RP Log: M'ir's Arrival

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Roleplay Log
  • Shuttlebay - Saucer <USS Phoenix>
  • Main Bridge <USS Phoenix>
  • Deck 6 - Central Corridor <USS Phoenix>
  • 129655.88
2024-03-14 00:05
Shuttlebay - Saucer <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
The largest internal compartment aboard the vessel is the primary shuttlebay of the saucer section. This cavernous expanse is over four decks tall, 125 meters in length, and 110 meters wide. The deck is labelled with a variety of symbols and markings to easily facilitate auxiliary craft procedures. There are 12 landing pads here, spread out evenly and used to refuel and/or provide external support to the auxiliary craft. Six of the landing pads can handle smaller vessels such as shuttlecraft, while the other six are designed for larger craft such as the Delta-Flyer class or Runabout. There are also additional storage racks for auxiliary vessels along both the port and starboard bulkheads, and a conveyor system along the ceiling for storage of up to six workbees.
Unlike some other vessels, there is no secondary shuttle storage facility above or below the bay. Massive blast doors can be raised and lowered at the aft of the bay to facilitate landings and takeoffs. A ladder near the fore of the bay leads up several decks to the shuttlebay control room.

The shuttle arrives after its long trip, as it lands the announcement is made for all newly arriving crew to report to the Lieutenant in charge of greeting newbies. That Lieutenant is standing on this side of the exit door of the bay.

Two weeks in a shuttle is torturous. Even the latest in Starfleet technology can't replace a proper-sized room, with a proper-sized sonic shower, and proper changes of clothes. Yet, even so, M'ir manages to make herself presentable prior to stepping off. Her fur smoothed, tufts not protruding from her uniform oddly, and somehow her pip is on straight. "Thank you," she comments to the pilot and smooths out her shirt a brief moment. Then, it's joining with the other newly arrived crew, with their equally torturous arrival, and equally thrown together military neatness. The Caitian makes her way into the queue, orders in hand, ready for her turn to //formally// arrive.

The Lieutenant goes through everyone individually, assigning some junior officer to escort them to their next destination. When he comes to you he asks, "Ensign ? and which department?"

Months, //years// of training and drilling and reporting in to various personnel and instructors doesn't quite prepare you for the first post-commissioned assignment, and the young officer's twitching tail is a literal tell-tale-tail of her nervousness at her reporting in. Other newly minted officers may have more sensitive nerves, but hers are on full display. "Ensign M'ir, sir. Exobiology, science department." The PADD holding her formal orders is extended to the Lieutenant for his review.

The Lieutenant first finds your name on the list he has, then verifies the orders in your possession. He nods to you, "Ensign Dalad, escort Ensign M'ir here up to the Captain's Ready room." He calls on the next newly arrived person.

Ensign Dalad leads you out. "This way."

Ensign M'ir merely nods, with the Lieutenant's swift and efficient handling of multiple crew not quite welcoming a more extended departure. She knows how it works, as even her own efficiency is reflected in her shift towards Ensign Dalad. "Yes, thank you," she acknowledges, bringing the PADD to her chest with one hand as the other clasps the strap of the duffel at her side.

Main Bridge <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
The main bridge is divided into three sections. Far to fore is an open area before the large viewscreen. This area also doubles as a walkway between the Captain and XO's offices to starboard and port respectively, the bridge staff breakroom to port, and a doorway to starboard which leads to the forward corridor and the conference room.
The central section, raised a single step from the forward section, is accessible from both sides. To the fore of this section are the helm and operations stations, with the XO, Captain, and Mission Specialist chairs at aft. The latter three stations are enclosed in a horseshoe like shape.
To both sides of the central horseshoe shape are ramps that lead up to the highest and largest tier of the bridge. On the starboard side is the engineering station with a large L-shaped console, and the damage control station behind it. To port is the communications station, again with a large L-shaped console, and behind it the science station. At the aft side of the horseshoe shape is the tactical station, and along the back wall are multiple auxiliary stations. Access to the saucer turbolift and a doorway leading aft are also available on this tier.

Shulon is circling the bridge, as he does sometimes. A slow pace, observing, looking over shoulders, the bridge crew used to it. He is currently near the rear of the bridge close to one of the science stations. His antennae curl toward the door briefly as it opens.

The newly commissioned Ensign M'ir is escorted by Ensign Dalad, fresh from the main shuttlebay full of new recruits who had been marinating in a shuttle for the past two weeks to get to this fresh assignment. One thing she hadn't anticipated was a direct order to report to the Captain's Ready Room. She had managed to clean herself up a bit, with the meager facilities on the shuttle and shared amongst the other transported crew, yet even that feels like an illusion of being presentable. With her duffel strapped over one shoulder, thumb hooked over the strap, and her orders in her other hand, she's fortunately given some head's up that the Captain is on the bridge, lest she perform a faux pas of bee-lining it past him and to his ready room doorway. That said, with the Captain's traveling of the bridge, she takes pause upon direct entry before finding the proper path without interfering with the work in progress. "Captain Shulon, sir," the Caitian greets, her tail twitching mildly with the nervousness of her first assignment. "Ensign M'ir, Exobiology, reporting for duty." And the PADD she had clutched in her other hand is offered forth.

Shulon smiles at Ensign Dalad, "Thank you", the ensign turns heel and re-enters the lift. Chill doesn't stop his circling of the bridge, but signals you to walk along with him, "Ensign M'ir. Exobiology." He smiles, "Good, we need more personnel in that department. Know anything about temporal displacement?"

The ensign takes the signal as its offered and falls in step with the Phoenix's captain. Her thumb, claw carefully withdrawn, rubs gently at the strap its hooked upon in order to otherwise keep her tail at bay, exchanging one nervous gesture for another less-obvious one. The question of temporal displacement briefly causes her lynx-like ears to perk, the tufts shifting slightly with the movement. She's clearly interested, despite the answer that's to come. "Only the base details from the mainline courses, sir," she admits.

Shulon nods slowly, "We seem to have stumbled into one, and its currently unclear if we're still in it, or feeling after affects, or", he shakes his head, "The short story is we went through an artifically generated wormhole and ended up 500 light years from here, and by the time we got back, saw ourselves entering that same wormhole. The earlier events repeating themselves." He stops walking briefly, "Any other scientific pursuits beyond exobiology?"

On the plus side, the shuttle with crew did manage to get here, so if the displacement is active, it's not unreachable. Ensign M'ir soaks up the brief rundown of the active events of the moment and her left ear twitches as she takes the information into consideration. This isn't a speculative scenario that will end at the completion of the class period. Some questions prickle at her fur, things she'll have to seek elaboration on, but they're placed briefly on the shelf by the quick pause to their walk. "I have considerable experience in genetics, as well, sir. I have a passion for the life sciences, and almost transitioned to medical."

Shulon continues his circling of the bridge, "Good, its never practical to stick to only one subject. Especially out here, you never know what you'll encounter." He takes a moment to tap something into a wall panel, "You'll need to speak with Jetrel, Lieutenant Ryu. She's the head of the life sciences department. Sadly, the science department as a whole doesn't currently have a lead, but Ryu will get your settled." he smiles about medical, "Speaking of, medical will one to do an intake physical. Be certain to seek them out when you can." He stops at the lift and presses the button on it. "Lets see if we can find the Life Sciences deck, there should be quarters available there so you can store your gear, and", he smiles, "get a two-week long shuttle ride out of your fur."

Ensign M'ir swiftly nods. //Lieutenant Ryu//. She commits the name to memory, at least long enough to last until she can better acquaint herself to the whole of the department she'll be working within. //Intake physical.// Another element to add to her list, although that one may wait until she's not shuffling around a duffel. Thankfully a matter the captain has already acknowledged. "Yes, sir. I shall do so swiftly." At the arrival of the turbolift, she pads forward towards the lift once more and the thumb that was rubbing against the duffel strap is once again clasping it. Onwards to Life Sciences.

Deck 6 - Central Corridor <USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A>
The corridors of the vessel are spacious and allow for easy access throughout the ship. The walls and bulkheads are an unpainted titanium that reflects a natural blue-like tinge. This is accentuated by horizontal and vertical inlays in the walls of a slightly darker blue tinge, creating a half-meter square tile-like effect. The carpeting down the center of the corridor is a deep maroon with a thin band of light-grey trim, then to the walls it is a roughly a half-meter wide mocha-colour. Recessed lighting in the ceiling and along the floor boards provides ample illumination, adjusting in colour as the alert status of the vessel changes. Black, glossy panelling runs intermittently along the bulkheads at shoulder height, allowing access to the LCARS interface.
To fore is Sensor Control, the Science Lounge, Cetacean Operations, and additional quarters. To aft are Cargo Bays 1 & 2.

Shulon exits the lift, "Ok, I must leave you now, but you are at least on the correct deck." he points forward down the corridor and at the doors here. "There are quarters along this corridor, simply !claim them from inside when you find a vacant one to your liking." He adds, "Familiarize yourself with this deck, and if you feel adventurous, there are two other decks for the science department, and over 30 others to get lost in." He smiles, "Welcome aboard M'ir, any questions before i go?"

There's at least a bit of ease that's regained in the scientist's senses as Ensign M'ir ceases the discomfort of the duffel strap digging into her shoulder and readjusts it as she exits the turbolift to look over the floor. //This// will be her home away from home for the duration of her assignment. While corridors are not unlike every other on dozens of other ships, she still tries to take in every detail. "Understood, sir. No questions here, sir," she is swift to reply, not wanting to hold the Commanding Officer's direct and singular attention for much longer. There is, after all, a potential temporal displacement to be concerned about... "Thank you, Captain. Everyone has been kind thus far."

Shulon smiles, "Good to have you." He returns towards the lift.