RP Log: Want to Drop By?

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Roleplay Log
  • Riov's Office --- IRW Ullho Gekha
  • 131480.53
2024-08-27 11:54
Riov's Office <IRW Ullho Gekha>
The office of this vessel's Riov is large and spacious, as befits a commander of such a fine vessel. The doorway enters into a small receiving area, with four chairs, ornately carved from the forests of ch'Havran, occupying a corner. Diagonally across the room is a large, sweeping black marble desk, kidney shaped, with its own array of computer consoles and monitoring equipment. The room itself is dark, with sconces built high on the walls to bathe the area with a warm, yellow light. The walls are a light mocha color, with darker brown flooring. A single viewport, large and wide, rests in yet another corner, and a replicator has found itself on the adjacent wall.

[Desktop Terminal: Sending request for communication to USS Shiloh NCC-97645.]

[Viewscreen (27345)] Communications channel to USS Shiloh NCC-97645 open.

[Viewscreen (27345)] From the center seat of the bridge, the male Angelite says, "This is USS Shiloh. I am Captain Kemni. How can we help you?"

The Romulan woman on the screen wears the uniform of a flag officer of some stripe in their navy. She sits in a large office, not on a ship's bridge, and when she speaks, it is in nearly flawless Federation Standard without the aid of a computer-mediated translator. "Hello, Captain. I am khre'Riov Hwiamma of the Romulan Star Empire. I would like to speak to my old friend Katrinka Svetzvani." A smile touches her lips. "To congratulate her on her promotion." She winks.

[Viewscreen (27345)] Kemni blinks, then nods once slowly. "One moment, if you please," he says to the screen, then makes a gesture that mutes the audio while he speaks into his commbadge. After a few moments he gestures again and the audio returns. "I thank you for your patience, kre'Riov," he says politely. "Admiral Svetzvani will be with you..." The door behind him swooshes open and said Admiral steps onto the bridge. Captain Kemni pauses and looks back over his shoulder, then says to the Romulan on the screen. "The Admiral is here now, as you can see." He gets to his feet and waves Tink into the command chair.

[Viewscreen (27345)] Svetzvani doesn't take the offered seat, however. In fact, she barely acknowledges Kemni at all. Instead, she fixes her gaze on the viewscreen and the familiar face that she hasn't seen in quite a long time. "Hwiamma," she says with some surprise in her tone. "I've found myself wondering quite often lately whatever became of you. I'm glad to see that you seem whole and healthy."

Hwiamma waits patiently, and the smile that spreads across her face may very well be a genuine one, if a little strained. "Jolan'tru, Katrinka. It has been a while, about 6 years or so since we worked together to clean up civil unrest in Cardassian space. And you have been promoted to, what do they call it, subadmiral? You have so many admirals in your Star fleet."

[Viewscreen (27345)] Svetzvani steps forward and returns the smile. "Branch Admiral," she corrects. "But Sub Admiral will do if you like." She waves a hand to the screen and says, "And what kind of uniform is that you're wearing? Not the same type you were wearing last time, I hope."

Hwiamma nods. "Still a khre'Riov for now," she says. "But when you saw me last I was constrained to behave more like a riov, a starship captain. And how are my old friends? Is Mr. Worthington keeping out of trouble? And my erstwhile Vulcan first officer?"

[Viewscreen (27345)] Svetzvani begins to speak, but then hesitates. "They... find enough trouble for all of us, sometimes," she finally says with a small smile. "Would it be fair to assume that your government received my communique, and that that's why you're reaching out to me?" she asks.

Hwiamma studies her nails for a moment and nods, looking less happy about things. "I was able to prevail upon my superiors to let me contact you. There were those who wanted to send a squadron out to the Bajor sector to ask questions, but I persuaded my superiors to allow me to handle it. You see, Sethuka Haram is, was, one of our most experienced riovs, and we were very concerned when she did not return. I would like to claim her body for the star empire, and perhaps we can talk less ... publically."

[Viewscreen (27345)] "Of course," Tink replies immediately. "Would you like to suggest a rendezvous point?"

Hwiamma thinks about it, and smiles. "I've been to Federation space many times. Would you like to come to my place?"

[Viewscreen (27345)] Svetzvani raises her brows and blinks in surprise. "It would be... difficult... to pass up such a rare opportunity," she says. "Under what conditions might I accept your gracious invitation?"

"Then, inasmuch as I have been to Earth, you must come to Romulus," Hwiamma says. "I will not impose any restrictions other than common sense ones. Do not bring weapons to the surface if we meet there, or let your ships do anything regretable. But you know this, and I trust you to command your people wisely and well. Suppose you talk with your superiors and I will inform mine. You might even bring some of our old comrades if they can come. But I will want to talk with you there. Are we agreed in principle?"

[Viewscreen (27345)] Kemni flicks his eyes between Tink and the viewscreen, but remains silent.

[Viewscreen (27345)] Svetzvani considers this for a moment, and then nods. "I believe we are," she says. "I'll speak to my government and await your next call. Thank you, Hwiamma."

Hwiamma nods solemnly. "Jolan'tru, Katrinka." The screen fades.

[Viewscreen (27345)] Connection to USS Shiloh NCC-97645 terminated.