Anewan nods, "I think that Tink said as much. Great," he says. "I think we have all of the information that we can get. Thank You Captain," he pauses. "I have a request however, would you add myself and the Commander here to your crew manifest? Just so we can use the station commands when necessary?"

Worthington nods. "That's my understanding as well captain," he says to the vulcan. "We intend to exercise caution."

T'Shaav considers the unusual request. Then, she nods. "For the duration, that is permissible. One moment."
The LCARS panel beeps and displays 'Roster Updated'
T'Shaav adds, "I have assigned you temporary station billoting. The billot positions are less important than the fact that you have them. Smooth sailing, gentlemen."

Anewan nods and stands, "Thank You Captain," he turns to Worthington. "Let's give the crew 24 more hours then we are going to go to Utopia and get those Modules. Then we head towards New Bajor."

Worthington nods. "Agreed sir," he says. "Should we contact admiral Kadn before showing up at his doorstep?" he asks.

Turning back to her lirpa, and looking down at it seemingly in contemplation, T'Shaav picks up a wetstone and begins to sharpren the blade.