RP Log: You are Going Anyway

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Roleplay Log
  • Captain's Ready Room <USS Kestrel>
  • Arboretum <USS Shiloh>
  • Deck 9 - Central Corridor <USS Kestrel>
  • XO's Officer <USS Kestrel>
  • 131178.93
2024-07-31 05:22
Captain's Ready Room <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>

[Anewan's Commbadge] Incoming communication request from Branch Admiral Svetzvani.

Anewan taps his commbadge and says, "Anewan here Admiral."

[Anewan's Commbadge] Svetzvani says, "Jiemba, can you meet me on Shiloh? I'm in the arboretum. I need to talk to you."

Anewan says, "You are here? Yes, on my way. Anewan out."

>Intercom< Captain Anewan says, "Boarding the Shiloh now Admiral. Permission to Embark."

>Intercom< Branch Admiral Svetzvani says, "Granted"

Arboretum <USS Shiloh NCC-97645>

Svetzvani is sitting on a bench under a big tree while she waits.

Anewan enters thinking it is never a good thing to be called for by an Admiral. But at least it is in the arboretum? He walks over, "Reporting as ordered sir."

Svetzvani looks up and gives a small smile, then pats the bench next to her. "Thanks for coming so quickly," she says. "Have a seat."

Anewan moves to take the offered sit and looking at Tink's mood. He crosses his legs. "Not a problem sir."

Svetzvani takes a deep breath. "I have good news, bad news, and worse news," she says. "And I'm afraid it only makes sense to give them to you in that order." She looks over at Jiemba. "That means we have to end on the low note, unfortunately. Are you ready?"

Anewan uncrosses his legs and sits up a bit taller, "OK. Give it too me sir."

Svetzvani nods. "The good news is that your concern about accidentally infecting Gamma Quadrant ships with the armor virus has been noted and appreciated by Starfleet. You're to be commended for your diplomatic instincts and foresight in that regard." She pauses slightly. "The bad news is, you're going anyway, and you're going aboard the Kestrel. There's no other ship we can give you right now."

Anewan nods, "That's not terrible nor unexpected sir. You did say as much," he braces for the worst.

"True. And that brings us to the worse news," Tink says and sighs again. "It looks like the virus is only attacking ships with deployable armor systems. We haven't found any traces of the virus on ships that don't have armor. It may be that there's something in the armor systems that actually attracts the virus, meaning that other ships probably aren't even carriers." She reaches up to her breast pocket and lifts a pad out of it about halfway, then drops it back in. "I have here," she says. "Orders designed to help insure that we don't infect any Gamma ships. They are orders for Ki'Vek to..." She pauses and turns her gaze back to Jiemba again. She swallows and then finishes her sentence. "To completely strip the Kestrel of all armor systems and related components."

Svetzvani looks down and kicks absently at the ground with the toe of her shoe. "If there were some other way, Jiemba, I would take it," she says. "I'm very much aware of the danger this puts you in. I don't know what she can do, if anything, but I'm going to tell Ki'Vek to make whatever alterations she can to the Kestrel to help you. Maybe with the power that would have gone to the armor system she can reroute it to weapons or something. I'm not an engineer. I don't know."

Anewan blinks a few more times considering it then says, "Then those are our orders Admiral. I think our shuttle has deployable armor I think along with James' fighter, I think." He turns to look back at the door, "We leave as soon as the surgery has been done then."

Svetzvani nods, then finally looks back up. "If we can figure out something before you go, I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe. I'm sorry, Jiemba. Please be careful."

Anewan stands and straightens his uniform, "Well then, I'll inform the crew."

Svetzvani nods to Anewan. "Good luck," she says softly.

Anewan turns and heads out.

Deck 9 - Central Corridor <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>

Hauser is walking down the corridor, staring at a PADD, dangerous, that.

Anewan sighs as he seemingly comes from the station. He doesn't look very happy or maybe more resigned is better look, "Chief," he says to get her attention.

Hauser looks up. "O, hi Captain," she says with a smile. Then she takes in the man's expression. "Everything alright, sir? I promise we're working on that armor business."

Anewan nods and blinks and says, "Antares is taking it out. Please provide any assistance they need," he says bluntly. "Do me a favor and see if the shuttle or if James' fighter are also affected."

"I'll find out, sir. But if they're armor-equipped, the answer is probably affirmative."

Anewan nods, "If so, pull them out. I do believe however that the fighter doesn't have a shield system, if so, we are going to have to leave it here."

"Not sure I follow completely, sir," she says.

Anewan nods and returns, "Understand what?" he asks sincerely.

Hauser says, "You said, pull them out. You want to just pull the armor? And you said we may have to leave the commander's fighter behind sir?"

Anewan nods, "Precisely. We are removing the deployable armor systems. It we can't remove the system or the vessel has no other defensive capabilities, we are leaving it behind."

Hauser nods. "Gotcha, sir. I'll take care of it."

Anewan nods continuing his now almost annoyed look and heads to the turbolift

"'Deck 3 - Forward Corridor <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>

Anewan triggers the door chime to the Executive Officer's Office.

From the XO's Office: Enter.

Executive Officer's Office <USS Kestrel NCC-97802>

Worthington is sitting at his desk, a PADS next to his desktop interface, a recent report on it, highlighted in all its glory. He quickly turns off said PADS and looks up to see who has arrived.

Anewan enters with a pretty irritated face he says, "James, you are going to want to be sitting for this one." He raises a hand to hold Worth in his chair. You notice this time it is James and not Number One or even Commander.

Worthington nods. "Give it to me straight captain," he says, defaulting to his typical formality. "And please, have a seat yourself, though there's not a lot of room in here. What's the news?"

Anewan shakes his head and starts pacing, "I don't feel like sitting," he says. "We have our orders from Command. You aren't going to like them," he takes a breath. "Command -agreed- with both of our assessments of the compromised armor. So, good work there."

Worthington nods. "But," he says, "They said go to hell and deal with it, your lives be damned?" he asks.

Anewan starts and clears his throat, "One better James. They are removing our armor system and sending us back on mission. Anything adjacent that has a deployable armor system is being removed." He takes a breath and waits for James' response for dropping the real bomb. Well for James anyway.

Worthington nods. "That's, like, half the fleet now?" he asks. "So, the Irrawaddy and my fighter, which I intend to leave here anyway," he says. "Damn it. Can they at least give us a cloaking device to compensate for this mess?" he asks.

Anewan shakes his head, "Well, not half of the fleet. us."

Worthington sighs. "Because of the gamma quadrant," he says. "You did a good job of convincing them then," he says. "So, how does command advise we deal with something like a dominion battleship, when we can't fire back enough to actually make a difference, and now, we can't take a proper hit if fired upon by anything with that level of firepower?" He starts to look flustered.

Anewan goes from irritation to laughing, "That's our problem. Our best choice is most likely not run into one. We have to be faster right? I wanted to tell you first before informing the crew."

Worthington nods. "We'll need to keep that slipstream drive primed, and prey the burrowers don't decide to kill us," he says. "If we at least had something like Coffey's weapons, we could knock out a weapon system in one shot, which would help, a lot. Our torpedoes are frankly weak and poorly designed." he sighs. "Despite what admiral Svetzvani might say, this vessel right now, it's not a defensible platform in any form of a serious combat situation. I like this about as much as a Ferengi selling ketracel white on the streets of Earth."

Anewan nods sighing and begins to pace but stops quickly, "I was told that there wasn't another ship available that fit our mission profile."

Worthington considers. "The Coffey is there, and she just had all her senior officers reassigned," he says. "It's a slightly more defensible platform. But I guess command knows best," he says.

Anewan considers it for a moment then says, "I am not sure what the situation is with the Coffey but for precisely that reason, we can't have her. Too much firepower."

Worthington considers. "Physically, the total amount of firepower isn't that much more, it's just how much is actually usable at once. Without defense, the only defense we have left is evasion and overwhelming force. Evasion may not always be an option sir."

Anewan agrees, "I know. I know," he turns to head for the door. "Either way, I am going to inform the crew and once they take our system, we head back to the Gamma Quadrant. How much more can we overload the shields and phasers," he asks with waiting for an answer.

Worthington shakes his head. "What's 3,000 times 14, minus 16,000? That's the power level of a dominion strike that will bypass our shields entirely sir. Enough to blind or cripple us in one shot." He pauses. "We can't do anything about the power output of our phasers, only the recharge times, and our torpedoes, as limited as they are, are still more powerful. That's the problem tactically sir, and I don't like it, one bit."

Anewan says as he leaves, "We will need solutions."