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Full Name: M'ir
Nickname: N/A
Species: Caitian
Gender: female
Birthplace: Ferasa
Birthdate: May 27, 2430
Empire: United Federation of Planets
Organization: Starfleet
Assignment: USS Kestrel NCC-97802
Billet: Exobiologist
Rank: Ensign

M'ir is an Ensign in Starfleet, serving aboard the USS Kestrel NCC-97802 as the Exobiologist, serving under Lieutenant Jetrel Ryu, Chief Science Officer.


The young Caitian's fur is a dusty brown intermixed with some gray and black, with a little bit of extra fluff and length than many of her fellow Caitians. Black accentuates her wide-set face, small stripes coming from her eyes, and flicked off her eartips, not unlike a Terran lynx or manul. Despite her heavy coat, she has a thick but muscular frame. Eyes of gold, nose of pink, sharp carnivorous teeth are all stark reminders that she's not like the furless humanoids. Her tail is long and fluffy, and could easily brush the floor when she walks with her bare foot paws.


Under the moons of Rea and Sura within the Ferasan sky, a pair of kits, M'ir and M'lar were born, healthy and strong additions to the Clan. It was 2430, and their bondmated parents M'ria and R'lir were educators within secondary education on their ancestral planet. Growing up under the parental guidance of two teachers, the standards that they were held to, and the work they had to put in, was rigorous. The fact that the pair of wombmates were inseperable eased their days, the stress relieved by the shared experience of their childhood.

In addition to their formal education, they were taught in all of the traditional martial arts of their people, with M'ir specializing in both the Toro Nai'hi and the artistic Ko'ti A'te. The young kits came to know their blades as well as their claws in their hunt, and could be deadly if required - their claws, however, were never meant for a sentient being, and their Oath cemented that.

To claim that there was hardship for the pair of kits would be overdramatic. If piles of homework were a traumatic experience, there might be something said about the action of their life, but the pair ended up only with the simple, common effects of growing up: studies, sporting, and social pressure. The fact that the siblings did everything together kept them both relatively safe from bad actors, even if it did stunt their growth in the matters of intimate friendships with others and courting - as if their parents would have permitted such to begin with. They had their share of friends and connections within the Clan, but no one truly close.

The excessive studies under the watchful eyes of their parents did prove fruitful as both siblings applied, and were accepted, to Starfleet Academy. M'lar followed his passion of tactical engineering, studying and working on the various beam weapons and ordinances of the greater Federation. M'ir, however, bucked the trend of the militaristic space navy by following her interest in exobiology and the sciences. Last minute, she declined the offer to continue to the medical academy, not wanting to separate her commissioning date from that of her twin.

Being solar systems away from their parents was a wake-up call for the two young and inexperienced Caitians, who had never been more than transporter distance from their guardians and the watchful support net of the Clan as a whole. They were now were faced with having to not only navigate their new educational requirements, but also now having to navigate cultural and social differences between them and the dozens, if not hundreds of different backgrounds they had to interact with day to day within Starfleet Academy. The guidelines in which they lived their lives on Ferasa were in some ways harsher than those of Starfleet Academy, particularly in survival skills, yet in matters of independence and individuality, something not as required within the safety of the Clan and the community around it, the two young Caits still had a lot to learn. They did not have the "it takes a village" support net of their home and the Clan; while they managed some unremarkable friendships, they only truly had each other.

In addition to her studies, M'ir picked up music, spending a few hours here or there simply enjoying the sound of the gitar she kept in her quarters. While she couldn't sing, she could strum a beautiful melody, and the tunes helped her connect to the cultures around her.

In 2452, the pair were commissioned and sent off onto their assignments, science officer and engineer, ready to serve. And, for once, they were no longer under the thumb, or claw, of their hovering scholarly parents. They were also, for the first time since they were born together, separated not just from the Clan but from each other across the stars. Now is when that newly discovered independence counts, nerves permitting.

Awards and Accolades

  • First Contact Ribbon

Service Record

Stardate Detail
128749.31 Inducted: Starfleet
132749.31 Graduated: Starfleet Academy
129655.05 Promotion to Ensign
129655.05 Assigned to USS Phoenix NCC-170100-A
129655.74 Assigned to billet 'Exobiologist'
130485.51 Decoration: First Contact Ribbon
130693.23 Transferred to USS Kestrel NCC-97802
130698.93 Assigned to billet 'Exobiologist'