RP Log: Escaping Callinon IV, Part 2

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Roleplay Log
  • USS Kestrel
  • 131551.0
2024-09-02 23:10
Central Corridor <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This narrow corridor is barely wide enough for one. It provides access to all the areas of the shuttle. Lighting comes from both floor skirting as well as a central lighting panel running down the ceiling.
To fore is the bridge, and to aft is the lounge.

Cross watches as the vorta and company leave. "So..." she says looking between Worthington Moncyu and Hauser, "am I correct in assuming that we have power back? Given that the vorta believe that we'll be underway soon?"

Moncyu shakes her head to Emma. "not yet. Apparently the Vorta has the power we need."

Hauser ducks out, and returns. "I went to shut the front door," she says. "Is it just me, or should I be slightly concerned about one Vorta and two dozen JemHadar soldiers behaving themselves when they're all aboard?"

"how do they have the power we need/," Emmelline asks, looking a touch confused. "This isn't like an old earth car I imagine, back in the 20th century, where in you could use a cable to jump start is it? And then are we sure that is the only thing we need to get this off the ground/," this last question she asks of Hauser curiously.

Worthington considers that. "You're right to be concerned," he says. "Hell, I am. The thing is, we are only 7, we have few replacement power cells for the weapons we do have, and few of us are nearly as good physically as a jem'hadar. Truth be told, if they wanted to steal the Napier out from under us, there's nothing really stopping them, unless they believe it is in their best interest to keep us alive. The Kestrel overhead is really our only card to play in that regard. As long as the vorta believes it will be most expedient for her to cooperate, she will. Vorta are cold and logical, only really caring about expedience over anything else. This, along with their fanatic loyalty to the founders, leads them to do rather cruel and unconscionable things at times. Cooperation though is possible if they believe it is in their best interest." He pauses. "If the jem'hadar aren't out of white, the vorta can keep them under control, at least for a short time. If we don't go out of our way to be agressive, that would help as well. Once we leave the surface and get to the kestrel, I am a little more concerned. Kestrel is a powerful ship, at least defensively. Though, also looking at this from the vorta's perspective, getting white for her men is a top priority right now. Then, whatever mission she was on. Plus, there may be more to gain having us as a friendly contact, and more to lose by engaging us in a hostile manner. I can't imagine the dominion wanting to open up another front in a war they are already engaged in. That would not be tactically sound."

Hauser smiles back at the doctor. "Are we sure? No Doc. I don't make promises about tech I haven't seen. But I am sure that without the Dominion's assistance, we're not leaving."

The shuttle is buffeted as potentially another sandstorm brews up outside.

Moncyu glances around. "It sounds like it's getting rough out there again," she says. "And the Vorta and the Jem'hadar are out in it."

"Oh no," Emmelline says with a shake of her head at Hauser's response.e "I was more asking, do we have other damage, besides the power drain that might potentially be a problem? Not that I could help even if there were so... I will just shut it."

Worthington listens to the sandstorm. "That, does not sound good," he says.

Hauser shakes her head. "Actually, we're in pretty good shape, Doc. Not much physical damage. Though when we get back, we might need a paint job by the sound of that sand."

The shuttle creaks as the strong winds and sand impact the hull, causing it to skid along the surface a centimeter or two.

Moncyu looks around. "I... think we just moved," she says. "Let's get to a window."

Worthington follows after his security chief, making for the bridge.

Bridge <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
The bridge, or cockpit of the vessel, is as wide as it is long. There are four stations in a U shape along the fore, in order from left to right they are Auxiliary, Copilot, Pilot, and Engineering. The remainder of the compartment contains eight additional chairs for passengers, four to each side. Two viewscreens are available, a large one to fore, and a smaller one to port.

[Outside the ship] Sand and debris are flying through the air, rocking the shuttle.

Hauser frowns. "That isn't good," she offers. "We don't have power for deflectors to mitigate that."

[Outside the ship] Visibility outside is negligible, but dark forms appear along the dirt path. As they approach, tall reptilian figures can be seen. Jem'Hadar.

Worthington nods. "Looks like the jem'hadar are back. Can we even open the hatch safely in this storm?" he asks.

"Is there a pattern to this storm?," Emmelline asks after a moment's contemplation. "I mean has anyone noticed, like a duration/ Such as it lasts for five hours, then lets up for two? Something along those lines"

There is a rapping noise on the outer hull at the airlock.

Hauser says, "I'm going to go try, sir. We can't leave them out there."

Airlock - USS Kestrel

Hauser is working at the hatch, opening it gradually with a safety line attached given the weather.

First Omeken'lit enters through the hatch.

First Omeken'lit shouts through the wind, "Where is your commanding officer?"

Hauser is working with the hatch still, as the wind tries to slam her against a bulkhead. "Didn't want to leave you outside!" She calls out over the wind. "He's on the bridge!"

[Outside the ship] A dozen Jem'hadar line up at the exterior airlock.

First Omeken'lit asks, "Where?" pointing at his soldiers.

Commander Worthington arrives from Central Corridor.

Hauser is beeing buffetted into the bulkhead as she tries to keep the somewhat overpowered hatch from slamming prematurely. She's talking to the JemHadar FIrst who is still outside, and a dozen JemHadar are still outside in the howling wind. "Quarters! She calls out. "Quarters either side of the main corridor, the lounge aft, I'm sure Commander Worthington will be," then the inner door opens.

Worthington yells as he enters. "Cram as many into the aft as you can, at least 3 to each set of quarters. Load the quarters first, then the aft lounge, then use whatever spare space you can. Our crew has been moved forward. First, you may join us on the bridge. Quickly, let's get your people out of this storm."

First Omeken'lit nods and signals his soldiers to file into the aft compartment. He joins Worthington on the bridge, as that is where he was told you were.

Bridge <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
The bridge, or cockpit of the vessel, is as wide as it is long. There are four stations in a U shape along the fore, in order from left to right they are Auxiliary, Copilot, Pilot, and Engineering. The remainder of the compartment contains eight additional chairs for passengers, four to each side. Two viewscreens are available, a large one to fore, and a smaller one to port.

First Omeken'lit growls, "Half of my soldiers are aboard. The rest are with the Vorta, they will be here soon."

Moncyu glances at the viewscreen. "In that storm? I hope they have the sense to take shelter in your ship until it's over," she says.

"Why did she split you up?" Hauser asks the first. "And are you ok?"

Worthington considers. "This is the second such storm we've seen. It hit us with no warning," he says.

[Outside the ship] Several more dark forms approach, barely visible in the sand and wind. One is struck by a large piece of debris and falls to the ground.

First Omeken'lit nods, "I will return."

First Omeken'lit goes Out.

[Outside the ship] First Omeken'lit arrives from Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01.

Moncyu shakes her head.

Hauser moves to the viewport, squinting out at the blowing sand. "Looks like someone's down out there, sir."

Worthington nods to Hauser. "One of the jem'hadar it looks like, hit by something," he says.

"Wait why didn't they all just come in one gigantic bunch?," Emmaline asks unhelpfully. "It would save us or really anyone, the trip of going back out there to let them in."

[Outside the ship] First Omeken'lit pushes against the wind to get to the other approaching Jem'Hadar. The fallen Jem'hadar are no longer visible from within the shuttle.

The shuttle is rocked as more Jem'Hadar pile into the back. One arrives on the bridge. The first is no longer visible outside.

"The Vorta is missing. First Omeken'lit has gone to find her with four others." The arriving Jem'Hadar shouts.

Worthington looks serious. "Without her and that component, we're not getting out of here," he says. "Is there anything we can do to help??" he asks.

Moncyu reaches down and touches her tricorder and her body armor, making sure everything is in place.

Hauser listens to the conversation, but keeps looking at the viewport to watch developments.

A large piece of debris slams into the side of the shuttle, rocking it, not to mention leaving a big dent to buff out later. Again, the shuttle moves several centimeters across the sandy ground.

Cross nods in agreement at Worthington's words, but then says, "yes but... I don't know if going back out there would do anyone any good. I imagine visibility is down to none. But that being said," she says with a shake of her head, "there is nothing saying this lot will let up anytime soon."

Hauser falls against one of the consoles. "Dammit!" She straightens up. "Commander this storm is much worse than the last one we saw. It could do some real damage to the shuttle, and I don't have to tell you what that means for getting the hell outa here, sir."

Worthington nods to cross, then looks at Moncyu. "Do your betazoid abilities give you the ability to sense how close you are to someone, or what direction they might be in?" he asks.

[Outside the ship] A solitary Jem'Hadar struggles to make it to the shuttle. It is not the First.

"Not in large crowds," Moncyu says. "But out there, if I get close enough, it might help." She taps her tricorder again. "I can use this to help get me close if I have to."

Hauser points to one JemHadar struggling towards the shuttle. "Look!"

"I yet again wonder," Emmelline says rather unhelpfully as she watches the lone soldier treking towards them, "why they didn't all depart and arrive in one gigantic bunch. In this weather, it might have been wise to rope up, so no one would get lost. Though hindsight is 20 20 I suppose."

[Outside the ship] A gust of wind knocks the Jem'Hadar down, he lays flat, unable to move without being tossed in the wind.

Moncyu says, "Sir, if the sand buries the Vorta and the power source she's bringing back, we're not going anywhere."

Worthington nods. "It is at that," he says. "Lieutenant," he says to Moncyu, "If you think you can help in this mess, do so. You are correct."

Moncyu nods once. "Yes, Sir," she says, then runs a quick glance over Emma, Jessica, and the others before hurrying out.

[Outside the ship] Lieutenant (jg) Moncyu arrives from Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01.

Hauser watches Moncyu intently, looking apprehensive.

"Should I go out there with her?," Emmelline offers up. "If she is injured, she will need someone who can help her get back to the ship."

[Outside the ship] Another piece of debris veers towards Moncyu. The prone Jem'hadar struggles to all fours, crawling towards the shuttle.

Worthington nods. "Be careful," he says. "We don't need to lose you too. Keep an eye on things from the airlock, and head out if needed."

[Outside the ship] Moncyu struggles against the wind to get toward the Jem'hadar. "Where are the Vorta and the others?" she shouts to him as she gets closer. "Did they make it out of your ship?"

[Outside the ship] Moncyu goes out of sight in the dust storm.

Worthington watches as Moncyu goes out of sight. "Let's not go out there," he says. "If Eiessa doesn't come back, I'm not sure how equipped the rest of us are to find people out in that mess."

[Outside the ship] The fallen Jem'Hadar struggles to enter the airlock, but has finally made it to the shuttle.

Cross is at the airlock. Seeing the soldier has made it to the shuttle, she opens the hatch letting them in. "Come on! Did you find the vorta/," she questions, as she helps the soldier to safety.

The soldier struggles to rise once out of the wind. He shakes his head and heads aft with the others. He is badly cut on any exposed skin.

Worthington continues looking forward, his eyes fixed on the storm, seeing nothing, though still looking.

[Outside the ship] A dark form begins to form in the dust filled space outside the shuttle.

Ryu walks into the bridge and says "The Lounge is full up with Jem Hadar"

Worthington nods to Ryu, seeing some people emerge through the dust. "That's what we expected," he says. "Hopefully, the vorta survived, and lieutenant Moncyu can get her to the ship."

[Outside the ship] First Omeken'lit and Moncyu are carrying the Vorta, struggling against the wind.

[Outside the ship] "Almost there!" Moncyu shouts. "Keep your feet moving. Don't let the sand collect around them!"

Cross is at the airlock. She sees the little group approaching. Opening the hatch, she emerges and attempts to run over to help the lot.

[Outside the ship] A large piece of debris slams into the trio, knocking them over.

[Outside the ship] Cross is struggling outside the ship, trying to make her way to Moncyu and crew. She watches as the debris knocks them over. "you all right?," she attempts to yell. Though whether she is heard is a whole other question.

[Outside the ship] Moncyu scrambles to her feet and pulls the Vorta up before the sand can cover them much. "Keep moving!" she yells. "We're almost there! Go! Go! Go! I'll stay with you!" She doesn't hear Emma.

[Outside the ship] The wind pushes Cross's small form back towards the shuttle, she can make little progress.

[Outside the ship] First Omeken'lit struggles back to his feet, the three of them continue again towards the shuttle. He sees Cross and shouts something at her. It is lost in the wind.

[Outside the ship] Cross isn't making much progress under the wind and the storm. She continues to try however. As Moncyu and crew draw nearer, she works to open the hatch for them to allow them to preceed her.

[Outside the ship] Several large pieces of debris fly down the valley, carried by the immense winds. One strikes First Omeken'lit hard, knocking him off his feet, he tumbles away in the wind.

Hauser keeps watching through the port, fists clenched in agitation. "Orders, sir? Or do we keep hoping?

[Outside the ship] Moncyu looks to see who the Jem'hadar is shouting at, and notices Emma for the first time. Eiessa also yells something to her, but like the others, she can't be heard at that distance. She keeps urging the others along, but suddenly the gust carrying debris takes the First away and she's left carrying the full weight of the Vorta. She staggers and strains, pushing the Vorta closer and closer to the shuttle.

[Outside the ship] The Vorta has little strength, and is unable to assist much against the wind.

[Outside the ship] "Oh bloody hell," Emmelline says as she narowly dodges the debris. She watches as one of the companions are knocked aside, and Moncyu is left carrying the vorta on her own. "I'm coming mate, hold on!," she shouts, yet again unsure of whether she is heard or not, as she redoubles her efforts to make her way to Moncyu.

Worthington considers. "Your expertise is needed, and so is the vorta's," he says. "I should go out there to see if I can assist."

Hauser nods slowly. "Be careful, sir," she says. "If you go."

[Outside the ship] Moncyu shakes her head wildly at Emma, then motions with one hand in a way that she hopes is understandable as... get the hatch open. She goes back to shoving the Vorta forward, digging deep into her reserves of energy.

[Outside the ship] Another large piece of debris swooshes past.

[Outside the ship] The wind catches Cross, shoving her towards the airlock, completely off her feet.

[Outside the ship] Cross looks between the struggling Moncyu, then the hatch, clerly torn between helping her friend and holding the hatch open as gestured to her. "I wonder if I can wedge..." she is saying to herself, when the wind catches her and she is knocked completely off her feet. "That is distinctly not good!," she says more to herself, as she struggles to find her feet once more.

[Outside the ship] Moncyu glances over her shoulder to see a wall of debris baring down on the shuttle's position. "Shit!" she says, then shoves with the last of her strength, nearly tossing the Vorta into the airlock as she herself falls flat on her face in the sand.

Worthington looks concerned, watching Moncyu fall on her face. He moves back to the airlock to offer his help. "I will be back shortly," he says to the others, then dashes out.

[Outside the ship] Commander Worthington arrives from Shuttle Napier

[Outside the ship] As Cross falls and the Vorta is thrown, the pair land within the airlock and atop Worthington who had just arrived. The dust and wind blow fiercely inside, cutting any exposed skin. Another large piece of debris blows across, catching Moncyu hard as she struggles to get up. Too hard. The pair are lost in the dust.

[Outside the ship] Moncyu is dead.

"Eiessa!" Hauser jumps forward, forgetting there's a window in the way. She thumps into the viewport.

Airlock - USS Kestrel

Cross is thrown into the airlock along with the vorta and Worthington. She watches however, as the debris hits Moncyu and they both go flying. "Sir, we have to go back out there," she says, looking rather concerned, as she tries to find her feet in the crowded airlock. "She could still be alive."

Worthington shakes his head, moving to the hatch controls, attempting to pull the door closed. "We go back outside lieutenant, and we're both dead," he says. "The jem'hadar first is likely dead already. The size of those debris pieces flying around, and the speed they're moving, are enough to mortally wound just about any sentient being. Our best hope is that this component can be installed quickly, and we can attempt to use the transporters to snag her out of this mess. Going out there, by ourselves, is suicide."

"But sir we don't know," Emmelline says with a shake of her head. She is no match for Worthington's physical presence though, and so she very well can't keep him from closing the hatch though she continues her plea. "She might be extremely injured but still alive. We have to check sir. We have to be certain. She could be bleeding out. We can't waste the time it owuld take to do... whatever it is we need to do, then hope the bloody transporters even work."

Nidin coughs, "On the bright side, I do have it."

Worthington looks to Cross, his normally rigid exterior showing signs of strain, of emotion that his face rarely displays. "I know," he says. "I know. But if we don't close this hatch, that storm will kill all 3 of us. I'm sorry," he says, "But we can't risk going back out there." He pulls hard on the hatch. "Eiessa gave everything she had to insure that Nidin made it safely aboard. She did that for us. We must respect that."

Cross opens her mouth, looking as if she might debate the point. Somehow, somewhere in some way however, her starfleet training takes over. There is only a flicker, albeit a rather potent expression of greef that flashes across her countenance, before being replaced by a solemn stolid look. "Aye sir," is all she says to Worthington, before turning away. Though the look that flashes in her eyes before she turns to hide her face speaks volumes and her disagreement, though it is not voiced.

Worthington turns away for a moment, not letting the others see his face. At last, he turns to Hauser. "Lieutenant, we need to fix this ship as quickly as possible. That's up to you and Nidin here. If we can get power, we can attempt to use the transporters to find Moncyu. That is the only chance she has at this point."

Cross doesn't speak as Worthington addresses hauser. Though she remains attentive lest she is called upon to do something, her eyes do not meet Worthington's.

Hauser nods. "We'll get it done," she says. She turns to the VOrta. "I'm sorry about the soldiers you lost," she says. "At least, I think that's the case?" she inquires of Worthington.

Worthington nods. "We lost sight of the first, and I'm not sure how many jem'hadar made it aboard," he says. "That storm is positively, nasty."

Nidin says, "The Jem'hadar did what they were designed to do. There's nothing to feel sorry about. Is it not the same for your officer?" She shrugs and holds up the power device. "And we have what we need, so no harm done."

Cross remains stolid, silent and attentive as Worthington and the vorta speak. Though at the latter's words, she turns to glare daggers into the vorta. Though whether she notices or even cares is another thing. She opens her mouth, closes it, and resumes standing there, just glaring daggers.

Hauser offers the Vorta a strained smile. "No, it's not exactly the same for us. But let's take that device down to the engineering crawlspace."

Worthington turns to the vorta. "Our people are not cloned, and we care for each other deeply," he says. "If one of us perishes in the line of duty, it is always a trajedy for those who know them well. We are all unique individuals, and our people form attachments to one another." He nods to Hauser. "Make haste lieutenant. We need it," he says to the engineer. He nods to the vorta.

Nidin extricates herself from the pile that formed in the airlock, of the other two, and the pile of sand. "Shall we proceed?"

Hauser walks with the Vorta to the down hatch and opens it. "Ok, can I see that device?"

Nidin nods and hands you the device. "Do be careful not to damage it. I have done what I can to configure it for your use."

Tube 2ES <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This crawl space resides directly below the habitable deck of the shuttle. It is barely a meter high, and has very little room for maneuvering. It does however provide access to many of the ships systems. Spanning multiple decks is a large, multi-colored computer core. Spanning multiple decks is a large, multi-colored computer core.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Opening communications channel from Commander Worthington.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington says, "The storm is getting rougher. Going to keep this line open. Let us know up here when we have power. We have to leave before any external components become too damaged from the storm."

Hauser says, "Agreed. I'm down in engineering right now."

"We both are down in", Nidin looks around, "A crawlspace, doubling as access to engineering components." She points at the device she handed Hauser, "Do be careful with that. It will act as a sort of shield around your reactor, once installed."

Hauser begins looking over the device, looking for access and connection points.

Nidin asks, "Would you prefer I did it?"

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington turns to Cross, as well as the others in the bridge compartment, though he is not sure what he is looking for. All he can do is watch and wait, hoping against all odds that the repairs are completed before the storm ruins all hope of escape.

The shuttle is moved about a foot as a massive gust of wind hits it.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Cross watches as Worthington turns to her, but even now she doesnt' meet his gaze. The expression on her face completely blank and unforgiving. She doesn't verbalize her feelings however, only sits there solemn and silent.

"Feel free," Hauser says. "It's your device. I'll show you the connection points and double check the inputs."

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington says, "We're standing by up here. I'll run an abreviated preflight once you have everything hooked up. When you're satisfied the reactor will work, I'll work on getting us out of here. I'm going to run a transporter sweep for Eiessa's commbadge. There's a chance, that while we're still on the ground, we can cut through just enough of the interfeerance to get a lock."

"This system is not equipped with a reciprocating discriminator, that will complicate matters." Nidin says.

A gust of wind lifts the shuttle off the ground, only a few milimeters, but if the wind gets fully under, it could flip the ship.

"No, it isn't," Hauser says. "What about reversing the modulator polarities on the secondary warp induction matrix. That do? Damn! We'd better be quick," she says.

Nidin makes a few adjustments to the device. "Connect this here." she points, "While I connect this." She stumbles forward as the shuttle moves, she is obviously still weak from the earlier excursion. "It will compensate."

Hauser works the connection points in. She smiles tensely at the Vorta as the shuttle rocks. "Bet you'll have a few stories to tell next time you're home, won't you," she comments. "Ok, I think that's hooked in to the laterals correctly."

Nidin verifies your connection. "You may attempt to restart the reactor."

Lieutenant Hauser restarts Miniature Warp Reactor.

Another gust of wind lifts the shuttle and moves it several meters laterally.

Hauser says, "bridge, try spooling it up. You should have power. And I'd hurry if I were you

Nidin nods, then slumps to the ground, exhausted.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington is feeling the shuttle get tossed around like a pinball in a hurricane. "Can we try powering anything?" he asks into his badge.

Hauser says, "And get medical for our Vorta friend. She's kinda collapsed down here. Statt."

[Hauser's Commbadge] Upon Hauser's asking for a medic, Emmelline simply stands and walks out. Uncharacteristically of her, she does not ask Worthington to be dismissed, or to even leave the bridge. She simply walks out, and presumably down to engineering.

Lieutenant (jg) Cross arrives from Central Corridor.

Nidin is unconscious on the floor.

Another blast of wind rocks the shuttle, once again lifting it off the ground.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington starts checking readouts, tapping displays, and running through preflight checks about as rapidly as he can. He stops at something, and yells into his badge. "Damn it, confirm that the transporters are destroyed? I thought the criffing things were working."

"The vorta is definitely unconscious sir," Emmelline reports in, using Hauser's open commline to communicate. "I am working on her now,' comes her voice again. Still lacking in any warmth, or even emotion. it sounds rather deadpan and lacking all expression.

Nidin is still alive, but really weak. She too has cuts on her hands and face.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington speaks into his badge. "Acknowledged," he says, tapping at his displays, then, "Damn it," as he continues. He hits the thrusters, pitching the ship up and attempting to balance it out amidst the raging storm.

Cross sighs as she drops to the ground next to the vorta. Unpacking her medical kit, she begins scanning the vorta, noticing the cuts on her hands and face. "Probably blood loss," she says to no one in particular, as she takes out the autosuture kit and begins her work. Once most of the cuts or at least the bigger lacerations have been treated to the best of her ability she says louder this time, so as to be heard through the commline, "Sir, she's okay to move now. Probably to the lounge or... where ever that is better than down here."

The deck plating rumbles as the ship takes off.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington has strapped in, and was holding on to the console hard during the rough transition to space. "Bring her to the bridge. It's less crowded than the lounge. When we get to Kestrel, you two can beam directly to sickbay," he says.

The ship jolts as a tractorbeam locks onto it.

[Viewscreen (25881)] DOM Molot Ruzu's Primary Shuttlebay doors begin to open.

[Viewscreen (25881)] DOM Molot Ruzu lands Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01 at Primary Shuttlebay with its tractor beam

There is a slight bump as the vessel lands.

A computer generated voice says, "Attention, External Support Mode is engaged.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington says, "Hold that thought lieutenant. A dominion ship has us, and we're being taken aboard."

"It isn't as if she's conscious sir," Emmelline says, her tone carrying a biting timbre, though she isn't being disrespectful. "So I can't very well carry her..." then her biting remark pauses at Worthington's comment. "Bloody hell," is all she says.

Second Ratan arrives from Central Corridor.

Second Ratan climbs part way down the ladder. "Did you harm her?" he growls.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington lets cross talk to the jem'hadar. He signals the intercom.

"We've got company sir!," Emmelline says, before the second addresses her. "No I did not bloody well harm her," she says with a shake of her head. "I was the one who kept her from bleeding out. See?," she says, holding up the autosuture she had just been using. "Suture, stitches," she says, again pointing to the now stitched up cuts and lacerations on the vorta's face and hands.

Intercom< Commander Worthington says, "One of your vessels is in system, and has brought us aboard. I am going to open the hatch now."

Second Ratan grunts and nods. "Is it safe to move her?" he asks calmly.

Cross nods to the second. "yes," is all she says as she packs her medical equipment away. "I was able to stop most of the bleeding, and stitch up her wounds."

Second Ratan nods, "Thank you." He scoops up Nidin and carefully carries her up the ladder.

Cross waits till the jem'hadar disappears up the ladder, before she sighsa nd rises to her feet. "I'll be up on the bridge," she simply tells Hauser in a rather deflated manner, before she too ascends the ladder.

[Hauser's Commbadge] Worthington says, "join me. There's another vorta outside. He says we are among friends, and can come out." He considers Cross. "I understand if you don't want to talk or listen to me right now, but let's save that for the Kestrel. There are more important things going on right now. If you want to beat the shit out of me for what happened, I will be happy to let you, but later." He gets to his feet and heads for the hatch.

Primary Shuttlebay <DOM Molot Ruzu>
Capable of holding a number of support craft, including a few of the larger Jem'Hadar Fighters, the primary shuttlebay is situated on the dorsal side of the nose of the craft. The large bay doors open upwards allowing egress and entrance.
A series of lifts and cranes shift craft from the storage facilities both to fore and below.

Waran says, "We've been monitoring the situation since we arrived. I am sorry about your lost crewmate. Tragic." his eyebrows jump up, "I am surprised though your ship, the Kestrel is it? Has not moved an inch since our arrival, nor approached the planet to assist you. Tsk tsk, so unlike the Starfleet I heard about."

Cross follows after Worthington, still silent. As the second speaks, she allows the senior officer to take charge.

Second Ratan continues to carry Nidin, "With your permission, I will take her for medical care." He nods towards Cross, "She may have saved Nidin's life."

Waran nods to Second.

Second Ratan goes Out.

Worthington looks to waran. "I always knew Dominion intelligence was good, but yours is next level, if you can know about an event that occurred half an hour ago, while there's a good deal of comms interfeerance down below," he says. "Thank you for your condollences. Our comms tech hasn't been as forgiving. Kestrel hasn't had too much of a reason to suspect until now, as they did know of the comms difficulties going in." He pauses. "I met your predecessor. I heard of his death too, at the hands of these burrowers. It is because of all this, and how little we know about it, that we are here in the first place."

"Good communication is the key to any civilization, the Dominion is no different." Waran says, "Unfortunately, due to recent events we have no further ships capable of atmospheric flight to rescue those that fell." He smiles at Cross, "I thank you for giving medical aid to one of my kind."

Waran means this ship specifically, not the Dominion has no ships like that. The deck of the shuttlebay is vacant, except for the Napier.

"of course," Emmelline says with a respectful nod to Waran. "it is my job to give aid to those in need."

Worthington nods to Waran as well. "We know verry little about what has been going on. All of it through third parties, and more or less watching what happened to them rather than learning directly. A Romulan taskforce, destroyed. One of their top of the line battleships, destroyed. One of your top of the line battleships, destroyed. All from a seemingly similar source. Fighters and cruisers of a yet unknown configuration, but not yours. Karemma seceding from the Dominion. That is, I'm afraid, the extent of Starfleet's knowledge on the conflict. Perhaps you could help color in the edges, make the picture more clear? All of this has been unsettling for us, and we have feared that a force might come through the wormhole and attack us."

Waran nods, "My predecessor was on that battleship." He smiles, "I can't say I was sad to see him go, I didn't exist yet." His brow furrows, "An old and powerful enemy, one thought vanquished long ago. But now is not the time to discuss it. This ship has a target on its back." He is about to say more on why that is but digresses, "We will return you to your ship and agree to meet in five of your days in the Stakoron system. Then, if I am able, I will relay all that we know of the Burrowers."

Cross considers for a moment. She opens her mouth, then closes it. She spends another moment in contemplation efore she finally speaks. "Forgive me," she begins, "I realize this sounds rather morbid. And I may be charged with talking out of turn. But given you just said the ship has a target on its back," she goes on, "what if you don't make it within five days time? Is there something you can tell us now? In case of such an eventuality?"

Worthington nods to cross. "I agree with lieutenant Cross here. The burrowers have attempted to block our attempts to make contact thus far. It is no coincidence in my mind that a cruiser was sent in this direction after we went to Karemma, unknowing what all was going on. If you do not make it in 5 days, can you at least give us a point of contact, along with your recommendation?" he asks.

Waran says, "I recommend you get a bigger ship. Your destroyer cannot stand up to one of their larger ships alone. It is questionable anything Starfleet has can." He smiles, "As I said, we will do our best to make the rendezvous, but at present we are being followed. On purpose. We are leading our hunter into a trap." He points at the now open shuttlebay door. "Go while you can, they will be here very soon."

Worthington nods. "I shall inform Starfleet," he says. "We will be there. Hopefully, you are as well." He nodds to cross, and points to the shuttle, moving in that direction.

Cross nods and follows after her senior officer without further words.