RP Log: Armor System Analysis

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Roleplay Log
  • Sensor and Shield Control <USS Hornet NCC-92007>
  • 131046.5
2024-07-18 21:41

[Crass's Commbadge] Sending request for communication to Lieutenant Commander LePage.
[Crass's Commbadge] Communications channel to Lieutenant Commander LePage open - audio only.
[Crass's Commbadge] LePage says, "LePage here"

"Sir", Crass snorts. "It is Ensign Crass. If you are not too busy, I need your assistance aboard USS Hornet."

[Crass's Commbadge] LePage says, "Sure can. Where's it parked?"

"Port docking ring." Crass grunts, "I will be in the armor generator compartment, as soon as I locate it."

[Crass's Commbadge] LePage says, "Alrighty, I'll head on over"

You enter the release code on Hatch SC4SC and open it.

Sensor and Shield Control <USS Hornet NCC-92007>
Situated in the nose of the vessel are several of the vessel's key systems, including the sensors, shield generators, communication system, and tractor control. The space is extremely cramped given all the components and their various connection interfaces. This space is primarily only used by engineering and operations personnel to run diagnostics and general maintenance. A large generator occupies the majority of the compartment. When in operation it emits a vibrating hum and powers the vessel's armor.

Crass is alone in the large compartment, her tricorder is out and she is scanning the deployable armor system. "Why are you like that?" she grunts to herself.

"I was born this way?" LePage answers non-chalantly, entering through the hatch

Crass snorts in laughter, "Good one, sir." She smiles at her superior, "Thank you for joining me sir. I noticed an issue with the armor generators, and could use a second opinion."

"Mm, for the new tech?" LePage says, getting down to take a look at the assemblies. "I just read the docket this morning..."

"Nothing new, sir." Crass grunts, "Armor technology is older than me."

"Oh" LePage says. "Different project then. Anyhow" he says, shifting his gaze to the appropriate assemblies. "How can I help you?"

"I've powered up the armor system, and it is drawing full power, but the readings suggests the nanotech molecular armor plating is performing below normal efficiencies. I don't have a specific degree in reduction, but it is significant." Crass snorts.

LePage raises an eyebrow and pulls out his own tricorder, starting a routine scan. "It's reporting full power draw, or it's REALLY drawing full power" he says, mostly to himself as he scans to find out just that

"It is difficult to explain, sir." Crass grunts, "The generator is humming along, so all should be ok. But it is not. Maybe it is something with the nanotech?"

LePage studies the readings and nods. "Seems to be, the generator is doing fine. The load isn't accepting"

Crass asks, "Could it be a programming error, something in the software?"

"Ahhh..." LePage says. "Hold on, trying to think what could be the break here... there's a loss of 20% somewhere in the system based on what I'm seeing"

Crass waits. "20% is a lot, sir."

"It is. I'm trying to think if we're losing it as heat somewhere" LePage ponders

Crass shakes her head, "Well maybe, sir. The armor plating is producing more heat than it should, based on these external readings of the hull."

"So there's resistance in the circuit that's causing that. So one of two things is happening, a short circuit or something about the power source that's causing power transmission to be ineffective" LePage suggests

"We're talking about a nanotech molecular plating, sir. Couldn't the short circuit be just about anywhere?" Crass asks. "In any connection between the nanotech molecules?"

"Could be..." LePage nods. "Are there any hot spots or is it all an even layer of extra heat?"

A heat map of the exterior hull is displayed on the console. It is spattered with heat blooms. A completely random pattern that if it were skin, might look more like the measles.

"That looks wrong to me, sir." Crass grunts. "Is it sick?"

LePage grimmaces. "Sure seems like it... Given that it's not cyclical... Seems like component failure to me. And a cascading one too, one failed compenent puts more strain on others in the system"

Crass asks, "A virus maybe?" She shakes her head, "The system would be able to detect a computer virus, I would think. But this. Have we ever encountered a disease that affects machines?"

"Psssh" LePage chuckles. "It's certainly not unheard of in the history of Starfleet... It might be that something chemically altered the nano machines causing them to grow weaker and unable to handle to power flow"

Crass smiles and nods, "I can run a few tests to see if the nanotech is the problem. But it will take some study."

"If it is, they likely just need to be purged and replaced" LePage shrugs. "Might do well to correlate ship sensors for environmental factors at the onset of this issue"

Crass asks, "Environmental factors, sir? Do you mean the temperature variations?"

"Could be, or concentrations of certain chemicals in the immediate vicinity, dust, gasses. Things that might not appear to the eye" LePage suggests

"Understood sir." Crass snorts, "I'll write a report on this, and begin studying the nanotech. Thank you for your help, sir."

LePage nods, snaps his tricorder closed and stands up. "Sure thing. Anything else?"

Crass smiles, "I started looking into different labs and needs for various science fields. The list so far is extensive, enough to fill the Phoenix. I will need to trim it down some I think to accomodate a single deck or two of a ship."

"Sounds like you've got plans" LePage nods. "Captain Ki'Vek will be interested to hear that"

"I want to group sciences together, but that only makes sense for ships with the capacity. I will also need to figure out how to group certain differeing sciences into shared spaces." Crass grunts, "Then smaller vessels can do more with less." She snorts loudly, "Oh, I was going to mention this to Captain Ki'Vek. I had ideas for less waste, or more precisely, more economical use of resources, especially for exploring and expansion."

"Are you sure you aren't an Engineer?" LePage asks. "Make one of you yet"

Crass smiles, "Well I'm a small person sir, so I tend to think of ways to do things small too. I did a nanobot project for my final year at the Academy, and my species is known for their engineering prowess, but the life sciences is what gets me out of bed in the morning."

"Fair enough. I know it couldn't be me. I can't keep plants alive worth a damn" LePage chuckles

Crass asks, "Do you have much experience with quantum mechanics, sir?"

"It wasn't necissarily my field of expertise" LePage replies. "Not much to be honest"

Crass nods, "Small things sir, I find them fascinating too." She smiles, "And no sir, nothing else. I'll file a report."

"Right then, I'll see you around" LePage says. "And don't forget to secure the hatch when you leave"

Crass snorts. "yes sir."

Lieutenant Commander LePage goes out.