RP Log: Escaping Callinon IV, Part I

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Roleplay Log
  • USS Kestrel
  • Dry Valley -- Callinon IV
  • 131551.0
2024-09-02 22:13

Hauser is gazing out the viewport, which is buried almost up to its lower edge, in sand. She appears to be doodling on her tricorder, though what she's doing isn't immediately clear.

Worthington has just finished recording, something, though he quickly puts the padd away and paces around, gazing out the viewports.

Apropos of nothing, or maybe apropos of her whole life, Hauser says in the silence, "I can't help wondering what my dad would have done in this situation."

Worthington considers that as he moves to sit next to hauser. "In what way?" he asks. "The fix the ship, engineering way, or the kill every non-human even if we die way?"

Hauser is self-actualized enough to be able to smile slightly at that. "The former, certainly. As to the latter, I think we have to plan for that Vorta to try to pull a fast one. I mean, I want to take them with us, but it may come down to us or them, in which case, I know which one I'd pick. I just don't think we can trust them, much as I'd like to think we could. Is that making any sense?""

Worthington nods. "It does," he says. "Unfortunately, I know the Dominion pretty well, and I'd expect that sort of thing," he says. "Perhaps a little threatening is warranted. Say, could you disable the warp and slipstream drives, repairable, but at least damaged enough not to be immediately useful?" he asks. "After all, the shuttle doesn't need to leave the system, just make it into space."

"You're asking an engineer to sabotage something on purpose?" She grins faintly. "Who better than an engineer. Yeah I probably could break them, remove a component, something like that. I just wish they'd show up so we could get the talking started. I still kinda want to meet them."

Worthington smiles. "I want to negotiate from a position of strength. What I will do is likely let them know what captain Anewan thinks about this particular shuttle, and what he might do if we aren't aboard it when it launches. Say nothing about the drives. If you can disable them without their knowledge, they may not discover it until they try and leave the system, at which point, they will be captain Anewan's problem. More of an insurance policy if they don't play nice. I expect them to show up soon though."

There is a rapping sound on the exterior of the shuttle.

"Like, now? I think they're here sir." She heads for the airlock.

Worthington moves quickly in the same direction.

Airlock <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This airlock is used to connect the ship to another vessel or a starbase, providing access between them and this vessel without any of the concerns posed by the vacuum of space. It is not designed for extended staysdevoid of any furnishings apart from a single LCARS panel and a single overhead lighting panel, as well as being only large enough for three or four people at a time. Crew trained in EVA procedures can also use this room to exit the ship, allowing for manual inspections of the hull.

Worthington waits for the inner door to seal before opening the outer hatch, covering his face as he does so, expecting a wave of sand to woosh in.

Hauser makes her way to the hatch and clambers out.

Dry Valley <Callinon IV>
To call this a valley is a bit of a misnomer, as the hills to each side are barely fifty meters above the valley floor. The ground is dry and caked, showing signs of a long gone waterway. What little vegetation there is, is lifeless, and blowing across the valley in even the gentlest of winds.
Sand has blown in and covered one half of the shuttle.

The Vorta, and an entourage of three Jem'Hadar have arrived back at the location of the shuttle. The Vorta impatiently taps their foot on the ground as they wait. "We've been here for several minutes, do you not have guards or detection capabilities outside your vessel? If I had known, we would have taken an opportunity of it." she smiles.

Worthington smiles as he exits his shuttle. "We had been posting a 24 hour watch. A sand storm sort of blew in, and made that impractical for a while," he says. "I am happy to say though that the napier herself is flight worthy, if the power dampening issues are removed from the equation."

Hauser extends her hand to the Vorta. "My name is Jessica," she says in a seemlingly unguarded way. "I'm our engineer. What name do you go by?"

The Vorta keeps her hands to herself, one overlapping the other at her belly, "You may refer to me as Nidin." She asks Hauser, "So you can confirm the vessel is flight worthy, if it were not for the power issue?"

Worthington remains silent, letting Hauser do the talking.

"Yes," Hauser says. "My expert opinion is that if not for the power dampening, or suppression, characteristics in this atmosphere, we would be able to take off." She turns to the JemHadar. "I don't know much about you," she says. "But is one of you a, first? Second? And you also have names?"

Nidin smiles, "That is excellent news then. If you would all vacate the craft, we will take it from here." With her dry tone, it isn't clear if she is joking or not. She gives the lead Jem'Hadar a nod. He responds, "I am First Omeken'lit. The rest of us will give their names if it is warranted."

Worthington smiles to Nidin. "Well," he says. "Taking the Napier into orbit without us aboard, may prove, shall we say, problematic." He pauses. "You see, we have some personal history with the craft, due to some incidents that occured with it a ways back. Captain Anewan would love an excuse to blow it up. Having us aboard would definitely help to mollify him in that respect." He smiles. "If your people have an alternative power source, I know lieutenant Hauser will be happy to work with you in linking it with our systems. I know that our technologies at times aren't always the most compatible, but if we can work together, so can our equipment."

Hauser looks thoughtful. "Miss Niddin, how did your ship come to crash? Did you experience systems failure in orbit and crash land?"

Nidin looks up at the sky thoughtfully, then back down. "That is if your ship and Captain Anewan are still there." She smiles, "You are correct that our technologies, even our very ways of life differ greatly, but our own matter/anti-matter reaction chamber is functional. The vessel around it is not." She considers, "This is accomplished with some of that Dominion technology you envy so much, a piece of technology that could be adapted to your vessel." She asks, "How many can your vessel carry?" She grins deeply, "How many are there in your crashed crew?"

Worthington considers. "There are several, but remember, the shuttle doesn't have to travel far. Only to orbit. Then, the Kestrel can come get us, and there's room to spare aboard," he says. "If we utilized all the space, the quarters which could normally sleep 12, the transporter alcove, the lavitory, the aft lounge, and the bridge, we could likely pack in quite a few people. I know the jem'hadar are tough, and don't need a lot of things that many species do, so I expect tight quarters wouldn't be an issue there. Our crew numbers 7. We can squeze in though. The shuttle would need to be loaded from the ends inward, as the corridor inside can only accomodate a couple people at a time. We can certainly cram in though. How many is your crew, if I may ask?"

"Considerably more than seven." Nidin replies. "I suspect however we will not get more than one opportunity to escape this desert oasis. If we are to leave together, then cramped it will be."

Hauser nods. She speaks, looking between the First and the Vorta. "Listen, I know you probably don't trust us. But our goals here are the same. We all want to get off this rock. Then we can go back to our lives. So," she looks to the Vorta. "Can you show me your surviving power sources? We'll have to see what can be jury rigged with our systems." She smiles at the JemHadar. "Which of you is an engineer?"

Worthington nods to Hauser, Nidin, and Omeken'lit. "Lieutenant Hauser here is our chief engineer, and a damn good one. She will work with whoever does engineering for your people to make everything ready. Meanwhile, you and your first may come aboard the shuttle. I know that seeing and surveying the space would be more efficient all things considered, for both adapting the technology involved and determining the most efficient means for packing people in. Most of us have been through far worse than a cramped shuttle. We'll survive. I'll detail my crew to assist as needed. The sooner we get off this planet, the better. I think all of us can agree on that much at the very least."

Nidin says flatly to Hauser, "No, you may not board our vessel. As I just explained, there is a component that can be modified to work on your vessel so that your reactor will function." She nods to Worthington, "I will be taking care of any engineering tasks this may involve." She glances at First, "We will accompany you aboard to get first hand information on the design of your reactor so that I can more easily make the modifications."

Hauser nods. "Great," she says. "I'll show you the engineering space. It's very small. You can bring the component here when you're ready, and we'll get to work." She looks to Worthington. "At your discretion, sir."

Worthington nods. "Go ahead lieutenant," he says, moving back toward the hatch. "I'll give you 3 some space to maneuver. I'll be by the aft lounge hatch when you are done reviewing the reactor specs. You can join me there to survey the area. This way please."

Commander Worthington enters Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01.

Hauser smiles at Niddin and the Jem'Hadar. "Welcome aboard."

Central Corridor <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This narrow corridor is barely wide enough for one. It provides access to all the areas of the shuttle. Lighting comes from both floor skirting as well as a central lighting panel running down the ceiling.
To fore is the bridge, and to aft is the lounge.

Hauser points to a hatch in the floor. "Ok Miss Niddin," she says with a smile. "I'm gonna open that hatch and squeeze down in there. That's the engineering space. Your other gentlemen will definitely not fit. She grins.

The vorta nods to First Omeken'lit, indicating to stand guard. "You know what to do should anything befall me."

Tube 2ES <Shuttle Napier NCC-122004/01>
This crawl space resides directly below the habitable deck of the shuttle. It is barely a meter high, and has very little room for maneuvering. It does however provide access to many of the ships systems. Spanning multiple decks is a large, multi-colored computer core. Spanning multiple decks is a large, multi-colored computer core.

[Central Corridor] Worthington turns to the jem'hadar. "First Omeken'lit, there are things we can do to make more space. The aft lounge has some furnishings that can be removed to clear more floorspace, as we can always replicate replacements. The same goes for the beds in the quarters, though depending on the size of the rooms, it may be more efficient to have people lay on the beds, as they are designed as bunks to stack 3 high, so that's likely the most efficient use of that space." He considers. "Hard plumming fixtures can't be removed, but anything that's not bolted or tied down and non-essential to basic operations can. We'll find a way to cram in as many people as possible."

Hauser wriggles down into the crawlspace. She squeezes herself as much to one side as she can. "Have a look," she invites.

The Vorta remains with Hauser as the Jem'Hadar stands guard above.

[Central Corridor] Moncyu joins the party. "Sir?" she asks Worthington.

[Central Corridor] First Omeken'lit asks, "Have you no weight limitations for this vessel? You speak of replacing sofas with soldiers. They are not equivalent."

Nidin removes a piece of equipment from an inner pocket and begins scanning the components within the engineering space. "Functional, yet not, as you indicated."

Hauser chuckles. "More on the, not, side of things right now. Think we can hook up your component?"

[Central Corridor] Worthington considers. "To be honest, I've never had a need to wonder just what this vessel can carry when it comes to weight. We're about to find out though," he says. "We've never stuffed an auxiliary craft full before, but this shuttle does have pretty durrable impulse engines. It will likely strain them, but as long as they don't explode in our faces, I'll take what I can get." He turns to Moncyu. "The Dominion have a component that should render our warp reactor functional. Right now, we are trying to figure out just how many people can fit aboard the Napier. If all goes well, we can all get off this rock. That's the plan, anyway."

[Central Corridor] "If all goes well," Moncyu says with a nod. "How many people do they have?"

The Vorta nods, "I do. As you are not familiar with our technolgy I will make the modifications to the component." She smiles, "But you may oversee its installation here."

[Central Corridor] First Omeken'lit says, "Many"

Hauser nods. "I don't know your tech, and you don't know ours. Together we'll both get an education. Do you need to see more down here, or shall we go back up?"

Nidin scans another piece of equipment within the engineering space. "This will suffice." She tuckes the scanner away and proceeds back up. "You have been very helpful."

Hauser smiles. "Good deal." She waits for the Vorta to exit first.

[Central Corridor] Worthington considers. "The sofas, they're typically worth the weight of several people by themselves, so removing them would allow for their replacement in weight, plus additional personnel," he says. "We can remove some other things and have them replaced later. Long range sensors, we won't need them. Same for the shield generator, shouldn't need that either. That should clear up a considerable amount of weight, if that is a concern."

[Central Corridor] Moncyu smiles at the Jem'hadar. "Just, many?" she asks. "Do you not know the number, or do you not want to say the number? It will be hard to make precise plans without precise numbers."

Hauser slithers out after the Vorta, stomping the hatch closed.

Nidin, the Vorta, says to Moncyu, "He is under directive not to reveal that information. But if you must know, several Jem'Hadar were lost in the crash, some were willingly sacrificed, what remains is 24, including myself."

Hauser looks at Worthington. "I think we could handle that number."

Worthington nods to Hauser, then Moncyu, and then the vorta. "If Jesica says we can handle that number, then we can," he says. "We'll do what we need to in order to make space. Upon return to the Kestrel, you will be able to contact a ship or installation of your choosing, set up a meeting point of your choosing, and you and your soldiers will be taken there with haste. I give you my word that we will not attempt to harm your people or take them prisoner."

Seeing that she's entered in on a rather serious discussion, Emmelline keeps her silence for the time being as she tries to keep up with the situation.

Moncyu gives the Vorta a quick nod and an even quicker smile.

Nidin glances at First Omeken'lit then back to Worth, "Yes, I am sure you would guarantee our safe passage, if you could." She nods to the others, "We will return to our ship and I will collect the equipment. Make your preparations for handling all of us, and we will return, in bulk."

Hauser smiles at the Vorta. "Sounds like a plan."

Worthington smiles as well. "We will be prepared," he says.

Nidin and the Jem'hadar depart