RP Log: Just A Practice Climb

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Roleplay Log
  • Climbing Center <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
  • 129588.59
2024-03-07 19:32
Climbing Center <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
This dedicated space is for those who love climbing. There are multiple setups here allowing for multiple people to climb at one time. Each setup includes a moving wall that can be programmed with a specific set of cleats in one of hundreds of available known formations, or the climber can choose to use a randomly generated course at different skill levels.
The deck plating is well padded, but there are also anti-gravity beams that will catch a player should they lose their grip. Climbing ropes and apparatus are also available, both for instruction and for training purposes should the climber have the opportunity to do a real climb.

Faashla enters the climbing center, starving for some vertical thrills. She tosses her belongings to the side as she begins stretching.

Lex can be found climbing on one of the intermediate courses. Focused as he is, he doesn't notice the arrival of the tellarite.

Faashla programs the second climbing wall for an easier climb, at least to start. Warmed up, she begins her ascent.

It doesn't seem possible in such a well-controlled space, but the denobulan can feel his feet slipping. He digs into one of the handholds, but his fingers scrabble for purchase to no avail. He begins to fall. Soon after, a gasp escapes him. Just as he's about to panic, one of the anti-grav beams catches him and lowers him back to the ground. He looks around, and spots Crass. His jaw opens, but no words escape his lips.

Faashla is too agressive on her first few hand holds and she too falls back to the matt below. "Damn it." she scolds herself. She sees you fall, "Are you alright?" she asks, as she attempts to ascend again with even more vigour.

"No damage", the nurse says through a grunt. A moment passes, "Maybe just my pride", he says, smiling. He prepares for another go, surreptitiously lowering the program difficulty by a degree or two.

"I would blame the wall, but I am failing miserably here." Crass says as her next attempt also fails. She doesn't calm herself however, instead she once again attacks the wall. "This is not having its usual calming affect on me. How dare it." She nods to you, "You must try again."

"Oh I will". He poises himself to take another run at the wall. This time, he doesn't get more than two body lengths off the ground before he finds himself sliding back down. At least he remains on two feet, rather than a heap on the floor. He lets out a frustrated sigh. "Being on the Phoenix, I must do better", he says, unclear whether he's chiding himself or making a simple statement.

"My name is Faashla, science department." Crass announces. "and you are?" She composes herself a little this time, slowing her pace as she climbs the wall.

"I'm Lexin Elniz, medical", the denobulan says before making another attempt. He begins his climb upward, taking a bit more care this time, occasionally glancing around the room as he gains height.

Faashla continues to climb up slowly, mad at the wall for slowing her down. "Have you been climbing long? I do not mean today, but in general?"

"No, but I thought I'd take it up, both because our CMO as much ordered me to get a hobby, and, because of the Assur IV affair.", He continues up the wall, being a bit more strategic where he places his hands and feet. "I was on that mission, and it was a grueling, month-long affair."

"It was a pilgrimage of somekind?" Crass asks, "I did not attend that away mission, my work kept me busy aboard the ship." She too continues to climb, her footing and hand holds slowly returning to their once good form.

"The horsemen would have liked to think it such, yes. I, on the other hand, felt it was pointless. They could have brought their request directly to us." Spurred on by his efforts thus far - namely, not dropping back to the mat - Lex increases his pace a little.

Faashla springs to life a bit as she climbs quicker, trusting her feet to hold the weight as the arms do the directioning. "Not all missions are the best. The last one I was on, we ended up having to trudge through a huge pile of animal droppings. I like a good mudbath, but that was not fun."

Lex glances over, screws up his face, then keeps climbing. He seems to be getting the hang of it now He's a bit over half way when he takes a short pause. He wipes his brow then says, "Indeed. At least the Nitchilayans seem to be an interesting people. Their wormhole technology is impressive, even if it is at odds with some of their other tech."

"I have not had the opportunity to see their technology, only read the reports." Crass says, "I must speak with Lieutenant Ryu to find out why I was not included." Now at the top, Crass rappels down quickly and in one smooth drop. "It was well to meet you, Lexin Elniz. I look forward to climbing with you again."