RP Log: The Health Care System In Trouble

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Roleplay Log
  • USS Azetbur
  • Caldos II
  • 130736.88
2024-06-21 00:35
Bridge <USS Azetbur NCC-90232>
The main bridge of the Reliant-class multi-mission cruiser is perfectly round. Centrally located are the helm and operations stations, with the commanding officer's chair directly behind them and slightly raised. The main viewer occupies the front quarter of the circle, with the Auxiliary, Mission Operations, and Science stations to the starboard side. The Engineering, Environmental, and Communications stations on the port side.
Directly behind the commanding officer's chair is the turbolift, with the Tactical and Master Situation stations to each side of it. Two doorways lead to port and starboard aft. To starboard is the break room and access to the Ready Room. To port is the security station and airlock.

Ki'Vek is draped all over the command chair. It doesn't look comfortable.

LePage sort of chuckles as he takes in the situation. "Is this your assigned ship Captain?" he asks

Ki'Vek turns her leathery head toward LePage. "One of them," she replies. "If you don't count shuttles and runabouts, we have two cruiser support craft."

"And you haven't rid yourself of the chair yet?" He asks in return

Ki'Vek glances down at the offending piece of furniture. "It's only mine when I'm using it," she says. "At other times, it belongs to someone else." She gestures to the viewscreen. "Caldos II she has experienced a natural disaster. A flood of some kind. It has caused some damage to her settlement, including her hospital," the snake explains. "The patrol craft Coffey she was the first to respond to the distress call, and she has since been joined by the medical frigate Olympic. We've been asked to join the efforts for engineering support. The colony she needs help rebuilding some structures, perhaps some infrastructure as well."

"Right. Is this what you meant when you had a project lined up for me?" LePage says, taking a seat at the defacto engineering console. He wiggles into the seat, and for a moment a wistful look crosses his face.

"Not at all," Ki'Vek replies. "This situation it just emerged."

"Neat. Sounds like we've got some work to do" LePage says, getting logged into his console. "Is everything still currently flooded?"

Ki'Vek shrugs her narrow shoulders. "I don't know yet. We've just arrived." She speaks to the ops officer and asks for a connection to USS Coffey.

LePage nods and stops pestering the Captain with questions, instead getting his views and windows setup the way he likes.

"No response," says the ops guy.

"Busy?" LePage chuckles. "They don't look to be in distress"

Ki'Vek nods. "Alright then," she says as she pours herself out of the stupid chair. "Shall we go down and see for ourselves the situation?" She gestures to LePage and a couple of others, then heads for the lift.

LePage stands up and makes to follow the Captain

Transporter Room One <USS Azetbur NCC-90232>

LePage takes up the transporter console, running a clear and reset before sequencing everything

Ki'Vek slithers up onto the transporter pad and waits patiently.

"Anywhere in particular we've been instructed?" LePage asks

Ki'Vek says, "No specification has been given. The closest to the center of the colony... if it appears dry."

"Looks like that'd be... The Village Square. Hopefully" LePage says before getting up on the pad after priming VOX engagement. "Ready?"

Ki'Vek simply nods. "At your convenience, Commander."

Swirls of energy whip around your deconstructed body. Shimmering lumination dances about your form uncontrollably, dazzling every sense.

Village Square <Caldos II>
In the center of this quaint little village is an ornate fountain carved out of stone. Figurines of Scottish lore appear as if they are playing in the cascading water, but its merely an optical illusion.
The fountain spills into a small pool, held in place by stacked stones and mortar. Ivy has grown all around the pool, nearly hiding the stone beneath.
The pathway is cobblestone, and provides access to the buildings of the square and the pathways leading off to other parts of the village.

LePage takes a look around. At the very least they appear to be dry in their landing spot. He scans around with his tricorder on instinct.

Ki'Vek materializes in the village square and looks around with some appreciation. "An interesting place," she says. "I like the rustic theme." Seeing LePage scanning, she asks, "Anything helpful?"

"No, just that the gravity here is normal as per Earth. Probably what made this place a good colony. That'll help with drainage calculations too" LePage remarks, looking up. "Scottish. Interesting theme I suppose"

People are going this way and that, most with purpose in their strides. The activity seems to be focused down Aitken Way.

Ki'Vek watches the people moving about, then nods. "Let's follow the crowd then, shall we?" she says, then slithers off.

Aitken Way <Caldos II>
Much like the village square, this pathway is cobblestone, and is a main thoroughfare to the eastern part of the village. Stores and shops line each side of the path.
The path comes to an abrupt end, as the cobblestone and dirt beneath have been washed away. One of the taller buildings on the south side teeters over a chasm, created by the same rushing flow of water. The front of this building has a large red on white plus sign upon it, depicting this as the hospital.

LePage follows along, uttering something about "When in Rome"

The activity here is still frantic. People are running around, carrying supplies, carrying bodies on stretchers, shouting and gesturing harshly to one another. Occasionally a stretcher disappears in a transporter beam along with the medics tending to the patient.

"I think we found the problem," the snake says. "This it appears to be the hospital, yes?"

"Or what's left of it" LePage says, eyes scanning over the building as it "Teeters" over the chasm. "I hope everyone's out of there already"

There's a loud cracking sound as part of the crumbled hospital building tumbles into the rushing water.

Ki'Vek inspects the crumbling building visually. "It can't remain like that for long," she says. Turning to LePage she asks, "Suggestions?"

"If the building is worth saving?" LePage thinks for a moment. "Repulsion based temporary support followed by additional hard support. It's possible it won't be... At that point, get all the equipment we can out and controlled demolition"

A woman runs past and yells at the Starfleet officers, "Ya canni just stand aboot while the world goes atumplin'! Pick up a bloody tool and help!" She doesn't wait to find out if her words have any effect before running off.

There are still people going in and out of the building. The ones coming out are often pulling sick and injured people out with them.

Ki'Vek eyes the building again, then nods. "Have the ship send down some portable field generators, class 4. Maybe we can use them to bolster the structure on the edge of the mud banks."

"That's what I'm thinkin'" LePage nods and begins to move with a sense of urgency, tapping his commbadge and pulling out his tricorder to start shooting angles for the projections

There's another loud crack followed by a low rumble. People scream as the back half of the building completely breaks away and crashes into the water below. From the broken walls it's clear to see that people are still in the building. Some are crushed by debris, others thrown free, but most are trapped within as the part of the building they are in now begins to fill with water.

Ki'Vek rushes forward toward the building, but only goes a few meters before stopping. "Fortune be with them," she says, her airy voice now carrying a desperate tone. More strongly she says to LePage, "I think we're too late on the generators."

"They're still coming down" LePage reports. "I'm going to try and make a pattern against the missing edge so that people aren't falling in" The Terran details. The wait for the generators is terse.

People use ropes, long bits of wood, whatever they can find to lower handholds and even themselves down to pick the survivors out of the rubble.

Ki'Vek nods to LePage, then turns back to watch the terrible scene.

Once the emitters are finally down, LePage sends a precalculated program to them with the data collected from his tricorder, attempting to create a backing and support mesh against the missing wall of the hospital.

Ki'Vek goes over to the edge of the chasm and grabs some rope. She wraps her tail around the base of what looks like a sturdy tree and grips tight, then tosses the end of the rope down toward some people trying to climb up the slippery slope with an injured child.

The field generators offer some support to the bank for the rescuers, but has no effect on the crumbling parts of the building. Pieces still break off and tumble into the water at random. But the rescuers seem to have a stronger foothold.

LePage continues to try and work the problem, manually aiming the patterns to what looks to be the most structurally unstable

Ki'Vek keeps trying to help the people up the slope. Her body is strong, but her arms are getting very tired.

Pieces of the open end of the building begin raining down on some of the rescuers below. Some scatter, but others hold their ground while they continue to reach for people in the rubble. More medics arrive from the Olympic and start beaming away the injured.

LePage is unable to leave his position, trying desperately to get something worked until either the building is stable or everyone possible is evacuated.

Ki'Vek ties the rope around her upper body, trails of blood seaping from her hands where the rope has bitten into them. With the added strength of her snake's body, she begins wrapping herself around the base of the tree again and again, shortening the rope and pulling the child and the rescuers up.

The remaining building appears to settle. Small pieces still drop from time to time, but it seems the balance is, for now, holding.

LePage makes some final adjustments to dial in the emitters before looking for Ki'Vek and running over to lend a hand with her endeavor

If a tree could be strangled, this one would be on it's last... limbs? The Selay is wrapped so tightly around the trunk that her uniform has been ripped to shreds between the tree and the rope. But the people carrying the child are now scrambling over the top of the bank to safety. Once they're up, Ki'Vek finally lets go and tumbles to the wet ground panting heavily.

By the time LePage gets there, he's more tending to the Captain than anyone else. "You alright?" he asks

Ki'Vek hesitates before answering. "I've gotten... soft. Too much damned desk work." She uncoils from around the tree and slowly returns to an upright posture, her uniform in tatters.

"It's a lot to ask of yourself" LePage consoles. "The Hospital has been stabilized... at least enough for evacuation"

Ki'Vek looks over what's left of the hospital and nods. "Let's get some of our people to help with the evacuation," she says, still a bit breathless. "Then I'll need you to start looking at what, if anything, can be salvaged of the original structure. We may have to rebuild the entire thing."

"Entirely possible..." LePage sighs before getting on his commbadge to order down medical personnel for Ki'Vek and then additional hands for help

Before allowing herself to be shoveled off to sickbay, Ki'Vek gets LePage's attention. Azetbur she doesn't have an industrial replication facility aboard," she says. "So we picked up a mobile unit from Antares. USS Didessa she is in the shuttlebay and at your disposal, of course."

"She doesn't?" LePage boggles for a moment. "Oh this is going to take a little getting used to from Phoenix..." he sighs.

"Quite so," the snake agrees with a nod. "She's only about a fifth of Phoenix's size, so equipped with far fewer facilities."

"Right.. Well I'll get it done. Rest now, I'll be by sickbay soon enough" LePage says. "Anything else Captain?"

Ki'Vek glances once more at the hospital. "I trust you know what we need to do here. I'll need your recommendations, of course. And... be careful, if you please." She gives a last nod, then returns with the med team to the ship.

"Hey, for once it ISN'T me going to sickbay" LePage says as she retreats, trying for at least a little levity