RP Log: Sunbathing

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Roleplay Log
  • USS Hornet
  • 131557.7
2024-09-04 17:45
Bridge <USS Hornet NCC-92007>
Situated at the top of the vessel and near the midpoint is the main bridge. Unlike most capital-ship designs the bridge has no wasted space as space is at a premium on this smaller craft. In the center of the bridge is the Captain's chair, positioned on a swiveled base so he or she can easily turn to face the ring of stations circling the center. From port to starboard the consoles are: Engineering, Damage Control, Operations, Helm, Tactical, and Weapons Control. While not specifically designated, any of the console can double as the science console, but that is rarely the use of this vessel. This places the helm and operations stations at the fore of the bridge, just below the curving viewscreen that fills the forward bulkhead.
The ambience is subdued with simple lighting eminating both from overhead panelling and from the consoles themselves. The walls and carpet are of a light grey, with a burgundy highlight running up the bulkhead braces and along the edges of the carpet.

Ensign Suvatt arrives from Deck 1 - Starboard Corridor.

[Crass's Commbadge] Sending request for communication to Lieutenant Commander LePage.

Suvatt enters and approaches you. "Ensign, do we have permission to depart?"

Crass shakes her head, "Trying to get some. But I think we should just go anyways. This is important, and can't sit here all week."

"I agree that sitting and waiting is illogical." Suvatt says, "But, if we do not have permission."

You double tap your commbadge.

[Crass's Commbadge] Connection to Lieutenant Commander LePage terminated.

You tap your commbadge and speak into it.

[Crass's Commbadge] Sending request for communication to Captain Ki'Vek.

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 (AntAUX): Hornet to Antares, requesting departure clearance.]

[Tactical Console: Antares Ship Yards (AntAUX): For what purpose, USS Hornet?]

"As I indicated, we do not have permission." Suvatt says.

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 (AntAUX): To perform the approved experiment to erradicate the infection in this vessel's armor.]

[Crass's Commbadge] Communications channel to Captain Ki'Vek open - audio only.

[Crass's Commbadge] Ki'Vek says, "Ki'Vek."

Crass clears her throat. "Ahem, Captain. I got you. Good. We're ready to go."

[Crass's Commbadge] "Go?" asks the snake. "Go where, and to whom do you refer when you say, we?"

Suvatt nods once, silently.

"I tried to get ahold of Commander LePage, but he didn't pick up. I also tried Commander Temple, but he wasn't available." Crass grunts, "Suvatt and I are here. We need to solve this armor infection, Captain. I want to take USS Hornet through the procedure Commander LePage and I worked out." She says, "I would argue, with a minimal crew, we're putting less people at risk should it not work."

"There is logic in Lieutenant Crass' statement, Captain." Suvatt says.

[Crass's Commbadge] "Quite so," Ki'Vek replies. "I'm aware of your line certification which qualifies you for command in certain operations. This it is an extraordinary task, however, and I'm concerned about your lack of command experience. This it is true for both of you."

Crass grunts, "We really need to know if this works or not Captain. If it does, excellent, if it doesn't, we need to think of other solutions. But right now, we are just waiting. Which is a waste of time."

Suvatt says, "A logical deduction. However, the Captain is correct. Our lack of command experience for a critical mission, could put gaining accurate results in jeopardy."

[Crass's Commbadge] "My concern it is not based primarily on the accuracy of the results you would collect," says the Captain. "The matter is one of safety and protocol. I'm afraid I can't allow the two of you to take a Sao Paulo class vessel on your own, regardless of the mission." There's a long pause before she adds, "What I /can/ do, however, is accompany you to supervise. Lieutenant Crass, you will command the mission with me there to observe only, unless an emergency situation it should arise. Is that acceptable to you?"

Crass smiles then frowns then smiles, "It could be risky Captain. Too risky to risk the captain." She snorts, "But if it is the only way we will proceed, then it must be."

Suvatt reports, "Systems are ready for departure."

[Crass's Commbadge] Ki'Vek says, "Very well. I'll be there momentarily. Is there anything further?"

"Medical is standing by with the innoculations." Crass grunts, "As ordered by Doctor Sawyer."

[Crass's Commbadge] "Excellent," says the snake. "I'm on my way. Ki'Vek out."

[Crass's Commbadge] Captain Ki'Vek double taps her commbadge.

[Crass's Commbadge] Connection to Captain Ki'Vek terminated.

Suvatt says, "I am glad we did not need to steal the ship."

"Could have been fun." Crass grunts, "But, we need to find out of this works."

Suvatt nods, "Agreed."

>Intercom< Captain Ki'Vek says, "Ki'Vek to bridge, I'm aboard and going to medical for precautionary radiation treatment. I'll be up to the bridge after that. You may depart once you have clearance from Ops."

>Intercom< Lieutenant (jg) Crass says, "Understood"

[Tactical Console: Antares Ship Yards (AntAUX): You are clear for departure, USS Hornet.]

Crass smiles, "Taking us out."

An echo runs through the hull as the docking clamps disengage.

[Tactical Console: Laying in course to Koralis]

Crass asks, "Do we have a armor cruise profile?"

Suvatt nods, "Loaded and ready."

"I've set course for the star, can you deploy the armor and watch for the infection?" Crass asks.

[Tactical Console: Deploying armor]

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 is quickly and systematically covered in protective armor.]

Captain Ki'Vek arrives from Deck 1 - Starboard Corridor.

Suvatt nods, "Armor deployed. I will first program Commander LePage's rotation program into the navigation computer." "Captain on the bridge."

Crass grunts, "Right. Thank you." She smiles at Ki'Vek, "I need to remain at this station, if that is ok Captain. The information I need is here."

Ki'Vek slithers in and stops not too far from the door. "I understand," she says to Crass. "Has everyone here been inoculated?" she asks, looking from one officer to the next.

Suvatt nods to Ki'Vek, "Affirmative, Captain." He reports, "We are 20 light seconds from the chromosphere. The program has been installed and is ready to execute upon reaching optimal distance."

Crass grunts and taps her shoulder, "I was the first." She takes a long breath, "OK, we're about ready I think. The computer should start to give out warnings if we get too close, but we need to be close. So expect those."

>Intercom< Lieutenant (jg) Crass says, "All hands, prepare for approaching the Koralis sun. There may be proximity alarms. That is to be expected."

Ki'Vek tips her leathery head forward in a single nod. "Very well," she says. "Then please, continue." She slithers over to the operations console and logs in to observe.

Crass asks Suvatt, "Armor is active and deployed?"

Suvatt nods, "Confirmed."

Lieutenant (jg) Crass enters an alert code on the nearest computer interface panel.

A computer generated voice says, "Yellow Alert! All stations set condition yellow!"

Crass says, "Taking us in."

[Tactical Console: Warning: radiation and gravimetric stresses at extreme levels due to proximity to nearby stellar object]

Crass asks, "What is the exterior temperature, are we close enough?"

[Tactical Console: Warning: radiation and gravimetric stresses at extreme levels due to proximity to nearby stellar object]

Suvatt reports, "6,500 degrees kelvin. Hot enough. Radiation levels increasing."

Crass grunts, "Start up the rotation program."

Suvatt starts up the program.

[Tactical Console: Warning: radiation and gravimetric stresses at extreme levels due to proximity to nearby stellar object]

Ki'Vek keeps an eye on ship systems, but doesn't interrupt.

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 slowly turns on the long-axis, exposing each side of the vessel to the extreme heat of the star.]

[Tactical Console: A solar flare reaches out towards the tiny little ship.]

"Solar flare detected." Suvatt reports, "Armor temperature at 7,500 degress Kelvin."

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 circles once fully then slowly begins to turn on the y axis, continuing to bathe the armor in extreme heat.]

Crass asks, "Any signs of the infection in the armor still?"

Suvatt asks, "Computer, what is the current infection level of nanotech armor."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

[Tactical Console: Warning: radiation and gravimetric stresses at extreme levels due to proximity to nearby stellar object]

Suvatt says, "Radiation exposure approaching maximum safe levels."

A computer generated voice says, "0% infection detected in armor system."

Ki'Vek simply nods once, still staring at her board.

Crass says, "reversing course, getting us out of here."

Ki'Vek does then speak up. "Lieutenant, it would be best if we kept our distance from the station, as there are multiple ships there with infected armor systems."

Crass grunts at Ki'Vek, "Commander LePage and I discussed that a little as well Captain. Neither of us had a solution however. Where to park the clean ship, or ships, while the others are being cleaned. He did propose though, flying auxiliary craft in formation around the mother ship, so everyone is cleaned at the same time."

Suvatt says, "Computer, re-analyze the hull and verify the infection is no longer present."

A computer generated voice says, "Working..."

A computer generated voice says, "No infection detected in nanotech armor."

Crass performs an awkward little shuffle dance. "Yay!"

Ki'Vek listens to the response from the computer, then nods to Crass. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. And to you as well, Ensign." She nods at Suvatt as well. To Crass again she asks, Do we know the minimum safe distance between an infected vessel and an uninfected one to prevent transmitting the virus?"

"Indeed, congratulations Lieutenant." Suvatt bows his head. "Orders?"

Crass looks down, "No Captain. We know ships docked at the same station will transmit it to one another, but" she snorts, "To be safe, a hundred light seconds, maybe a thousand? That is well outside transporter range too."

"One thousand may be excessive." Suvatt says, "We are currently 208 light seconds from USS Azetbur. If 1,000 were required, we would be risking infection even now."

Suvatt says, "I would suggest somewhere outside the regular flow of traffic to and from the station."

Crass grunts, "Maybe at the edge of the system then. Until we know for sure." She smiles, "But how do we get back ourselves?"

Ki'Vek nods. "Precisely. So, we have some options to explore here," she says. "We can spend some time slowly approaching the station and keep checking for the infection to see at what range we are again infected, thereby determining for certain the minimum safe distance." She pauses to get the reaction from the others on that.

Suvatt nods to Ki'Vek, "We know that exposure to a significant heat source and the rotation maneuver is successful, it could be applied again, should this vessel reaquire the infection."

"I hate doing things twice." Crass grunts, "But, we could at least try approaching to transporter range. I can set the sensors to regularly scan for signs of the infection reappearing."

Ki'Vek holds up one long leathery finger. "Another option," she continues. "Is to put Hornet in orbit of Koralis III, well over a hundred light seconds from the station, and monitor for the same infection. This it will not determine the precise safe minimal distance, but we will know that at least that distance specifically should be safe."

Crass grunts, "I like that option Captain. High orbit. The ship will be safe while we do this to the Azetbur, and what else?"

Suvatt says, "Current vessels at Antares Ship Yards with armor include, USS Azetbur, USS Coffey, USS Shiloh, USS Irrawaddy, Ice-02, USS Didessa, and Firebird-00."

"We can have non-armored shuttles carry us between the ships and the station," Ki'Vek says. "It will take longer, but it will help to insure that everything it stays clean."

"This is going to take awhile." Crass grunts, "At least we don't have to do every ship in the fleet ourselves. But until they are all disinfected we have to be sure to keep a distance."

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 (AntAUX): Antares, can you send a shuttle out to get us. One without armor.]

"Security protocols will need to be created and established to prevent infected vessels from approaching and docking at locations cleared of the infection." Suvatt says. "As well as preventing ships from interfacing directly unless confirmation is received."

Crass grunts, "Orbit profile. Retract the armor."

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 quickly and systematically retracts its protective armor.]

Ki'Vek nods.

Crass asks Ki'Vek, "Do you have a preference for which ship goes next, and after that, Captain?"

[Tactical Console: Shuttle Collins (AntAUX): Shuttle Collins requesting open doors and launch clearance from the port hangar.]

[Tactical Console: Antares Ship Yards's Port Hangar doors begin to open.]

[Tactical Console: Antares Ship Yards (AntAUX): Doors are open, you are clear for launch Collins.]

Ki'Vek nods once. "Azetbur, and then we'll see about Coffey, I believe," she replies. Glancing up at the lighting she adds, "If I may recommend, Captain, that we stand down from yellow alert?"

[Tactical Console: Shuttle Collins launches from Antares Ship Yards.]

[Tactical Console: Shuttle Collins zooms out of the hangar and sets course for USS Hornet.]

Crass snorts, "captain"

Lieutenant (jg) Crass enters an alert code on the nearest computer interface panel.

A computer generated voice says, "Alert status has been cancelled. All personnel, all sections, stand down from alert status."

[Tactical Console: The Shuttlebay doors begin to open.]

Crass says, "Opening the bay doors. I can't close them though, once we're off the ship."

[Tactical Console: USS Hornet NCC-92007 (AntAUX): You are clear for landing Shuttle Collins.]

Suvatt says, "I will make a schedule for the other vessels to be disinfected, Captain. USS Azetbur and USS Coffey getting priority."

[Tactical Console: Shuttle Collins maneuvers in and lands at USS Hornet NCC-92007.]

Ki'Vek nods to Suvatt. "Very well. Thank you, Ensign."

"Thank you for coming aboard Captain." Crass snorts, "I'm glad it worked out and we didn't all die."

Ki'Vek says, "You've done well, Lieutenant."