RP Log: We Do What We Can

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Roleplay Log
  • Observation Lounge <Antares Ship Yards>
  • 131245.43
2024-08-08 11:37
Observation Lounge <Antares Ship Yards>
This very large lounge curves along the outer edge of the inner station core. The large windows offer an unimpeded view of the ships as they come and go from the hangar bays and docking ports, as well as of the nearby Koralis star, her orbiting planets and moons, and the distant starscape. A row of booths are situated right along this window on a level a few feet lower than the rest of the lounge. This configuration allows for those at the bar and at the small groups of tables and chairs on the upper level to easily peer outside over the heads of those in the booths below. A few replicators are scattered around at different points, including behind the bar near the door, three or four stand-alone replicator stations on the upper level, and the same number evenly spaced along the outer and lower level. Out the viewport: The red hue of the nearby star can be seen.

Anewan has a steaming cup of something as he stares out into space. Using the lounge what it is meant for....he guesses.

Ki'Vek enters and finds Anewan observing in the observation lounge. She gets a steaming mug of her own, then slithers over to join him. "May I?" she asks, gesturing to an empty spot at his table.

Anewan looks up slowly then nods, "By all means Captain. Have a seat," he sips. "It is your station after all."

"That doesn't necessarily entitle me to invade one's personal space," she says as she coils up, gently pushing a chair out of her way. She gazes out the window where a portion of USS Kestrel can be scene just beyond the edge of an environmental caisson. "The removal of the armor system it is nearing completion," she says as she looks back at Anewan. "You are still determined to leave immediately?"

Anewan looks out of the window as well, "I have orders. But I am sure that we can mitigate this next trip until we can find a better solution," he turns towards Ki'Vek, "If we run into a dominion battleship, no amount of defense can help us in a combat encouter."

"Forgive me, Captain," says the snake. "But unless I quite misunderstand you, it appears that you've decided not to make an attempt at strengthening your defense because you believe such an attempt it would be negligible, even if successful."

Anewan shakes his head, "It is not that Ki'Vek. It is time sensitive. I can't wait months or even weeks without getting back out to the Gamma Quadrant. Who knows what is going on over there and we need to have current information."

Ki'Vek nods, then lifts her steaming mug to her mouth and inhales a long draft of the rising vapor. "I wish not to intrude on your authority to conduct your ship and your mission as you see your duty to do so, of course," she says. "Yet I'm compelled to suggest that, having gathered intelligence of significant importance, that intelligence it would do the Federation little or no good should it not be received due to Kestrel's damage or destruction. The current information for which you hunger it would help no one unless you can bring it back home."

Anewan sips his drink and says, "We are going to be fine. If command wanted us to wait to go, they would have let me stay here until the armor situation was fixed. They chose to remove the armor system instead so that we could go back," he look out the window and then at Ki'Vek. "How am I supposed to intepret that?"

Ki'Vek is coiled up at a table in deep conversation with Captain Anewan. the Selay shrugs her narrow shoulders. "I can only tell you how I would interpret that, were I in your place. None of us, including Starfleet Command, know how long it will take to find a solution to the armor virus problem. We may find a solution tomorrow, or it may take months or even years. It is my belief, Sir, that this it is why the removal of Kestrel's armor systems it was ordered." She wraps her leathery hands around the steaming mug on the table in front of her, soaking in its warmth. "I've not been informed of the details of your mission, Captain. And I don't ask you for those details now. But for any type of time sensitive mission, months or years it would obviously be too long to delay. However, if we can take a few days, perhaps two weeks, to implement a system which may offset Kestrel's reduced defensive capability, I think there are very few missions possible short of rescue missions or coordinated wartime assault that would not allow the time for such a precaution to be taken."

Worthington enters on the heal of that, walking over in search of familiar faces, and happening to catch the tale end of the selay's remarks. "Did I come at a good time?" he asks as he makes a bee line for the 2 captains.

Anewan also sits at the table sipping his own steaming beverage neat the window and nods, "Captain, if we are talking days, that's fine." He takes another sip. "If we are talking weeks, then that is not. I am sure the extra crew added to your command is to help this thing happen. How long before the armor is removed?"

Anewan nods to James, "Please join us. This concerns you as well."

Ki'Vek tips her head in a nod to Worthington, then returns her attention back to Anewan. "The armor removal it is nearing completion," she replies. "We are also taking the opportunity to work on some of your tactical systems as well, which I'll explain in a moment. Additionally, our technical specialists they have stripped USS Napier of her computer systems and rebuilt them. She's ready to be redeployed to Kestrel as her new support craft."

Worthington nods to Ki'Vek and Anewan, then seats himself. "That is good news," he says. "Has the device of concern been removed therefrom? Lieutenant Hauser would like to examine it, if the recovery teams didn't see to that already."

Anewan nods, "So you understand, I am only worried about the timeframe. I want every weapon and defense possible, but we can't wait." he looks at James and says, "tactical?"

"Some of Napier's computer components they seem to have been removed before my people began their work," Ki'Vek explains. "Including the device requested by Lieutenant Hauser. Napier she was brought to us by USs Sutherland. it's possible that Sutherlands crew they may have removed those components during their recovery of the shuttle. I'll make the necessary inquiries."

Worthington nods to Ki'Vek. "Lieutenant Hauser will be interested to learn anything you do," he says. "Now, you mentioned the tactical systems on Kestrel?" he asks, mimmicking Anewan.

Anewan asks after Worth, "And we are sure that we can trust the Napier. The admiral at Lya Station Alpha almost shot us down over that shuttle."

"Napier's entire computer system it has been removed and rebuilt using all new components, and we've detected no unusual devices such as the one described by Lieutenant Hauser installed anywhere," The Selay replies. "We've even installed all new consoles on the off chance that the old ones they were somehow compromised in such a way that they might have affected the new computer. We've done everything we can think of to immunize Napier against further influence from her previous invader." She breathes in a long draft of the steam rising from her mug. "Kestrel's tactical systems they are being slightly altered to allow for more complete firing arcs. We've found that with some minor repositioning, we should be able to bestow Kestrel with the ability to fire her full broadside on her dorsal and ventral boards, as was the intent in her design. This it may require some more creative work at the helm, but it's the best we could do with the time we have."

Worthington nods as he considers. "That would be nice," he says. "I would like to see that work." He ponders. "Does that include those 3 aft tubes?"

Anewan looks between the two as Worth asks his questions.

Ki'Vek shakes her leathery head. "I don't believe your aft tubes they will be affected, Commander," she says. "But instead of firing no more than six at a time, you should now be able to fire eight. It may not be much, but even a small amount it can make a big difference under the right circumstances."

Anewan nods, "So we have the ability to fire more tubes fore," he turns to Worth, "This is about what you wanted?"

Worthington shakes his head. "Dorsal and ventral, if we can turn properly," he says. "Not exactly what I wanted, but close enough. Need to be able to punch through heavy shields and actually do some damage on the other side. I think we can do that now, but I'll believe that when I actually see it."

Ki'Vek begins to uncoil, then picks up her mug which has long since stopped steaming. "If you will excuse me, I'll go see what I can find out from Sutherland's crew about Lieutenant Hauser's device."

Anewan nods and takes a sip of his own drink, "See you around Captain. And thanks for your assistance."

Worthington smiles and nods. "Thank you captain, and I shall see you back on the Azetbur soon enough," he says.

Ki'Vek offers a parting bow to the other two officers and makes her way out, depositing her mug in the reclamator along the way.