RP Log: A Much Needed Massage

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Roleplay Log
  • Spa <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
  • 129466.89
2024-02-26 18:35
Spa <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
The spa is a simple affair given the space it's been allotted, but it's certainly got plenty of features available to the visiting guests.
Along one wall are a set of curtains which offer individual privacy to the three massaging beds there. When there's nobody currently being treated, the staff seem to take the tables for their own, relaxing.
The opposite wall is given to a series of five isolation pods, which are filled with a saline solution to provide passive hydration to the occupant as well as to allow them to float easily, giving a great sense of spacelessness for those wishing to get out of their own head.
The middle of the room is taken up by a large tub, bisected down the middle. One half is filled with bubbling water filled with a number of additives for skin care and muscle relaxation, and the other is filled with a green looking mud which is also pleasantly warm.
The floorplan is open, fostering a sense of community and staff are available for any guest to grab. Of note is that there's almost certainly at least one nurse or doctor around, facilitating prescribed relaxation as a treatment. This is, afterall, a covert extension of the medical wing of the Phoenix.

Ensign Elniz finds himself in the spa after an arduous away mission, but all of the attendants seem to have patients, so he shows commendable grace and waits his turn.

Emmelline strides through the door and smiles when she notices Elniz. "Lex mate," she calls in a friendly manner, looking about her surroundings. "How are things?," she asks conversationally. As she speaks, she peeks behind the curtains to see if any of the beds are available. Seeing one vacant, she gestures to Elniz to take it.

Lex opens his mouth, and a half-sigh, half-grown escapes. "About as well as can be expected, I suppose." He doesn't waste time nor mince words, and takes the bed in question. It appears as though it takes a certain effort for him to sit down on the side of it without plopping into it. "And yourself, Doctor? Our mission was quite taxing."

"I don't even want to talk about it mate," Emmelline says as she stretches out full length on another acant bed. "Everyone and their mother wants to talk about it," she says with a sigh. "Went to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen... in over a month, even before the mission took place. And all she really wanted to talk about was the mission. I just want to put the whole thing behind me. It happened, it sucked balls, I just want to move on from it."

Lex shucks his boots and lets them hit the floor with a muted *thump*. He swings his legs over and lays flat, throwing his arms behind him and stretching mightily. At about that time, one of the attendants peeks around the corner, her dark brown wavy hair billowing out as she comes to a halt. "Nurse... Elniz, is it? Yes, yes, we'll have someone out to you shortly." HE waves a hand in acknowledgement, and, before she passes, he says, "I'm perfectly content not to talk about it, Doctor."

Emmelline seems perfectly content to just lie there fully stretched on the bed, the curtains remaining open so she and Lex can converse more easily. "Did you hear about the new security officer that came aboard while we were gone?," she in turn asks.

"I know very little about him, and I haven't met him yet", Lex says. His voice is low, but carries, and his breaths gradually become slower and deeper. "I did see that Doctor Ch'Vyran performed his intake physical."

"Oh did he?," Emmelline asks surprised. "I... did not see that. Oh oops? I might want to send a message to the man then, telling him to forget what I said," she says with a little laugh, as she idly fiddles with her commbadge. Though noticing the way Elniz's speech slows down, she looks over with slight concern. "You all ight there mate? Falling asleep on me?"

"No... not yet at any rate. I'm just trying to relax, to release the tension in my body." The nurse's arms move to his side.

"oh okay, just checking," Emmelline says with a little chuckle, as she finishes sending off a message, putting her commbadge away for the time being. "Have you been to the holodeck sincce you got back?," she asks curiously. "I know you built a masterpiece, right before we ended up going away."

Lex shakes his head, "I haven't really done much of anything except write my report since getting back. I just haven't had the energy."

"yeah makes sense," Emmelline says with a nod of her head. "Are you okay/ I mean it was quite the ordeal. If you need to talk things out, you can. And I had to write my report too," she says with a little chuckle. "I swear, I wrote a bear bones summary of it. Essentially the end results. It's just too much to write... anywhere, a report or otherwise."

A youthful-looking petite woman with close-cropped curly blonde hair and jade green eyes steps up to the denobulan's bed. "Nurse Elniz?" She says, her inflection taking a sharp upward rise at the end, making it a question, "How can I help you today?"

"What's to talk about", Lex says in the tail end of a slow exhale, "We went, we walked for days and days and... reached our destination, only to be tasked with finding a thing we know nothing about." He does air quotes at the word, 'thing'. Soon after, the blonde comes up to him and to her he replies, "A massage would be wonderful."

"I know mate," Emmelline says with a nod of agreement at Elniz's words. "I think we tend to think along the same lines. Though not everyone would agree with us," she says laughing.

The attendant gives Ensign Elniz a good look. "Of course", she says, "I can do that, and, if you don't mind me saying so, you seem to really need it." She flashes him a smile and half turns, "I'll just be back with some supplies", she finishes, then moves away silently.

"Whatever the outcome, I'll face it better when I've had some proper rest and relaxation." Lex nods to the attendant and smiles back, his eyes staying on her for a moment as she walks away.

Emmelline notices the way Elniz's eyes linger upon the attendant. She waits till the woman has gone out of earshot before she asks, "Like that one do you?," her tone teasing.

"She is not denobulan", he says, as if that quenches the matter.

"so?," Emmelline asks laughing. "Are you telling me, you'll only ever date a denobulan?'

"I have never put any serious thought into", a beat, "dating a non-denobulan." He looks over, having to turn his head to do so, "I would have to consult our medical library to determine if humans and denobulans are compatible."

"You think too much mate," Emmelline says laughing. "You don't need to know if you and another spicies are compatable, well... not right away. Unless you're planning to have kids and all that."

"Is that not the eventual outcome?" Lex asks.

"It can be down the road sure," Emmelline says with an easy nod of her head. "But there is a lot of road to cover before that point. Getting to know one another, dating, marriage, before you get to that point."

"Hmm, I suppose I don't know a lot about that", he admits, "My upbringing was, well, for many years simply trying to survive, and after that, I was laser focused at the academy."

"Oh but surely," Emmelline says with a hint of surprise at Elniz's words, "you've had other relationships before?"

"With denobulans, I have had... relations", he says, "But that has been a long time ago, before I left my home world." He takes a breath, "I am unmarried, and, at my age, this is very... undesirable in our society."

'I see," Emmelline says with a nod of her head. "Do denobulans tend to get married earlier?," she askss with interest.

"Earlier, and multiple times", he smiles.

"Multiple times?," Emmelline asks with surprise, accentuating the word multiple. "How come? In human society, it has been that marriage should last the life time. Of course, there are many cases wherein that doesn't work out," she says with a nod. "And people do get divorced. But the assumption going into a marriage, is that it should last one's lifetime."

"We have multiple spouses. A man will have multiple wives and a wife will have multiple husbands. This isn't like serial monogamy; our marriages typically last a lifetime, pending unusual circumstances." Lex peers around, perhaps searching for his attendant.

Emmelline's eyes widen slightly at Elniz's words. "Really? That would not work with me at all,' she says with a laugh. "I'd get too jealous. Is jealousy not an issue in denobulan cultures/ And then if a woman has multiple husbands, that could also cause problems on who the parent might be when and if she should get pregnant no?"

"There is no posessiveness, or at least, that type of behavior is frowned upon. We're a communal bunch. We take part in the child rearing in equal measure." Lex is looking pretty content to lay there on the bed.

"Frowned upon, hardly means it doesn't exist though does it?," Emmelline asks conversationally. "I don't know that I could handle it. To be married to a man, who then turns around and decides to take another for his wife as well? Then I'd wonder, with hwom would he be spending the night with? With whom will he be spending the evening with? It'd get to be too much."

"Yes, I have noticed that our style of marriage is not taken favorably by many." Lex takes a moment, "We share our partners with no reservations."

"It's not a matter of looking upon favorably or not," Emmelline says easily. "I just find it very difficult to imagine. If you love someone, to find it easy to share that with another."

"I don't think I can make it make sense to you", Lex says, "I've had similar discussions with many others before now, and they couldn't be convinced."

Emmelline chortles and nods. "Well I don't necessarily want you to convince me," she says conversationally. "I'm more... I don't know. Interested and befuddled. Could you find yourself doing that?," she in turn asks the denobulan. "To e in a relationship with multiple women/ Or conversely, to have someone you are in a relationship to be partnered with multiple men?"

Lex smiles, "It isn't a moral issue for me, so of course I would. No one is neglected or left out. It's quite an equitable way to live. One big extended family."

"I don't know," Emmelline says laughing. "I know even in human culture, there are those who would practice what you speak of. It's called polyamory," she explains. "But in my opinion, at least in human culture, those who practice it, inevitably end up being jealous of one or other person, and things tend to end in one fiery ball of death."

"It's essential that the lines of communication stay open and active", the nurse explains, "Or there can be problems. But as this is how we as a people live", he points to himself, tapping his chest with his index finger, "We're used to it."

Ensign McDermot arrives from Mall - Upper Level.

"yes I suppose," Emmelline says with a soft chuckle. She and Elniz are stretched out on individual massage tables, conversing and relaxing. 'It is just hard to imagine is all," she says with a light shrug of her shoulders.

The attendant from earlier comes into view, stepping up to Lex's bedside." "If you'd care to disrobe, I'll heat the oils and be right with you."

Lex sits up, swings his feet over the side of the bed and slowly gets to his feet. He pulls the curtain closed and takes the attendant's suggestion before laying back down.

"have fun mate," Emmelline calls to Lex as the curtains shut.

"I'll try", he calls.

McDermot enters the spa in a one piece red bathing suit and makes her way to the tub in the center of the room mumbling a bit to herself

Emmelline notices as Mcdermot enters. "Hello Ensign," she calls, as she stretches and rises to her feet. "One of these days," she says to Mcdermot, "I need to get a proper swim suit.'

The sound of lotion being rubbed around can be heard from behind the nurse's closed curtain.

McDermot explains "i suspect the entitied calling themselves the horseman have made the critical error of assuming all humans have a shared body of knowledge which would allow us to know what thet search for upon sight. as this is noot the case we have a riddle to solve

Emmelline sighs and shakes her head as she turns away from Mcdermot. "Oh bloody ehll mate, let's give it a rest hmm?," she says her tone conversational. "We have to go on whatever this is, but we can at least give it a rest for a little bit. Talk about something else besides work."

A series of short, staccato cracks punctuate the air amidst the sounds of a massage in progress. A grunting sound accompanies the cracks.

"That sounds so painful mate," Emmelline calls to Elniz behind the curtain. "Is it?," she asks laughing.

McDermot nods "Right now aching muscles won't allow me to think clearly hence the soak" she says climbing into the hot tub'

"A bit", Lex says with a grunt", But it feels so good."

Emmelline chuckles as she rises to her feet. "Well I'll leave you two to it," she says waving, though obviously Elniz can't see the wave, and making her way out.

Cross goes Out.

Pounding emanates from the dneobulan's curtain, likely the result of his massage.

McDermot sighs Well its certainly been an interesting few days

"Indeed", Lex says, his voice fluctuating as the masseuse attends to his back.

McDermot hms "I like mental more than physical puzzles. maybe i'll be of more assistance for this part of the mission

Lex calls loud enough to be heard over the closed curtain, "Counselor, with all due respect, at this particular moment, I couldn't possibly care less about the mission."

McDermot hms "fair enough I'm glad to be back aboard myself"

"Me too", Lex says over the pounding, which makes it sound like, 'meeweeheewee toohoowoohoo.'

McDermot chuckles before lapsing into silince