RP Log: Burn It Out

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Roleplay Log
  • Conference Room <Antares Ship Yards>
  • Engineering Research Lab <Antares Ship Yards>
  • 131266.0
2024-08-07 23:45
Engineering Research Lab <Antares Ship Yards>
The labs on the station, have similar design queues to one another, but each is configured for a slightly different purpose. This particular lab has evidence of engineering research, with biomechanicsl research, defensive system research, holographic design, and offensive system research on display boards. There are a number of stations along the back wall, each of which can be devoted to a specific experiment or study project. A black, glossy panelling runs along the bulkheads at shoulder height near the entry door, allowing access to the LCARS interface, and tracers set into the bulkheads close to the ceiling indicate the current alert status.

LePage is sitting in the corner of the ERL, something which he appears to have carved out as a space of his own. He's got designs and diagrams of the pod and simulations up on the surrounding screens

Crass stomps in rather briskly, her hooves clatter and clop upon the deck plating. She is about to blurt out why she is here, when she sees you are ingrossed in your own work. She grunts. "Sir"

"Yo" LePage grunts back, running his cursor around the interface, pulling in datapoints from all over.

Crass asks, "What are you working on, sir?"

"Shield test we did. Figure I ought to massage the data I got shot at over" LePage responds.

"I missed those tests." Crass responds. "I have been trying to develop ideas to fight the infection in the armor. Do you have a moment to discuss one such idea?"

"Shoot. Although, you might be in competition with one of Anewan's ensigns" LePage says, swiveling around on his stool.

Crass asks, "Competition? With who, sir? Do you know what ideas they are working on?" She grunts, "When we studied the armor infection initially, we detected heat splotches on the armor hull. Your surmised this was a degradation in the nanotech. Normally if a person were to get sick with a virus you give them antibiotics, or other medicines to fight the infection. The body itself creates heat to attempt to burn out the infection. Should we not try to burn out this infection?"

LePage raises an eyebrow. "Now that's why we keep you around Lieutenant. I wouldn't have thought of it that way. The Ensign... what's his damn name... Whitley, he supposes that starving it might be a good tactic, if he can figure out what they're feeding off of if anything. I don't see why those would be mutually exclusive"

"Starving it out." Crass grunts, "It will take some experimenting to determine what it is eating, if that is the case. Both theories are worth investigating." She says, "I can start with some laboratory tests on the burning idea. This infection does not appear affected by the vacuum of space, so heat may also not be the answer."

"I don't think it'd be too much trouble to go get a biopsy to play with" LePage says. "Unless that thing has grown the ability to bite"

"I have setup a work area in Science Lab One. But do not have a stasis chamber or other field configured for tests, yet." Crass says. "I will need your assistance in that matter, to ensure none of the infection spreads to the interior of the vessel."

"I'll help out as can" LePage nods. "Just let me know"

Crass asks, "Is there a containment protocol for this type of situation? I do not have the skills to design and build one."

"We've had to deal with this kind of thing before, medically. I believe so. Could also ask Sawyer for help" LePage suggests. "He's had his fair share of infectious disease"

"Understood sir." Crass asks, "Is there anything I can do to assist you with your work?"

LePage shakes his head. "Not as much as I'm assisting you. This is just a lot of data crunching. I never mind the company though, you're always welcome"

"I read in a report from Commander Worthington that USS Azetbur does not have sufficient power reserves to fully power both shield systems." Crass asks, "Does that affect your data model for properly showing shield effectiveness?"

"A little, but it's a lot stronger of a projection than we had before" LePage responds. "All things given, I think it'll be fine"

Crass grunts. "Alright. Well if I think of some way to assist you, I will come by again. For now, I will find Ensign M'ir or Doctor Sawyer. Thank you sir."

"Don't be a stranger" LePage waves and swivels back around.

>Intercom< Captain Ki'Vek says, "Commander LaPage, Lieutenant Crass, report to the adminstrative conference room."

Conference Room <Antares Ship Yards>
This slightly curving room is used primarily by the station commander and the department heads to stage meetings. The central feature is a large, glossy black table that curves along with the perimeter of the room. Set in the center of the room, this eight-seater table contains advanced holographic technology as well as a small control panel at each seat. The head of the table is indicated by a larger panel, a small personal monitor built into the desk and the high backed chair positioned behind it. A large LCARS panel and viewscreen is built into the far bulkhead.
Artifical lighting comes from a recessed line along the perimeter of the room, but there is also a large viewport that stretches along one side of the room opposite the entry door that can let in natural light when available.

Captain Ki'Vek arrives from Administrative Corridor.

LePage is already seated, waiting.

Crass comes in and sits down at the table.

Ki'Vek slithers in last and approaches the table. She gently shoves aside a chair as she coils up across from the others so she can face them directly. "Thank you for coming," she begins. Then, as is her usual habit, she gets directly to the point. "As you know, we've been working on the secondary shield system to determine whether or not she would be helpful in strengthening Kestrel's defenses. We've recently carried out some live fire exercises to gather data on the performance of that system." She pulls from her pocket two PADDs and slides them across the table to the other officers. "One of our shield systems technicians he brought this to the attention of his supervisor. It is something that we, myself included, have overlooked. I want opinions on the viability of putting it quickly into practice."

LePage takes a look at the PADD and lets off a low whistle. "That's some pretty power distribution. Low impedence too. This is in the Sao Paolo now?" he asks

Crass says, "Commander LePage has been analyzing." she grunts, "Crunching the data on the shield tests. I was unable to assist him in that work." She reads through the information on the PADD.

Ki'Vek tips her head forward in a single nod. "Sao Paulo, and other more modern ship designs. In fact, Antares she has used this design in a number of vessels we've turned out for the fleet. Perhaps we've gotten too accustomed to following construction schematics, and less accustomed to devising creative practical solutions. Yet, this one technician he may have given us a key here that we can apply to our current project."

"Certainly" LePage nods. "But..." he purses his lips a bit. "We're going to have issues with this form factor. There are some integral components to some of the switching valves that aren't in a unibody design here" LePage points out. "We would need to make this fit into the space that our current distribution modules fit into"

Crass continues to look over the specs, "It looks like it should work. But if Commander LePage has doubts."

"If we remove the current distribution system instead of adding the new to what's already there," Ki'Vek asks. "Would that free up the space necessary for Azetbur?"

"I was already working off the concept of a wholesale replacement" LePage says. "Given that running these next to the existing one is useless without double piping. No, the benefit is in the conditioning of the plasma flow thus that loss to heat is effectively minimized" He scratches his beard. "No, it can be done but we need to change the form factor to be able to drop these in place"

Crass grunts, "This is not my area of expertise. But if it works as described, it should be installed in all ships."

Ki'Vek nods to Crass. "That it was my first thought as well, Lieutenant. If this works as intended, why is it not a fleet-wide feature? The ability of the generators and shield emitters to handle the power it is obviously an issue on some of the older model ships. But those components they can be easily upgraded."

"Which is why I'm focusing so much on making it accessible on our older platforms" LePage nods. "The architecture for these components is advanced and in a different design language. I need to design the adapting mechanism"

"I would argue the increased power flow may dissipate quicker over longer distances, therefore this solution is only practical on smaller vessel designs, or designs where the power from generator to emitter is a shorter distance." Crass grunts.

"Quite possible," the Selay agrees in response to Crass's statement. "The Sao Paulo class she is a much smaller design than many of the main fleet vessels." She pauses and considers, then nods. "In fact, the types of ships we've built here with this particular shield power distribution component design they are on the smaller side. Azetbur she is somewhat larger, and Kestrel a bit larger still. Some adjustments they may have to be made." She eyes LePage. "Can you estimate how long it may take for you to design the adaptor?"

LePage looks again at the PADD. "Good catch. Let's see... If all goes well, a couple days? If not maybe a week. Doesn't look too hard, just a matter of doing it in the most sensible and stable way possible"

Crass nods confident in her anlysis. "If I can assist, sir, let me know. I must wait for the containment chamber to be completely set up before performing the tests on the infection material."

"Please proceed, Commander," Ki'Vek says to LePage. "Time it is short." To Crass she says, "You will assist Commander LePage as you may and where you can. But also, Captain Anewan he has assigned his science department to work with ours in an attempt to ameliorate or eliminate the effects of the armor virus. That it will be your priority. I believe the Kestrel science officers they have been assigned for the moment to USs Hornet."

"I'll put it on the shelf with all my other top priorities" LePage says, only a tad sarcastically. "I'll get it done"

Crass nods to Ki'Vek, "Yes Captain, I will work with anyone I can."