RP Log: A Plan Forms: Rescue & Destruction

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Roleplay Log
  • Captain's Ready Room <USS Buran>
  • 123431.4
2022-08-24 00:25

>Intercom< Captain Jatei says, "Captain Jatei, requesting permission to come aboard."

>Intercom< Captain T'Shaav says, "Permission granted, Captain."

Captain T'Shaav arrives from Deck 7 - Forward Corridor.

Jatei is about go in when a wall of Vulcan gets in her way. "Captain. I received a message you came to see me. Apologies for not being available."

T'Shaav nods. "No apologies necessary, Captain," she says. "Would you care to come to my ready room?"

Jatei nods, "That is suitable."

Captain's Ready Room <USS Buran NX-96400>
The Captain's ready room is separated by a low railing and a small step, into two sections. The lower tier, the same level the entry door, is for more formal meetings with the Captain, and includes a wooden desk with a single chair on the far side.
The raised tier has a long sofa along the outer bulkhead just below a window. A small glass oval coffee table is in front of the sofa. A food replicator is also available along the far bulkhead.

T'Shaav enters her ready room, relaxing perceptibly, at least perceptibly to Jatei's sensibilities. The Vulcan hasn't slept in several days, a fact only a telepath or perhaps another Vulcan could readily pick up on, but she is both somewhat fatigued, and very angry/upset. Not that it shows on her face. "May I offer you some refreshment?" She asks.

Jatei looks around the ready room, "Intriguiing design. It reminds of the old Intrepid-class ready rooms." She shakes her head, "You are ill at ease, Captain. A vacation is in order."

"When we have rescued the Volan prisoners, destroyed Doctor Ronukk's generator, and reprieved my chief science officer from a sentence of death, I will consider it. I have not taken home planet leave in many years," the Vulcan says, taking the chair behind her desk and gesturing you to anything in the room you'd care to sit upon.

Jatei is not presently in the mood to sit, it would seem, as she steps towards the window looking out. "Very true, Captain. On all counts. The Trill Commission are acting like Klingons, killing off Kellen, there is no honour in it."

"And I do not intend to permit it," she says. "The Trill Symbiosis Commission does not command this ship. I do. So, step one is to give our medical team some more time. And to buy that time, we go into battle." This does not entirely displease the Vulcan. "Or as my people would say it, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. So, first, we go to Volan Three."

"That Branch Admiral, what's her name, Samantha something", Jatei says, "She also gave you orders, and as sector chief, she may be so inclined to do so. But, the mission at Volan will go easier with more ships."

T'Shaav nods. "My orders state that I am to make, and I quote, all practicable speed to Trill. Practicable, in this case, may be open for interpretation. In any case, Admiral DeGrut respects Coil immensely. If I tell her that Coil is still, even at this moment, working to free the prisoners on Volan, I think she will not hinder the effort. Though this may be a matter wherein it is better to ask forgiveness than permission."

Jatei nods slowly, "Very well then, and as I indicated, we may have additional support from another vessel as well. But, and I can't stress this enough, we have no orders to do this, and there will be repercussions. We are planning an offensive into a foreign powers space."

"I can attempt to speak to Somyk," she says. "one Vulcan to another, concerning the logic of this matter. But I do not guarantee he will view this plan favorably." A beat. "He sometimes points out the flaws in my own thinking. In this case, if we succeed, I should rather convince him that a court martial is unnecessary. If we fail, it would be better if we did not survive," she adds. That last is a joke, but only you would know it.

"There is an old human adage, "Ask for forgiveness, not permission", or something like that." Jatei says, "So no, unless you want a fleet of ships here stopping us, we'll keep this between us."

T'Shaav nods. "You said you had a plan in mind?" She asks.

Jatei nods slowly, "Yes. It is my understanding Commander Coil has some ideas on how to interrupt power to the orbital weapons platform. They are formiddable, the Phoenix took one on before, and it tore through our shields in seconds." She adds, "Dr Ronukk also explained to me some options for disabling the reactor, if we can get into transporter range. Which we will need to do regardless to rescue the prisoners." She continues, "My initial thought was to only take the stardrive section, but we will need the space in the saucer to house those prisoners. I am also assuming that the multiphasic sensors will be required to get past whatever shielding the base has." She finishes, "Once the prisoners are safe, and the reactor disabled, we blow it to pieces with a few well placed torpedoes."

T'Shaav considers that for a long moment. "Yes, Mr. Coil is working on a plan to cut power to the orbital weapons platform," she confirms. "I have also been considering the possibility that ground assault forces will be necessary either to pinpoint or destroy the reactor per se on the one hand, or to place transport enhancers in the prisoners' area on the other hand."

Jatei considers that aspect, "Possibly, though if we can beam in, we can surely beam out. That said, there may be stragglers we must move to a better location to get them out in time, so a ground force may be needed, as you say."

T'Shaav nods. "We have an additional asset, a new phaser array capable of firing at close range approximately eight times more powerfully than a heavy phaser cannon can. It requires a longer recharge cycle. So it would have to be used strategically. But it can be of assistance."

Jatei asks, "The lance?" not quite sure if she has the name correct. "Understand I don't want to kill any Cardassians, if we can help it. We want to get in, disable what we can, rescue everyone we can, and destroy Dr Ranukk's equipment. But if this weapon can aid in that, then so be it. We also need to be mindful of any cloaked assets in the area. The Phoenix does not have the power to have armor, weapons, and the tachyon emitter powered simultaneously, so that option is out."

"The lance," the Vulcan says. "I respect the desire to limit Cardassian fatalities. But understand, captain, that they will not reciprocate that desire concerning ours. As to cloaked assets, if we destroy the generator, we forever destroy their means of firing from under cloak. My understanding from Doctor Ronukk is that there may only be one such ship left. Perhaps two."

Jatei nods, "And if the Cardassians are stupid, both will be at Volan, and exposed when we take the reactor out. But also, that is more firepower against us." She nods again, "I hear you, but we will not play the same game the Cardassians do. Rescue and taking care of a Federation citizens work. In and out quickly, if we can manage it."

T'Shaav nods. "This will rely on surprise. To that end," she calls up a graphic on her screen. From the looks of it, she's been working on it a while. "Ideally, our helm officers take our ships in under slipstream drive. There is no deceleration with slipstreem, merely reversion to normal space. SO." The graphic moves, dropping both heavy cruisers right into the system. "I do not know if Mr. Worthington or Mr. Choma could finesse the autopilot so precisely that we land in Volan orbital space, but I am quite certain we could arrive in system. Possibly within our weapons range of the targets."

Jatei asks, "Do you know at what distance Commander Coil can inact his plan to disable the orbital platform? If one ship can draw out some of the defenders, the other, or others, can get in close and begin beaming off prisoners." She asks, "Does the Buran have multiphasic sensors?"

"It does," she says. "Though when we last employed them, doing so caused damage to the sensor systems. I will have to review reports to see whether Mr. LePage has resolved that issue. At the time, multiphasic sensors were not mission critical." A beat. "I do not know the range of Mr. Coil's proposed measure. My last order to him was to draft the plan for me. I want Mr. LePage to review it as well."

Jatei nods slowly, "Then until we have confirmation, we will assume it does not. Thusly the Phoenix will be required to perform the transports. I'll have to check the numbers, but beaming up possibly 12 thousand could take upwards of 30 minutes, where we must sit still. It will be up to the Buran to protect us during that process."

T'Shaav nods. "I will find out the status of our multiphasics from Mr. LePage," she says, "and communicate that to you. Speaking of communications, Captain, I suggest a joint operations frequency for our two ships and or any others that choose to join this effort."

Jatei smiles, "A logical suggestion. I also encourage we keep live contact as best we can." she asks, "When will Buran be ready to proceed?"

T'Shaav takes a moment, fingers flying over her manual entry keypad. "In respect of my once having been your operations officer, I propose this complex frequency," and she shows it to you. "Buran is ready to depart upon my orders."

Jatei nods, "I am awaiting confirmation from the third asset. Once we have that, we will proceed. I also suggest we come in from different directions, try to draw off some of the opponents, but all in all, present a united front."

T'Shaav nods. "Logic dictates that we leave Lya station as soon as possible. If we need to rendezvous or to pause, we can do so at a point away from Lya Sector. Perhaps Buran can proceed in a Trillward direction before changing course. I should prefer that Branch Admiral DeGrut not have to be responsible for what happens after that." A beat. "She is a decent officer in the old Starfleet tradition, and I am sure that onetime Captain DeGrut would sympathize."

Jatei says, "We will proceed to Betazed, and approach from there. I'll direct the third asset to approach from the Tammeron system." She adds, "Trill is a considerable distance, in the opposite direction. But as you see fit."

T'Shaav nods. "Betazed is a reasonable rendezvous point," she says. "Fluidity is better than rigidity in this kind of tactical plan, Captain. It is better to know what we aim to do and be able to respond to variations rather than be locked into a fixed plan that cannot easily alter." A beat. "Beyond that, I will await your signal. Though I have two small items for your reflection." THere is a hint of grwoing wry amusement in there somewhere.

Jatei asks, "And they are?"

"First, that you alter your phaser and torpedo frequencies if not already done. Shields as well if you intend to use them at all. I suspect the ablative armor will be more useful in this operation." A beat. "And second, that you consider carefully whom you would like to represent you as counsel in your general court martial. Assuming we are tried separately." Because you can more or less read her mind, she allows the corners of her mouth to quirk upwards ever so slightly.

"A sound suggestion on the first." Jatei says, "We will see about the second." She smiles, "But if you will excuse me, I have some preparations to get underway, as do you."

T'Shaav stands, pokerfaced as ever once again. "Thank you for coming, Captain. I believe I will issue some orders, then sleep."

Jatei nods once and departs, "Nice ship by the way."